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LED Custom 140


Hawaiian Inebriatti
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Aloha Supra.

This thread is too good not to

How did the spice fare under the Red n White?

I'm getting twisty li'l top knots under red and blue with an Indica kine strain.

A friend sent it to me to try under leds because it did not do well under CFL. :)
But when he grew them outside they were fine.

At first glance, it looked like a nutrition issue.

The other 2 strains in the same cabinet with the same diet are vibrantly happy.
On a hunch, I put one outside.
Untwisted in one day!
Then I thought,perhaps it really did need, say, green light?
Hmm, or maybe not, CFLs have green light.

This strain just seems to be a photon hog.

Figures, it's from almost 30 years ago and was raised in Florida.

Penny for your thoughts?


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