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leaves drooping and curling up, please help

All my plants are happy but this one ...i almost think heat from the lamp cooked it but the temps are not to bad. she was beautiful a few days ago, i was excited about how fast she started flowering. than overnight she turned like this....

How long has this problem been going on?
2 days
What STRAIN are you growing?
legends mountain mix
What was the establishing technique? (seed or clone?)
What is the age of your plants?
14 days flowering
How long have they been in the soil mixture they are in now?
2 weeks
How Tall are the plants?
16 in
What PHASE (seedling, vegetative or flower) are the plants in?
What size pots are you using? (Include how many subjects to pot)
What substrate/medium are you using? What brand of soil mixture are you using?(percentage of perlite, vermiculite...etc?)
3/4 ffof 1/4 happy frog plus some perlite
What Nutrient's are you using?
1 very mild feeding of bio-bloom less than 1/4 strength. A touch of cal-mag with each feeding
What is the pH of the "RUN-OFF"?
see below
What method of pH test was administered? Using Strips? pH pen?
pen just calibrated and new electrode
How often are you watering?
when the pots are light every couple days
When was your last feeding and how often are you feeding?
fed 10 days ago watered 2
What size bulb are you using?
250 cmh and 125 cfl
What is the distance to the canopy?
What is the canopy temperature?
What is the Day/Night Temp? (Include fluctuation range)
Tell us about your ventilation, intake exhaust and when its running and not running ?
8in oscillating fan inside the tent blowing accross the top of the plants, 4in inline sucking out of the tent
Is the fan blowing directly at plants?
Is the grow substrate constantly wet or moist?
What water are you using? Reverse Osmosis (RO)? Tap? Bottled? Well water? Distilled? Mineral Water?
RO with a touch of calmag balanced to 6.5
Has plant been recently pruned, cloned or pinched?
Have any pest chemicals been used? If so what and when?
Are plant's infected with pest's?



Hi ST,
I noticed that your growing a seed mix with different strains in it. I like those...a good deal usually, but you are growing a batch of plants that could have very different nutritional requirements.

I severely nute burned a plant awhile back. It was a batch of plants all the same strain but not a very stable line so I had varied phenos. The sat pheno got really torched and it looked like yours does right away and then over the next couple of days, the more classic plant tip necrosis occurred. I flushed it and was more careful with that one plant (weaker nutes) and it survived.
Good luck,
Well she is getting worse fast while all the others are thriving. The lower leaves are now drooping real bad.... i am going to flush a couple gallons of plain water thru cause im not sure what else to try.


follow your heart
ICMag Donor
do you have one of those old tents that offgassed?

I see you have a P def though, unless that's a chimera BB cross or a DJ strain..

does the plant have water in the soil, as that could only make worse heat stress as the plant looks droopy, also could be P but most time it gets the lower leafs first
The tent is fine its a htg model i have not heard of any problems with their tents.

The plant has always had the red/purple stems its from legends. She looks worse now than 1/2 hour ago.

turtle farmer

I have some looking and doing the same thing.
The only change I've had lately-is I added 1/2 cup worm castings NPK of 1-0-0
I guess I burned them?????been flushing with 6.0 water only
but they get worse by the hour---I'm going out there now to remove the worm castings
anybody use castings????
thanks for any help



follow your heart
ICMag Donor
look at the last pic, see the other plant on the left? check the leaf, it looks like heat stress is getting that one???

position of your messed up plant?

that light in the pic the floro or the MH running vertical? should get a reflector

not sure, you look like you know what your doing, your plants look good, not over fed or under fed....


I seriously doubt that worm castings could do that to a plant...and especially just one. Worm castings were the mainstay of my mix when I did organic. I had my own little worm operation and applies fresh worm castings all the time (as top dressing)...never had any issues.

I'm curious. There was a post about your run-off water on that plant being ph 8, but now that post has been deleted. Or was that my imagination? If that was correct, that means that your mix in that pot is very high in ph for that situation to occur. Did you mix the soil in a large container? Or did you do each bucket separately? Seems that something is wrong with your soil mix in that pot...


Active member
Overwatering??? check the roots......roots without oxigen could do that!

His grow looks outstanding...except that one plant. I can't believe he'd make a mistake like that with just that one plant...

We need to know what...if anything...is different about that one plant.

It seems that it was growing fine and them...Bam!

So, OP, what could be different about that one plant?

Where is it's position in the grow?

COULD you have fed it differently than the rest?
OK i mixed the soil for each pot seperatly but the same...8 scoops ffof 2 scoops happy frog and 2 scoops perlite.

When i flushed the plant yesterday i thought the ph was reading 8 but it was just my pen being touchy it was coming out 6.5-6.6

That post about the worm castings was not me.

The plants are always being rotated they are never in one spot for long.

I mix the water in a big cooler so all plants receive the same thing.

I use earth juice PH up/down if that matters. When i water i shoot for 10-15% runoff.

This plant is dead, and thats unfortunate. Since i started the seeds this particular plant was always way ahead...

turtle farmer

Overwatering??? check the roots......roots without oxigen could do that!

I read what you said and a BIG gong went off in my head!!!

I went out and tilted the 5 gallon pots and sure enough,drip,drip,drip

I put them all on a slant outside in the sun, and whammo-most are on their way back--soil drying out,and fan leaves reaching for the sun.

I can't thank everyone on this thread enough!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I learned a little something from all

thanks again to all posters and fellow farmers---and thanks IC


OK i mixed the soil for each pot seperatly but the same...8 scoops ffof 2 scoops happy frog and 2 scoops perlite.

When i flushed the plant yesterday i thought the ph was reading 8 but it was just my pen being touchy it was coming out 6.5-6.6

That post about the worm castings was not me.

The plants are always being rotated they are never in one spot for long.

I mix the water in a big cooler so all plants receive the same thing.

I use earth juice PH up/down if that matters. When i water i shoot for 10-15% runoff.

This plant is dead, and thats unfortunate. Since i started the seeds this particular plant was always way ahead...

Sorry you lost a plant. It's frustrating. And sorry about the misunderstand on the worm castings. After Turtle Farmer jacked your thread...I guess I got a little confused. Hope the rest of them do well.
Just a quick update
All the ladies are doing great with no signs of any problems...they filled up the space left by the dead plant in no time.
