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Leafs showing bronze areas over the last 24 hours


Well-known member
Details: happening on 1 of the 2 plants in this tent over the last 24 hours. Spots appear on 4 lower leaves. Plants are 21 days old in Fox Farms Happy Frog soil. Temp 75%, RH ~50%. Have only watered with pH 6.5 water, no additional nutrients. CalMag+ added at 4mL/G to the last 3 waterings. Last watering was 60 hours ago. Lighting is 1x Mars Hydro TS1000 running at full blast. I do have exhaust extraction and a carbon filter inline. I've deeply inspected for pests and haven't seen a trace of them. This plant is being mainline trained. Topped about a week ago, and tied down over the past 48hrs. Any ideas?


Well-known member
Bush Dr Would you mind expanding on that, either be providing a link or more information? Thanks! I appreciate it!


Non-growing Lurker
ICMag Donor
"Full blast" is not a term I like to use with MY LEDs. That potting mix is probably not living soil, and therefore crawling with microbes to feed the roots, and it may be too dry. I will also throw out the possibility of critters. Get out a 10X and look under the leaves.

But I have very little experience, and that is just one pic. I did find that lower leaves are a look in the past, and I try to focus more on the top fans.

GL. They are tough plants and grow through some real abusive treatment if the soil gets right. Do you have worms, and their castings? Buy a pound of worms and hopefully also get some killer mites with them.


Well-known member
flylowgethigh thanks for the input. I've started a couple of other pictures so you can get an idea of the plant as a whole. Can you let me know if you have any other input?


Active member
that looks like sunburn.
the stress factor was probably too high as a result of the training, which weakened the natural sun protection of your leaves.
the affected leaves would actually be in the shadow of the upper one at this time. the plant classifies these as shade leaves. the upper leaves, the sun leaves, have a high level of sun protection. the more nodes arise upwards, the weaker the protection in the lower ones.
all other causes would not cause damage within such a short time.

take the lamp a tick higher ... it is already recovering.


Well-known member
Growenhaft thank you. Upon reflection, I do believe you're right on the money. The 4 leafs that are affected are the first 4 new leafs that grew after starting mainlining. All the new growth is lush and growing fast. I'm pretty sure you got the nail on the head. Thanks again!


Well-known member
It looks like phosphorus deficiency.


The twisted leaves indicate some kind of pH problems. Low pH would lock out phosphorus (NPK and Mg).

7.0 pH is better for organic soil like Fox Farm.

If you are using CalMag because you're using R/O water, an alternative that works by 1) add a teaspoon of magnesium lime (Maerl, dolimite lime) to a quart of R/O water and let that soak in for a day. Then sift the water and add the clean 1 quart to 3 quarts of R/O water. This will take care of magnesium deficiency from using R/O water.


You need calcium to get that phos moving.. And boron to get that calcium moving.

That bronze is called 'olive' in my garden: it's the worst form of necrosis. It will completely deflate mid leaves in hours. Will cause budrot if it shows up in the wrong place.


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