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Leaf colour is disturbing me!!


Slow Stone

Need advice! (sorry for poor foto quality)

What's wrong with it? It's master kush almost 3 weeks old.
I'm watering it every 3-4 days with ~150ml of melted snow water (room temperature), no ferts yet, growbox temp. 25-29C, not sure about ph (don't have any meter). I use premade soilmix, its' ph was 5.5-6.5 so i aded some ashes, maybe it's too alkaline now?..
Any opinions?


Active member
It's ready for some food...give it 1/2 strength...

Don't just add shit...it usually ends badly. It may be too alkaline now...you may have turned something simple into something not so simple...

Slow Stone

Thanks! Me stupid! Will ferts with high N drop ph down a bit?


yes adding a high N fert will drop the PH SOME, but only after a while,.......but, seriously, YOU CAN'T KEEP GUESSING, and expect to be able to fix it

GO get a test kit at the garden store, hardware store, home improvement center, nursery etc,.... the test kits cost about $3-$5 (usa), and are very easy to use:

you typically fill the small vial included in the kit, halfway with water (you need to test BOTH water AND runoff separately), then add 3 or 4 drops of the test solution, and then compare the color to the chart on the bottle,...OR you can get test strips, which are a type of litmus paper, you dip the strip in the water or runoff, and then compare the color of the strip to the color chart provided in the kit. Both of these are QUITE ACCURATE, and will give you the PH usually down to 0.3 to 0.5.

you do NOT have to wait to get a meter to test your PH and have some solid info.

also the leaves that are yellowing are the primary single bladed leaves and those ALWAYS yellow and drop off,..notice the REST of your plant, INCLUDING THE GROWING TIP are a very nice deep green,.......so it's not as bad as you think.


So...just to be clear (have had same kind of problems). Using soil...

After testing the ph of the water both before watering (without nutes/with nutes) and after watering (runoff)....and the ph before is okay (ie. after adding diluted vinegar), but the runoff ph too high....do you need to lower the ph of the mix you're watering with even more?

If so, can you calculate any ratio for this (like runoff ph 8, water with ph 5 to get runoff to 7)?

Sorry if question is stupid, I've really tried to find an answer for this simple question (actually spent hours searching), but couldn't find any.


yes adding a high N fert will drop the PH SOME, but only after a while,.......but, seriously, YOU CAN'T KEEP GUESSING, and expect to be able to fix it

GO get a test kit at the garden store, hardware store, home improvement center, nursery etc,.... the test kits cost about $3-$5 (usa), and are very easy to use:

you typically fill the small vial included in the kit, halfway with water (you need to test BOTH water AND runoff separately), then add 3 or 4 drops of the test solution, and then compare the color to the chart on the bottle,...OR you can get test strips, which are a type of litmus paper, you dip the strip in the water or runoff, and then compare the color of the strip to the color chart provided in the kit. Both of these are QUITE ACCURATE, and will give you the PH usually down to 0.3 to 0.5.

you do NOT have to wait to get a meter to test your PH and have some solid info.

also the leaves that are yellowing are the primary single bladed leaves and those ALWAYS yellow and drop off,..notice the REST of your plant, INCLUDING THE GROWING TIP are a very nice deep green,.......so it's not as bad as you think.

I can also definitely recommend the GH Drop kit (if you have a hydro store near by... if not, then the kit mentioned ^ is fine too)... but I've checked the drop kit side by side with my pH meter, and it's right on. Runs in increments of 1.0, except it's also got 6.5 in there, great for testing your runoff, quick and easy. And I think it's like $12 or something. Maybe even less.


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