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As for the flax oil thing Udo's has the best product out there IMO. Udo's Choice contains the 'proper' blend/ratio of omega 3, 6 and 9 fatty acids. If those are out of whack/balance can actually cause some issues.

You can better take Nutiva Hemp seed oil with natural SDA (Stearidonic Acid) which is much easier converted into DHA than ALA.

Namaste :canabis:


If u don't want to poison your body with some bullshit soy extract you can take hemp seeds which happen to be a pretty good source for lecithin(aswell at healty fats and other goodies). Also another tip try to rid yourself of all supplements, most are overpriced bullshit that are actually poisonous to your body. Every single compound u need is available from natural plant sources and the great part is it's 100% bioavailable!

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