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Led vs t5

great comments on the led panels.im runnin three 600w lights and have a family of three to boot and run 250 a month. my bill has went up 100 a month for 3 600w lights..so if an average grow takes ninety days im okay with spending 300 in electircity for almost a pound per light!

So either step your game up to a bigger space or dont bother.If it takes 90 days and a bunch of risk to get under a qp youve wasted your time.Id stick with the hps and maximize harvest,or step down in wattage.no point in investing more money in another light that will not produce what you can already get with your light.my two cent


New member
Hi Wonderwomen,when you switch to the Gaslantern Routine 12/1 than u save ca.30%strom and the plants grow very nice and quick ! When u change to 400watt than u save 50% strom against 600watt&18/6 !

grüße aus Europa


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
From what/whose results do you draw your conclusions?

If it's crap chinese leds, then buy better leds. Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater

What numbers are you doing under your LEDs? How many watts?

The saving of 300w would have to be worth at least the outlay on panels + the drop in yield. Otherwise it's just a bad decision.


Active member
I'm looking to draw my conclusion from your opinion/results flora. that's why I asked you the question bro.

What numbers do you get from your LEDs and what wattage are they?

I made an observation, not a conclusion. The outlay on panels + the loss in yield would have to be justified by what loss in yield there was vs the outlay on electricity. That's not an opinion it's a fact. I'm not making a conclusion one way or the other son. Just want to know.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
You have to realize that bad grow results are usually the fault of ignorant consumers buying crap. 4 years ago, I was one of them. Even today ~ 95% of the led grow market is crap.

I decided to educate myself and began studying led tech, as I felt it was the future.

Well, for small mj growers the future is NOW, and, will likely make several quantum jumps over the next 3-5 years, some will be lumen output, but most will be the hardware supporting the leds

Sadly, IC does not have a thriving led community. I have been doing my part (more than 3 led grow threads), but people just don't get it.

My new thread will be starting soon, just waiting on medman Silver Skunk BX1 seeds to fire it up

In the meantime, check out my current grow thread; just harvested 120+gms under ~ 220w of leds. It should have been a lot more,, BUT, I miscalculated how much Sea Crop minerals when I mixed a fresh batch of nutes ~ 4 weeks ago, and burnt the shit out the plants. That they recovered is a testament to hydro

Stay tuned

I'm looking to draw my conclusion from your opinion/results flora. that's why I asked you the question bro.

What numbers do you get from your LEDs and what wattage are they?

I made an observation, not a conclusion. The outlay on panels + the loss in yield would have to be justified by what loss in yield there was vs the outlay on electricity. That's not an opinion it's a fact. I'm not making a conclusion one way or the other son. Just want to know.


Active member
Truth is though PF, that in terms of productivity/efficiency/cost there's still no reason to consider swapping a 600w hps for 300w of led. You'd be better of harvesting 15-20oz from 600w then shutting down for a few months than you would continually running 300w to get that amount over a longer period.
just popping in to say that it has nothing to do with the cost of the light or the yieldlosses.
now I have managed +- 1gpw with my current technique

With my 1.2 x 1.2 x 2.0 tent and scrog I know I can get more than enough fine herb for my own personal use even if it was with LEDs rather than HPS.


the cost of a light and how much yield you get per watt are 2 key factors in calculating how much it costs to produce your product. I'm confused. You started this thread saying you need to cut your electrical costs but yet these other factors are just as important?


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
You underestimate what quality leds are doing

Do your homework

Truth is though PF, that in terms of productivity/efficiency/cost there's still no reason to consider swapping a 600w hps for 300w of led. You'd be better of harvesting 15-20oz from 600w then shutting down for a few months than you would continually running 300w to get that amount over a longer period.


Active member
You underestimate what quality leds are doing

Do your homework

You're right, I don't have a great knowledge of what are the best Led panels on the market, how much they cost, or what numbers I could expect to do with them. So instead of posting vague answers, why don't you just give me some numbers? I've asked you directly three times now and you haven't answered once yet. You're using them, you've obviously got more knowledge of the market than I have, so why not just post up some figures?

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