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Learning from Cannabis


Active member

I am curious what you all have learned from smoking the cannabis plant and incorporating it as part of your life.

For me: Patience, Love for horticulture and how to grow plants, Geography around the world, The cycles of the sun, Venetian glassblowing styles and many more things that don't come to mind.


Now in technicolor
thought me a great deal about drugs, addiction, the government and society, advocacy, passions and the lengths people will go for them, how to battle anxiety and delusions, be here now, and that's just from smoking it. Growing it has given me a paradigm shift on genes and nature vs nurture.


Active member
Its taught me patience, and not to alway seek instant gratification. At first I went nuts thinking I had to wait for three months until I had smokeable bud.. But not anymore.. Much more patient; plus I always have a huge stash :D

Also, after smoking for about a year, I decided to go back to college and get my degree. One of the reasons my mom was initially ok with me smoking, now she is more educated on the subject and knows how rather benign it is. Interesting turn of events since I started smoking; for the better.

El Toker

Before I started growing I had an aversion to DIY. Since starting I've built grow cabs, insulated a building, learned how wire a building for electricity, how to pave an area, how to build a large water feature, how to install CCTV and completely re-landscaped my garden for security purposes and of course, how to care for plants. Mrs Toker is very pleased about all that.

Prior to becoming a grower cannabis was a rare and precious commodity and there was always the question of where the next deal would come from. Now that I grow more than I can smoke I can play around with cooking, making hash and oil and basically learning a lot about how to get the best out of cannabis.

I don't see growing as particularly useful in terms of life skills though. A little reflection in isolation is not a bad thing but the only thing that teaches you how to live in the real world is to get out there amongst other people.

EDIT to add

I just read the question properly and realised it was about toking rather than growing. In terms of that I have learned that cannabis gets you stoned which is fun, and makes you a bit stupid whilst you're stoned which is also fun. I've also learned that if you smoke too much it stops you from living a full and rounded life. I've also learned that just because something appears profound and meaningful doesn't mean that it is, we all have an infinite capacity for fooling ourselves, although to be fair, LSD is much better at teaching that particular lesson.


It helped me learn to be.

Me too, but it's a double-edged sword. Being incredibly content doing nothing- a disposition cannabis created for me- is not very conducive to a highly competitive society.

In other words, this is ambition being a wordy tool, trying to blame his lazyness on pot.


The only thing I can know for sure I have gained or learned from cannabis, is being able to look at any situation from angles I never knew existed before....

Hard to put it into words... I guess its just opened my mind to more possibilities and actually made me ponder them and there legitimacy... lol


Active member
awesome to see how cannabis has moved, improved and allowed people to grow and in so many ways and grow plants too! The satisfaction from a cannabis an veggie garden is unsurpassed, creating life and not death makes me feel at ease with myself.

Im submerged in a society full of first generation thugs that paint the walls with nonsense and murder each other daily; I dont know how they can live with themselves. cannabis helps me cope with all the negativity around me and helps me keep a clear conscious. I always like to think before doing things and cannabis helps me do think things over before doing them, of course like everyone im guilty of doing without thinking as well. Its my guide to truth.


When I started smoking for recreation I found out how much we were lied to about drugs, found out how enjoyable it is to be high!
Then when my back started hurting real bad I've found out how using cannabis is so much better than all the prescription drugs I was prescribed! I'm not saying it takes all the pain away but then again neither does high does of Morphine oxycontin lorcet , etc.!
Now I wish I could learn how to understand how totally wrong our country is to de-nigh cannabis from people & steal peoples lives for a plant that keeps a lot of people from blowing their brains out or sky diving from a plane without a parachute, bounce! Could somebody please make me understand that?:plant grow::smoweed:


I was never interested in gardening until cannabis, now I am all about growing my own food and sustainability in general.

Also, like others have said, that I had been lied to about marijuana and drugs in general, and that the police and government in general were not to be trusted.

I believe it has also helped me become a more critical thinker in general.


Active member
I see the hidden grow potential in all buildings and houses I enter now.
I'm always looking around thinking, this would be a great for.......

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