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LED instead of Flouressent.


Hey guys, i am bout to take some clones, have been reading, on this page:http://www.cannabisculture.com/articles/4118.html

and some others, that has had similar suggestions as to the amount of lumen that would be optimal.

Got all the good stuff for em otherwise warmed up little green houses and nutri. But i have some LED lamps 200 W blue/white spectrum they are on 13 000 lum , and since half of the lum is reduced by 50% each feet. This lamps would be only projection 7500. The article mention 6000 Lum per square feet. I willl the same area . So was wondering, should not these LED be equaly good as Flours?


Blue Light (350 – 500 NW) powers chlorophyll production, powers cell actively, energies the stomata movement and makes the plant follow light.
PAR with LED is 100 %, i have had very good results with LED in Veg state, but then from grown from seed.
Thanks in advance, hope the article was not confusing.


Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death !!
If ya already have em then use em. But I would go buy any more. very expensive. For clones you really only need cheap floros. You can use CFLs or tube type.

Here is my set up for clones:
Total cost for fixtures is around 50 bucks to cover 4 trays worth of clones.


And the roots after 10 daysI had just finish painting a wall


Hope that helps.
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weed fiend
I used leds in veg for a short while. Plant size and stem structure were acceptable but cfls grow much bigger leaves.


p1rate you gowlng those cuts ln rapld rooters? them roots are maglc, what temps? l can't get roots l1ke that


Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death !!
p1rate you gowlng those cuts ln rapld rooters? them roots are maglc, what temps? l can't get roots l1ke that
Yes. GH Rapid Rooters. (the best)

I use Dip & Grow rooting compound, lights on 24/7, heat mat with temperatures in the 75 to 80*F range and roots appear within 10 days (14 MAX) last run I took 150 and 4 did not root. And 2 of those were from me screwing with em looking for roots. This is my usual rate of return, give or take. Ambient clone shelf temperature is around 80*.

The heat mat is on a dimmer (or controller for 30 bucks) so I can control the heat accurately. I use a cooking thermometer and stick it THROUGH a plug and let it touch the bottom of the tray.
See Thermometer in the dome to the left:

If using the trays........I dump 32 Oz's of water (1 quart) (I use tap & don't even PH it) into the bottom of the tray so the rooters can suck it up over the course of a week or so. Once a day I might open the dome just to add fresh air and then close it again. After 5 days I open the vents on the top of the domes, after 7 or 8 days I prop the dome open at the bottom as seen in photo above to create a draft flowing through, once I see roots I open the dome a lot more or remove it completely. As soon as I see the bottom of the tray dry at any time........I would dump in another 32 ounces of water to keep the rooters wet. Once the dome is open you must keep the rooters moist every day.

I've tried a shit load of scenarios and methods with the rooters / tray and dome and that's whats been working best. (rooting GEL sucks IMO) use the liquid type. It penetrates INTO the cell walls better. The gel will get smeared off of a clone when its stuck into the rooter. The liquid cannot because its soaked into the clone stem like a sponge.

I use tweezers to break of a small piece of rooting plug and stuff that into the pre-made hole in the plug, closing it up fairly tight. Then when I cut the clone, I use the tweezers to punch a new hole for the cutting. This makes a tighter fit for the stem. OR Stick the stem into the pre-made hole and stuff a small piece of the rooter in with it closing up any gaps. There must not be any air pockets for the clone to root properly.

It works for me.

I hope we didn't HIJACK this thread. No offense meant Brus.:noway:
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Dude u have helped me so much!!!!, will deff be using ur method ur result speak for its self


okay, i did a test run with the clones, testet a many diffrent things, but as far as the light goes, no prob what soever with LE , and yes they are the same as CFLS only higher wat, but when they run out i will be using CFLS , they cover a lot more area. and a way cheaper


A recent grow was recorded comparing Led to HPS. (sorry can't remember where I read it. Try to google led vs. hps)) The Led was easily out performed. Of course this was in the flowering stage. Led's are a step in the right direction. They just need to improve the light spectrum & output to be at par with HIDs. In the meantime, I'll stick with the floro's & HPS. :)