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Leaves clawing, rust spots, necrosis in coco


Weed Robot
do a nute mix at half strength ph 5.9 and do a flush with the solution make sure its enough to flush with and let it dry things should straighting out make sure you flush good dont worry about to much water because you will let dry this should correct your ph at the same time coco does get salt build up quick so flush weekly to be safe


thanks i was wondering how i should feed them tomorrow. Any input on why the c99's have such light colored tops? The leaf growing out of top shoots is light green, but darker green on the edges. They are getting 1.5ml/l a&b and i think i should up it to 2ml, i used to run 2ml and it went fine but i reduced the dosage after getting problems on other plants


Weed Robot
thanks i was wondering how i should feed them tomorrow. Any input on why the c99's have such light colored tops? The leaf growing out of top shoots is light green, but darker green on the edges. They are getting 1.5ml/l a&b and i think i should up it to 2ml, i used to run 2ml and it went fine but i reduced the dosage after getting problems on other plants

that may be zinc but when you flush with a large amount of water evrything will correct its like doing a tune up you'll be fine after so good luck


They are slowly getting better, most leaves are getting in to the healthy green zone now. I got email reply from canna and they say i should use more nutes to avoid the problems I'm seeing, they say cal/mag/K deficiencies are very common when not using enough nutes in coco as coco needs to be saturated with certain nutrients before it will allow the plant to get any, and that the A&B alone should contain enough as long as i follow their feeding schedule. I've been going a little lighter than their light feeding schedule, I will start using their suggested amounts now and see how it goes, apparently some nute companies do not recommend higher nute levels than necessary.


If you`ll go back and read my earlier post about coco needing to be charged with enough cal/mag and potassium/K before releasing it to the plants for optimum health , you`ll see that canna`s email explaining the need for "cal/mag and K saturation" is one in the same explanation of your problems from the get , except for the overwatering issue you had in such small containers.........

You simply hadn`t run enough ppm`s through em ta make em happy and the medium was storing it instead of releasing it to the plants........

It has ta build to a certain level before the plants can respond.........Go look up "Cation exchange capacity" to help yas understand.....

Hope all goes well from here on out....DHF....:ying:....
Let them dry out or they will die!!!!!!! WAY OVERWATERED, probably too late..... I think the nute deficiency is lock out from the overwatering.....

You only need to worry about COCO drying out towards the end.... in the beginning there aren't enough salts stored in the coco to make a difference.

I always soak mine when I transplant, hen let em' dry out so the oot mass expands in search of food n water, then when they look dry I hit em with the nutes, let em dry A BIT........ you need them to grow into the pot before you saturate on a schedule.


They are fine now running on more nutes less water, thanks for saving my plants :) Yes canna said excactly the same things the posters in this thread and especially DHF said, but they were quite persistent about not needing cal-mag and just using more nutes. I sent canna an e-mail when you guys suggested i needed non-Canna products to grow successfully with Canna and they took offense lol! I also waterlogged the medium after uppotting which led to additional problems, reminiscent of overfertilization.

I started 12/12 yesterday to speed up sexing, will go back to veg and try to prune plants to similar size before flower time, anyone who fails or throws nanners from this treatment will be binned. I still can't figure out why the C99's have light tops but i think it's because they grow faster than they can make chlorophyll, it turns proper green in a couple of days

As you can see the clawing and spotting has cured and they're well on their way to full health, in a couple of days they'll look good!

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