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Leaves are hanging( 2nd grow)


Señor Member
If the rot isn't all that bad, then sure. You can trim up the roots a little bit too, cutting away some brown parts if necessary. Your focus should be on getting any wet soil out from the core of the root ball. I would gently wash the root mass in lukewarm tap water out of the faucet, to rinse the soil away, before transplanting.

Then, I would lightly water with superthrive or hormex after transplanting, and they should bounce back fine.


Señor Member
Do nothing at first, other than transplant to more aerated soil, and give a light watering with some superthrive. The superthrive has b vitamins and hormones that definitely help a plant to heal itself. As much as I hate their medicine-show label, the product does what it says it'll do.


Hey man, I had a similar problem. Could be rootbound. I was having the same problems but I fixed before they got too droopy like yours. Went up in pot size from 6'' to 10'' and It started working the next day. Also, I agree with Hush's 1st post. Do a repot and add equal perlite to soil, drainage is key. If you stick your finger in the soil as far as you can and feel any moisture, you can hold of watering for another day.

here are 2 clones i purposely starved of water for this comparison
here is pretty much what your plants look like correct?
This is what it looks like when the soil is tumbleweed dry top to bottom.

now i'm going to water them (the have proper drainage btw), and post the image of the watered. With proper drainage it will allow air to mix in the soil as well as being wet, not soggy and logged with water, allowing the roots to "breathe".


good luck man,i've had probs recently and its not nice to have to decide whether to keep going or restart(i have kept going with ok results so hopefully you will too).



Same symptoms. freshly watered etc.. Inadvertantly changed environment with higher temps.

First time, I killed a batch of clones. (they were extra)
Second time, identified and fixed. (caught on morning of day 2 of change)

Each time, the temperatures were too high. thermometer(sitting on rez) showed 75 F. In canopy temps seemed much higher. probably +85 F