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LC soil mix #2/fox farm question


I have had my plants about five weeks in lc numbr two soil mix and my plants still have a little leaf curl to them. Ji have not had to add ANY nutes at all so far. Am i still gonna have good buds with no food? I think i got a SUPER HOT batch of fox farm ocean forest,. Am i gonna b ok?


senior member
Jdizzel, I run a mix simular to LC's and i also do get a little leaf curling at times in vegging plants mostly from plants that may be a little more sensitive to hot soil. I would just stay with water only on those plants for a while, and maybe age your soil longer before using it in the future.

I also have seen leaf curling due to low magnesium levels when i don't use all the dolomite lime that recipes might call for. In those cases i use epsom salt as a foliar spray....hope this helps....scrappy

heady blunts

prescription blunts
i've seen this happen to others. we should ask burnone to make a note on post #1 on the organics for beginners thread.

so LC's #2 starts with a base soil mix, all the ones suggested are mostly peat moss with some sort of texturizing/draining amendment, and very little to no nutrient amendments.

then you have fox farm ocean forest, which is probably the most heavily amended bagged soil mix on the market.

DON'T USE FFOF FOR LC'S #2. use light warrior or happy frog or promix bx.

or just use straight FFOF (not LC's).

that said, i think you'll be okay jdiz:

best thing you can do in the meantime is topdress with good EWC and if possible get more light on your plants (more light = higher metabolic rates = faster/more complete usage of the food in the soil).


well, i am just worried on how they will turn out if i never get a chance to nute? i guess they have everything they need in the soil? useally i will have to start adding food after week three but i have never have had this hot of soil before? how do u guys think the harvest is gonna be compared to the last time when i was able to add more food? just gettn a little scared here and not sure what to think.....
i thank all u guys for the input!

heady blunts

prescription blunts
i just finished a micro grow with a 400w -- in straight FFOF 4 plants x #3 smart pots with straight tap water in the shitty summer heat -- and got 9oz :D

i'm smoking it as i type this :smoke: