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Legal Caregiver

headband 707

Plant whisperer
Well why don't you give them a call yourself >>> as herb is already legal for me.. perhaps things have changed and yes your right there are very specific rules but I still have this info and it says chronic pain. It also says you don't need to go to a specialist anymore and that there are 3 catagories and catagory #1 and #2 are now joinded I believe.. peace out Headband707
Headband I don't doubt you know your Sh!t but it does make sense that chronic pain isn't a diagnosis and is just a symptom. Now obviously HC wouldn't believe anyone who just walks in and claims they have chronic pain and they'd need some sort of diagnosis for what causes said pain... Would like to see if they have in fact joined the two categories now though. Definitely an informative thread, and I appreciate the feedback! Now my friends in the process of being tested for MS so I was hoping that with such a condition it wouldn't be AS difficult for me to get a legal caregiver license but by the sounds of it....it isn't going to be easy:(

headband 707

Plant whisperer
Okay you need to start here this is a list of conditions for the clubs.

Okay you need to start here this is a list of conditions for the clubs.

The following is a list of some conditions and the associated symptoms for which there exists research and anecdotal evidence of cannabis being used successfully. Please note that this list is not exhuastive:

AIDS/HIV - Improves appetite and relieves nausea.

ADHD - Calms and encourages focus.

Arthritis - Used as an anti-inflammatory and to help reduce pain.

Brain/Head Injury - Relief from chronic pain and headaches. Increases focus, concentration, and mobility. Decreases neuralgia.

Cancer - Pain relief, increased appetite, decreased nausea, sleep aid.

Colitis - Alleviates pain, spasms and diarrhea.

Chemotherapy - Helps to reduce or relieve nausea and vomiting.

Crohn's Disease - Alleviates pain, spasm and diarrhea.

Epilepsy - Reduces seizure frequency.

Fibromyalgia - Pain relief.

Glaucoma - Reduces inter-ocular pressure.

Hepatitis C - Decreases fatigue, nausea, and chronic pain in muscles and joints. Increases appetite.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome - Increases appetite, aids in digestion, relieves diarrhea, and decreases bowel spasms.

Migraines - Relieves migraines.

Multiple Sclerosis - Reduces spasticity, pain, fatigue, bladder problems and depression.

Muscular Dystrophy - Relieves muscle spasms and pain. Improves mobility and appetite. Aids in sleep.

Nausea - Highly effective in relieving nausea.

Chronic Pain - Reduces pain.

Paraplegia/Quadriplegia - Relieves muscle spasms and neuralgia.

Parkinson's Disease - Reduces tremors, spasms, and pain. Increases mobility and appetite.

Radiation Therapy - Relieves nausea and vomiting. Increases appetite and energizes.

Seizure Disorders - Reduces seizure frequency.

Sleep Disorders - Sleep aid.

Substance Addiction and Withdrawal - Decreases cravings, reduces withdrawal symptoms, reported to help addicts stay off hard drugs.

headband 707

Plant whisperer
The list is actually bigger but shit bro your making me type it all out LOL LOL>> I hate typing and a bunch of others are in there.. peace out Headband707

headband 707

Plant whisperer
Headband I don't doubt you know your Sh!t but it does make sense that chronic pain isn't a diagnosis and is just a symptom. Now obviously HC wouldn't believe anyone who just walks in and claims they have chronic pain and they'd need some sort of diagnosis for what causes said pain... Would like to see if they have in fact joined the two categories now though. Definitely an informative thread, and I appreciate the feedback! Now my friends in the process of being tested for MS so I was hoping that with such a condition it wouldn't be AS difficult for me to get a legal caregiver license but by the sounds of it....it isn't going to be easy:(

Yes it usually is and you take pain pills for a reason and chronic pain is one of those reasons. Remember that you need to go back every year and get this done by the doc over and over.HC doesn't believe anyone who walks in so your doctor has to say you have chronic pain and your records have to support it.Whenever you go into a doc's office always get a copy of your record then and there. Ppl in chronic pain are usually in it for a reason and if they can't alleviate that pain and choose to use cannabis then so be it. Our medical system would rather you take their pills. Now if you were to say to the doctors we will give you a vacation to Hawaii for every 100 patients you sign up for medical cannabis . They would be lined up at the door lol..I'm not telling anyone it's easy because it's not and it's our doctors that make it difficult and for this they should truly be ashamed of themselves and throw their oath out the window. Luckily their are ppl still helping out their and I'm thankful for them lol.. Don't give up as it does work out and if I can help out I will peace out Headband707:dance013:
I understand what you are saying bro but this list has nothing at all to do with a Cat 1 exemption, like nothing at all... It may help convience a GP to sign for a Cat 2, with a specialist's report (which is still indeed needed) but this list has nothing to do with Health Canada... Their is a major difference in joining a medical club and getting licensed via MMAR... There is still 2 categories, which can only change via legislation. I have no idea where you are getting your info bro but it is not coming from HC... I too am legal but still need to submit my renewal papers every year...

