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LED Marijuana Blooms

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Hey everyone. I'm brand new to this forum, but was invited here by some of the users who know me on Grasscity. Anyhow, I make LED grow lights specifically tailored for growing marijuana, and I thought I'd post progress photographs from two different grows that I'm currently involved with.

This first set of pictures, were taken on 8-21-09, and show several of my plants, under 3, 126W LED arrays.

On 8-28-09, I added 3 more 126W units, over my 2' x 4' aeroponics tray:

I currently have 6 more, 126W units to place over my other 2' x 4' aero tray, that should be arriving in several days.
These are pictures from a friend's garden. Unlike my plants, most of which are only 1-2 weeks into bloom, hers are a bit farther along. They are running 4, 126W units, for a total of 504W LED. These pictures were taken 8-22-09

These images were taken 8-26-09

These ones were taken last night, 9-1-09 (most plants are about 5 weeks):

By the way, the cola below, is longer than the PH bottle, and one of MANY this size.

Yep, one room is using 504W, and I'm using 756W LED. In both rooms, we're using the same aero systems, with 2' x 4' trays. I'll soon have my second set of 756W, to hang over my other tray, giving me a total of 1512W LED for my room. In the past, I ran 4, 1000W HID, then 3, 1000W HID over the same area.


Active member
Interesting. I'm watching.

Question though: why no scrog? A scrog would seem to be rather ideal for LED growing - or so it would seem.

But not many LED scrog grows - or at least pics of same - on the net.


Active member
Thats some shit right there, LED is definitely gonna be the way of the future. So much less heat
My friend uses a perpetual cycle, Sea of Green method (though she hasn't mastered it yet lol). In my own garden, I also use a SOG method, but a lot better suited. I will be switching to SCrog after this cycle, and once I move into a new place.

So long as you use sufficient panels for your grow space, the lights have no problems with penetration. Most LED's use 120 degree lenses, which shoot light out towards your walls, and in your eyes. Our LED's are 60 degree, making sure to aim all the light at your plants.

If you think of a flashlight beam, you can adjust it to a wide, dim beam or a narrow, bright beam. The LED's we use, produce a brighter beam vs most other LED's on the market, carrying 100% of the light energy down into your canopy, so it is able to penetrate. The 60 degree LED can grow a plant up to 3'. If you're growing them taller, we make 30 degrees available as well. The reason we're having such great results in bloom, is because of the ability of our lights to penetrate, on top of the spectrum we used, which is tailored specifically for weed.
The bud under LED, has literally never known stress. When your plant has never undergone stress, it produces much healthier buds. According to a High Times article, a year or two ago, plants under LED produce higher amounts of resins. In looking at both blooms, I can see that the plants are producing more resin, than they had previously under HID (I've grown the same cloned strains for the last several years). The buds are also more compact, forming denser colas than what I'd usually see under HID. LED's definitely take a huge obstacle out of gardening, as every grower has battled the issue of heat stress at one time or another, and knows how devastating even 12 hours can be, if your room goes over 95. A HID bulb operates between 450 - 650 degrees Fahrenheit. Our LED's never reach over 105 degrees, and have cooling fans built-in to keep the boards cooled. You can place them almost on top of your leaves if you want to.
Anyhow, they have a higher initial cost, but they pay off over time. If you switched from a 400W HID to a 126W LED, you'd immediately cut your power bill by almost 70%. Your plants will never know heat stress, so you'll always be able to produce optimum yields. Our LED's retain 70% of their initial light output, after 50,000 hours of continuous use (that's like 6 straight years), so there's no bulbs or ballasts to replace. Anyhow, the benefits are amazing, when you use a properly designed LED light. A lot of LED lights out there, just don't cut it, which has given the market a pretty bad name over the last few years. That's why I began designing, researching, and making my own, and testing my various designs on marijuana. Being a medical patient, I have that luxury :)
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Tom 'Green' Thumb
I always looked the other way when it came to LED's, but now I see yours I have regained interest. \i love the way the systems are put together and the light seems much brighter with your LED's. I assume this is because of the 60 degree vbulbs you use. I am very interested.

I have a friend whom just spent 5000 dollars on lED;s, I have to show him yours. I am sure he willl be sad he didnt do enough research. Congratulations on making a good idea even better. I can see LEDs being the way of the future. I NEVER would have said that before seeing your pictures. I;ll be watching intently.



very interesting stuff, can you have those with european voltage and plug?
I don't mean to start a flame but why is the l.e.d light much lower than the mh..That alone would make it grow much slower.


400 mh puts somewhat heat and ir radiation. Of course cooltube could help with heat.


Assistant Weekend Trailer Park Superviser
I've always know of the benfits of a proper LED setup but was never willing to shell out the cash. Its really good to see some one that knows what their doing when it comes to LED's.Though I was wondering if the fans in your panels were really necessary?

BTW what spectrum are you using (in NM).
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