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LBH's ATP Haze + Auto SDH Outdoors in north 60


Active member
Nice growing, sweet grow log! Keep up the good work! And be sure to let these fresh nugs please ya :smoke:


ØG T®ipL3 ØG³
Thanks dudes :)

LBH asked for an update, so here goes some, not much has changed with the auto sour dee hazes, they are fattening up nicely tho.

Still need time, but there's time to spare. Giving em the whole of august if need be. Took some Biobizz bloom and topmax for em today.


ØG T®ipL3 ØG³
As for the Thaipan Hazes, here's some that were germinated on the spot. 4 girls of which 2 seems to be late flowering, and 2 bit faster.
They are in two rows of two plants, so might be a little hard to spot em all.

Might visit a spot tomorrow with some more auto hazes, last time i checked, they were showing some lack of nitrogen, so might be a good time to take some chickenshit to em. Will be busy tomorrow on some other stuff, but i'll show some pix when i get a chance to visit the other spot. Yea-ha, take care dudes :)

La Buena Hierba

Active member
ICMag Donor
look nice bro keep us updated!


ØG T®ipL3 ØG³

Auto Asian Haze.

Auto Thaipan Haze. Just now starting to flower. THe spot is way too dry this year, plants are not happy and showing lack of nitrogen. Spots should be fertilized plenty, but not enough moisture there. TOok some juices for em and hoping for the best. There's still time. :)

La Buena Hierba

Active member
ICMag Donor
nice bro you see lot of difference between the lbh auto thiapan haze and the AH(lbh autoflowering Asian Haze) the daddy of your AH whas a thaipan haze crost back too pure LBH auto haze

smoke auto SDH jet?


Well-known member

May I ask what is your explanation for these auto's taking so long time to get into flowering?

The auto's I am used to grow will all start flowering between 3 & 5 weeks from seed.(Diesel ryders & Diesel ryder early crosses) Even the Finola's (Sativa dom. auto hemp) that gets over 2.20 mtr tall will all start flowering this early.

Have you got any clue what makes yours so different?

Thanks in advance & Respect.
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La Buena Hierba

Active member
ICMag Donor
selecting for years (on bigger auto and later flowering) and meabey its the pure haze strains i use too pure sativa's take longer before flowering and grow aslo in hight wen strats too flower (sorry hoop you understand what i try too sey you know my english lol)


ØG T®ipL3 ØG³

2 phenos that will make it, 2 that won't, just way too late to flower for the North.

Here's a pic of the faster flowering one.

Here's a later one, unless we have a great sept and oct, i'll be getting some miniflowers for hash pile (;

Here's Auto Asian Haze that was grown from seeds found in last years AH. Surprisingly fat, some mold, but not too bad.


New member
WOW are those no feed plants? LBH is just starting to zoom with the strains! The Auto Asian haze is a really big phenoe with the potential to have huge yeilds indoors.u see what she can do outside .premo smoke and simple to grow..ask if you have any questions.

La Buena Hierba

Active member
ICMag Donor

nice update BadTicket those LBH's auto Asian Haze looks tasty bro
hoop you wil get a nice smoke bro (meabey for litle smokereport)
peace LBH


Well-known member
@ Mr Doobieashtray.

Do you think any of your blue's has got a chance to finnish here at 65 lattitude Finland?

They would have to be sown straight to soil on may 15th and be harvested before the end of August.

By the way BT's plants perform down at 60/62-ish lattitude, I can already tell they won't have a chance to finnish up here.

What are your thoughts on this Mr Doobieashtray?

Are you familiar with what the difference in lattitude would do to your 'bleu' strains?

La Buena Hierba

Active member
ICMag Donor
@ Mr Doobieashtray.

Do you think any of your blue's has got a chance to finnish here at 65 lattitude Finland?

They would have to be sown straight to soil on may 15th and be harvested before the end of August.

By the way BT's plants perform down at 60/62-ish lattitude, I can already tell they won't have a chance to finnish up here.

What are your thoughts on this Mr Doobieashtray?

Are you familiar with what the difference in lattitude would do to your 'bleu' strains?

yes i think some of the blue lbh auto line's can finnis outdoor ath62 lattitude
depents on the type i working on faster veg en quicker flowering
(veg 3 weeks flowering 8weeks)

but you know best do fast finnishing autoflowers finnish ath60/62 lath ? and so yes what strains?

Here is LBH's Blue Ruder Haze @ latitude north 62, eastern Finland

peace LBH


Well-known member
Thanks for bringing this to my attention LBH.

And no, I don't always know what strains are actually finishing in here and wich not.
Yes, I have tried a lot of different strains, but buying them just because the breeder offers a finnishing date haven't always been a great succes.
First off, not all auto's are always 100% auto's, so they tend to stay longer in veg as they are supposed to under arctic circumstances where it's 24/0 sunny.
Now, when true auto, due to cold temps in spring & with often still occasional night frost, flowering usually begins 1 or 2, sometimes even 3 weeks later as they would do under more optimal conditions.
Then, their final flowering needs to happen at low temps & high humidity, wich tends to stretch the total flowering time by about half longer as the vendor indicates, & making them most vulnerable to mold too at this stage.
So to be honest, It's real hard to tell from a vendors description if something that works at the lower sixties will also work in here as well.

There is a large difference between 62 and 65 LBH.

Normally, by the end of August, our weather tends to get realy chill. (This year was an exeption for the better though)

The day temps will drop below 15C, soil temps go down to 10C, and here at the sea coast the humidity will be between 80 & 100% most of the time.
Under those circumstances, buds are only growing very slow anymore. Often too slow to finnish decently.

If that is a recently made picture from your blue ruder haze at 62, then here at 65 it won't get enough time anymore to finnish completely.
Therefore It would be interesting to know when exactly that pic was token.

When you say: veg 3 weeks and flowering 8 weeks, then do you take into account the low summer temps we get in here too?

Normally, during veg & early flowering, the temps are around 20C, during the plenty of rainy days only 13/14C, and during final stages of flowering it's mostly 15C when it's not raining.

So plants that do largely finnish in time at 62 are often going to get a rough time here at 65.

The only plants known to me that are fast enough to finnish well are the lowryder based strains. Eg > Diesel ryder. (But of those I only like the Diesel ryder, so not worth mentioning anyting else.)
Plants that truely are 100% autoflowering and are known to bud out fast at low temps work well in here too, Eg > Auto Thyphoon, Auto AK, Auto Royal Dane. The last one her effect I personally didn't like btw. She's got a somewhat too lethargic making after effect)

Even our native Finnish, non drug variety 'Finola' has a tough time finnishing at 65, allthough some actually do remain mold free till the end out of several dozens of individuals.
These are very long flowering plant though, so no surprise that way.

What it is about in here, is that they should keep speed in budding out at very low temps.
I'll be keeping an eye on your blue ruder haze LBH, and when I am convinced they will stand a chance to make it in here, I'd sure be interested in your testers.

My Respect for your work LBH.
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