I am honestly not quite sure what you are arguing...

MJ 51 - If your buddy has MS, even probable MS with spasticity then he can qualify for Cat 1, with you being his Designated Grower, You will need a criminal record check done that you will submit with his application and section G or something... They make it dounting but it is doable, I did it... Good luck
No one ever said that you can not be licensed for Chronic Pain, in fact I SAID I was first licensed for Chronic Centralized Pain Syndrome, which is Chronic pain with is caused by the Central Nervous System... I was licensed as a Cat 2 exemptee and needed a report from my pain management specialist ( who is a neurologist who specialize's in neurological pain).

After I recieved an updated diagnosis' of MS, I reapplied instead of renewed to Cat 1, I only required a Diagnosis of MS with spasticity, no specialist report...

There are nemerous types of chronic pain, from tooth pain, to migraines, to numerous pain syndromes, these are all different and to just lump them to together and say that all of them even qualify for a Cat 2 would be misleading but to say that they all qualify for cat 1 is kinda crazy... Wishful thinking is great but the law is the law.

Yes it usually is and you take pain pills for a reason and chronic pain is one of those reasons. Remember that you need to go back every year and get this done by the doc over and over.HC doesn't believe anyone who walks in so your doctor has to say you have chronic pain and your records have to support it.Whenever you go into a doc's office always get a copy of your record then and there. Ppl in chronic pain are usually in it for a reason and if they can't alleviate that pain and choose to use cannabis then so be it. Our medical system would rather you take their pills. Now if you were to say to the doctors we will give you a vacation to Hawaii for every 100 patients you sign up for medical cannabis . They would be lined up at the door lol..I'm not telling anyone it's easy because it's not and it's our doctors that make it difficult and for this they should truly be ashamed of themselves and throw their oath out the window. Luckily their are ppl still helping out their and I'm thankful for them lol.. Don't give up as it does work out and if I can help out I will peace out Headband707:dance013:

headband 707

Plant whisperer
I understand what you are saying bro but this list has nothing at all to do with a Cat 1 exemption, like nothing at all... It may help convience a GP to sign for a Cat 2, with a specialist's report (which is still indeed needed) but this list has nothing to do with Health Canada... Their is a major difference in joining a medical club and getting licensed via MMAR... There is still 2 categories, which can only change via legislation. I have no idea where you are getting your info bro but it is not coming from HC... I too am legal but still need to submit my renewal papers every year...

I am honestly not quite sure what you are arguing...

MJ 51 - If your buddy has MS, even probable MS with spasticity then he can qualify for Cat 1, with you being his Designated Grower, You will need a criminal record check done that you will submit with his application and section G or something... They make it dounting but it is doable, I did it... Good luck

Bro one thing I'm not agruing lol and I do know one is the club and Cat #1 and #2 is different then the club lol bra ..
I put that there to show ppl where this starts lol.. It falls under the whole chronic pain thing lol..
I get my info from the clubs and Marjuana News. They have also hired a bunch of new ppl over at HC to help out how shitty they have been.They also put out a paper to the doctors telling them that cannabis wasn't so bad afterall lol.peace out Headband707:tiphat:


Active member
Not wrong at all, read YOUR own information. I am licensed and have been for 5 years... I started out as a Cat 2 for Chronic Pain because in order for chronic pain to be considered a Cat 1 is if you are diagnosed with a Cat 1 condition, which are basically Cancer, AIDS, MS, and very bad Arthritis. There is NO CAT one Condition called CHRONIC Pain, Chronic Pain is a symptom and not a diagnosis. So no actually I am 100% correct, it is you that's wrong, wrong, wrong.

lo haha looks like severe pain is a symptom in cat 1, just like me and my spinal cord / brain injury, lol d
Not wrong at all, read YOUR own information. I am licensed and have been for 5 years... I started out as a Cat 2 for Chronic Pain because in order for chronic pain to be considered a Cat 1 is if you are diagnosed with a Cat 1 condition, which are basically Cancer, AIDS, MS, and very bad Arthritis. There is NO CAT one Condition called CHRONIC Pain, Chronic Pain is a symptom and not a diagnosis. So no actually I am 100% correct, it is you that's wrong, wrong, wrong.

hi you seeom to know what you are talkign about. my husbands sister is 21 years old, has just had her first cancer sadly, her dr. told her he'd give her prescriptions for mj, and we were wondering how hard it would be to grow legally to be her caregiver. does HC have a site with all the info about this sort if thing. I tried looking but couldn't find anything helpful . thx


Active member
dont tell them, just put it at the grow address then do what you have to for her, a caregiver is a whole other application and review process, peace, d

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