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Leaf yellowing




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doesnt look like sulfur, actually looks like salt buildup in soil, what concentrate are you running nutes and what type?


try giving them a goooood watering- partial flush and let them sit a week. i have seen this in mine when i get heavy on ferts and start locking out the micros. wouldnt hurt to get some cal mag plus and use after feeding resumes.


if your tat close to harvest, and thats all the issues youve got, id just let it ride unless it gets worse.... peace!


Active member
Second photo looks like TMV.
Blistered & twisted leaves.
Can never be certain about TMV, but that' what it looks like.
Shouldn't effect end product.



-- By the way you might wonder why there are no flowers when I said they have 30 days left these are the babies that are NOT flowering yet -- although ALL babies are showing this yellowing.....


yeah, tmv.... good possibility, tobacco mosaic virus. problem with it is, there is no cure. cut out the ph up though. mj likes it more on the acid side and you may be locking out micros. just a thought


Well, thats the thing since peatm oss is acidic and the water i use is acidic, I was using the pH up, but not the whole time.....I was using it at beginning....then stopped and alittle bit later the yellowing started to show.....I will look up tobacco mosaic virus but doesn't this seem more lockout, nutrient/micro def?


Active member
Well, thats the thing since peatm oss is acidic and the water i use is acidic, I was using the pH up, but not the whole time.....I was using it at beginning....then stopped and alittle bit later the yellowing started to show.....I will look up tobacco mosaic virus but doesn't this seem more lockout, nutrient/micro def?

Well, your second photo looks exactly like the photo on the first page of the TMV thread.
Blistered & twisted leaves are the signs.
Not curable, but aspirin will knock it back, and it won't hinder your harvest in most cases. Plants often grow out of it, but it is highly contagious.
Cuts or seeds will be infected.


Holy shit RetroGrow, it does look similiar....fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck.....SEEDS INFECTED? wow, that sucks......that twisted/deformed leaf does look similiar to some of those pics for sure.....fuck, does TMV start at every new growth node -- turning a yellow in the start of leafs though? Thanks Retro very interesting and bad news...


Active member
Yup, that's definitely it! Your plants are still young. Many plants grow out of it in flower. You can give aspirin with your water/nute solution. 325 mg. per gallon generic aspirin (not coated). You can also do a foliar application. This boosts plant's immune system and helps fight against any disease. Aspirin is acidic, so it will lower your PH, so you must adjust for that. I would use silicone for that.
Just remember : no cuts or seeds, as they will be infected.
Don't reuse any blades or things that touched that plant or others in the group if there are any. Destroy any dead leaves, trim, etc. If it's outside which it looks like, don't bring it into your grow room if you have one.
Usually, new growth has a lighter color anyway, kind of lime green as opposed to dark green. This is normal.
But when you see twisting, slight blistering (sometimes hard to see)distorted leaves and leaves with holes in them where there are no insects, it is TMV.
Study the TMV thread. Yours looks like a classic case, but mild, and probably won't affect the final product.