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LED GROW TEST. 126W hydro grow led VS. 180W pro source LED LIGHT

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rory rambo

New member
thats really looking good, that gravity is really kicking in now i take it? have you had to tie any other branches off so they dont fall over from the weight? haha


thats really looking good, that gravity is really kicking in now i take it? have you had to tie any other branches off so they dont fall over from the weight? haha

i wish that was the reason why i tied the branches.lol.
their fatting up from that gravity and my other bloom enhancers. i just feed them again tonight with some more so they should get even fatter. my big hindu skunk looks like its going to take longer to finish, but i am getting some nice formation of bud on the top cola. i wish my other hindu wasn't a runt because those are the bigger yielding plants i have. she is 42" tall. that strain would be a great out door plant.

i cant wait to get these girls on that scale and see what the total dry weight is per plant.


Active member
Is it just me, or do our plants have way more foliage? I see in your photos that you have a very hard time fitting our plants into a single shot like you do with the ProSource plants. It kinda plays eye tricks on ya, until you figure out you're actually staring at all 3 of their plants. Are you going to let each individual plant finish on it's own, or are you going to select a day to cut down all of the blue dreams?


Is it just me, or do our plants have way more foliage? I see in your photos that you have a very hard time fitting our plants into a single shot like you do with the ProSource plants. It kinda plays eye tricks on ya, until you figure out you're actually staring at all 3 of their plants. Are you going to let each individual plant finish on it's own, or are you going to select a day to cut down all of the blue dreams?

the reason why its hard to get them all in the pic is because your hindu skunk. its a big/tall plant, its ver hard to get a pic of all 3 of ur plants because i have to stand way back because the hindu is so tall, then you couldn't really see the buds because its too far away. i try my best to show off all 3 of urs in one pic but its tuff to do. i am sure if the hindu skunk on the PS side wasn't a runt it would also be very hard to get all 3 in the pics also. i am going to let each individual plant finish on their own so i can catch that peek harvest time i like my tics to be. they should all finish at the same time i would think. ill let every one know if they do or not.


Like I have been saying from the start. Who ever the winner is, I doubt it will be more then a few grams. Prosource is looking real good but before I give it anymore praise, remember it has a 54w advantage which in the realm of LEDs is considerable a lot more. Either way this was a great show, we all stuck through it. Good job Irish, fellow grower.


it looks to me that even tho the 180 buds seem larger now, the plants on the 126 will yeild more because they are way bigger.


Is it just me but both the 126w and 180w lights look behind. It seems that there are too many white hairs at week 8 for most strain I've grown indoors. Irish what do you think?


Is it just me but both the 126w and 180w lights look behind. It seems that there are too many white hairs at week 8 for most strain I've grown indoors. Irish what do you think?

If they are behind which I dont find odd considering they were grown with LED, Irish said he will let all the plants finish individually if need be.
From my last three years of research into designing and testing led grow lights. I find that there is still a lot of heat generated in the driver circuit(conversion efficiency and constant current driver switch loss) so I just put the leds on a board and run a remote driver system. you need to know how efficient the power supply is cause that is heat loss you are blowing or sucking out of cabinet along with the junction heating of the leds. my cabinet runs at 80 and is 18x24x36 with 120 1watt leds with 3" intake and exhuast at 50 cfm of air flow. You can't here it run. My cabinet led panel has no fans on it the fans are on the power supply system. The leds do get hot and the led spectrum shits a little but I have run the panel for a year straight and the leds are still going strong. I need to get around to measuring junction temp or calculating it. I find led grows tend to need less watering and alge can creep up on you cause the top soil tends to be to cold from not enough radiant heat maybe some leds around 1000nm to help evap water may help. Just my 2 cents. hope I don't offend any one. I'm not here to make trouble.

Also my grows are not cannabis so I can research in freedom.

one Q

and the count down begins!

not sure how much longer you have Irish, but how long does this girl go under hid and how does this time compare with led? Sorry if this has been covered.

Im ready to see numbers man!!

Guest 129502

i just read this thread start to finish, very interesting!!! ....im starting to like the ufo but im waiting for more reports.


Is it just me, or do our plants have way more foliage? I see in your photos that you have a very hard time fitting our plants into a single shot like you do with the ProSource plants. It kinda plays eye tricks on ya, until you figure out you're actually staring at all 3 of their plants. Are you going to let each individual plant finish on it's own, or are you going to select a day to cut down all of the blue dreams?

doesnt your light have more blues then the prosource light, and the prosource light has more reds then your light? I always thought blues = foliage red = flower. Maybe I am wrong but the pics seem to imply that.


Active member
Our light has 10% blue, and due to the lack of information from ProSource, the amount of blue in their light is unknown. The whites that we use do emit a small portion of blue, but the main output is red. The ProSource light certainly has us beat overall in terms of "colored" or "targeted" light, as our 1st gen 126W used 102W (24W white), and the 180W has 180W. Maybe someone got confused thinking that because we have white that emits a small amount of blue, that overall we have more blue, but honestly I don't believe that to be the case.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
JayD. Good input. I think the outboard power supply makes lot of sense, especially in the 150 w plus output range. As to the heat, why not put a small exhaust fan a the top?

I am checking out your other posts. I have an LED vs CFL Journal using TAG (True Aeroponic Grow) method. 10"+ plants at 34 days from germination with primary leaves bigger than my hand under the LED UFO 90. Feel free to PM me.
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