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lead bb's in soil


Active member
First off i grow hydro and when I get clones I dump the soil in the corner of my tent and go ahead and rinse the roots off and put them in my setup.I had about 2 gallons of soil built up. So I decided to clean it up and get rid of it with the shop vac. So I sucked it all up and I wasn't just sticking the hose directly on the pile I was playin around holding the hose like 4 inches away watching the dirt still get sucked in. So I get all the way to the bottom and this little piles not moving I fan the hose around the area and I could see the dirt surrounding the bb's flying in the vac but the bb's just sat there. Its way smaller than any bird shot I've seen. Even smaller than the shot they put in for those 22 bird shot rounds and looks like different sizes aswell. So me being me I put one in my mouth and bit down and yea almost broke a tooth it was so hard. So yea just wanted to warn people..Here's a picture I took.



New member
Doubt that's lead. Did you hit one with a hammer? Did you dissolve one in Nitric Acid (HNO3) and test with Sulfuric Acid? Lead will precipitate as a black powder when Sulfuric is added.

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