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leaf curl???? wtf?!



ok well although it doesnt seem to be an immediate concern....but what does it mean when the edges of the leaf curl inward?? My plants are 24 inches tall and about to go into bloom. My PH is around 5.5-6 I think(I dont have an electronic meter but I have the test solution). Growing ak47 in coco. is it the ph again?? possible over fert? wtf is going on?


really....i guess that could be it they are pretty close to the dehumidifier...but the relative humidity has been around 40-55 percent....


the edges all around the leaf are curling inward like their rolling up into a doob but not crazy, just a little bit. enough to be noticed though


Active member
1. On the plants that are doing this, is there any slight leaf tip burn?
2. Is it happening to the whole plant or just part of the plant?
3. What part of the plant is it happening to?
4. What color are your leaves?
5. What color are the veins on the affected leaves?
6. What are you using to measure your pH?


1.On the plants that are doing this, is there any slight leaf tip burn?
2. Is it happening to the whole plant or just part of the plant?
3. What part of the plant is it happening to?
4. What color are your leaves?
5. What color are the veins on the affected leaves?

1. very VERY slight leaf tip burn
2&3. mostly just the top
4. nice green...range in plants though some more green than others
5. regular healthy green color


Active member
6. What are you using to test your pH?
7. Tell me more about the nutes that you are using and how much you use and how the exact amount that you give them?
8. Is it only the tips that are burned or is there a slight yellowing making it's way around the infected leaves?

I like to ask a lot of questions before I give you my opinion. I'll never understand why others don't.


6. What are you using to test your pH?
7. Tell me more about the nutes that you are using and how much you use and how the exact amount that you give them?
8. Is it only the tips that are burned or is there a slight yellowing making it's way around the infected leaves?

I like to ask a lot of questions before I give you my opinion. I'll never understand why others don't.

6. ph liquid test kit...not the best i know
7. botanicare nutes..liquid karma, grow, bloom...supplemented every few weeks with fox farm grow big and cal mag. I just follow the directions on the bottles.

8. only the very tips are "burnt" (its less than a centimeter) but they are just recovering from a high PH problem which caused a mag deficiency and there was a lot more yellow then


Active member
That's what I was thinking from the start but I didn't want to open my mouth until I had all the info. Without seeing pics it sounds like a classic MG lockout. MG locks out of hydro at 5.7 and below. Also if you're following the directions on the bottle you are making a big mistake.

If the the leaves are turned up, or the tips are twisted and leaves are yellowing (and may turn brown), but the veins remain somewhat green, that is usually a classic Magnesium deficiency.


shit so your saying I got the PH too low now??? damn it...also you think I should tone down the nutes?


Active member
Your pH needs to be raised to 5.8 - 5.9 and you need to be using half of what the bottle says.


im gonna have to get a ph meter to get it that exact especially since when you add nutes its impossible to test with my kit. Ive been thinking about cutting the nutes down for a few days now...some plants look like there beginning to get too much N


Active member
I like to ask a lot of questions before I give you my opinion. I'll never understand why others don't.

Hey. I am sure you are referring to me, rightfully so.

It could be a huge list of things, but if hes not going to bother explaining temps/humidity/+ all the questions you're asking when there is a sticky explaining the questions we need, then, he gets the first thing that comes to my mind that could POSSIBLY be the issue.

If his humidity was too low, maybe he can try raising it and it'll fix the curl..

If not, then that obviously is not the issue.

But, I understand where you are coming from.. It is mis-leading to just give such a short 1 dimensional answer. This is how people screw up there plants worst then they were before. My appologies.

Good luck & Peace~!

EDIT: Haha, I didn't even read the entire thread before posting ... anyways, good lookin out! Peace!

Stoner Gardener

Is this the type of curl your plants are experiencing? If so, I'm also curious as to what causes this.
I refer to it as "canoeing" because some of the leaf blades have taken on the shape of a canoe.
The plant otherwise seems so freaking happy with everything I'm doing for her, so not too worried.
I've just assumed she was imploding with gratitude. LOL!


Active member
... I just follow the directions on the bottles.

...they are just recovering from a high PH problem which caused a mag deficiency and there was a lot more yellow then

High pH does not cause Mg defs.
Magnesium deficiencies are caused by low pH. Mg gets locked out below 5.5.
Using drops you could easily be dropping to 5.4 and not know. I like to keep my coco in the 5.8-6.2 range, though lately, I've been letting it go 6.0 to 6.4 and am having fantastic results.

So what's the chance of getting a pic for us to see?

Also, how often do you water?

To the issue of cupping. I assume you mean curling upward not downward? I'm sure snype's got it already, but I'll toss in my views anyway. I think this falls into a fuzzy area. Cupping can be caused by several things and when you throw in variables and overlaps by other defs, then things get fuzzy.
One thing that can cause it is a Mn toxicity from low pH. But that would probably be accompanied by chlorotic grading of the margins(edges lighten) and crinkling. Cupping is also caused by a Mn deficiency. Manganese starts getting locked out above 6.5. Mn defs show as light interveinal chlorosis similar to iron, maybe with dark spots. Often show as a green arrowhead point in the top leaves with the rest of the leaf yellow. Mo and Cu defs also cause cupping.
I'm sure that other things cause cupping and combined with different defs, who knows? Most of the defs of the micros listed above are caused by pH being too high.

When you had your high pH problem that you thought might have caused a Mg def, how high was it?

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