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Lazyman's 16KW Headbanger



A 1ml per gallon dose of Floramite, Eagle 20, or even Imidacloprid has a duration/life of approximately 3 weeks in any given plant.
Does this apply for AVID as well? I've always heard 45-55 days systemic so I've kept it to dunking clones after rooting them.

Now - I've had mites before, but staying on the schedule of dunking clones in avid I've eliminated mites completely. Why do you need to continue to use it in flower?
Is not a dunk then spray before going into flower not sufficient?

- -

All of that having been said, I wasn't comfortable with a main rez up high so I rigged a small pump / timer system to periodically fill a 5 gal bucket up high. It has an overflow valve at 4 gal back to the main rez. I'm still toying with the actual timing and I'm sure it'll change with the plants needs.
Holy shit! I've never even thought of that. This would be very useful for using blumats in vertical ops where plants are up high. A few buckets up high could easily feed some elevated plants while still having the main (heavy) res safely on the floor.

Could take it a step farther and forget the timer.
A float valve in the 5 gallon bucket could trigger your fill pump in your main res to send some nutes up it's way. Nice thinkin!
How many blumats can you run off the 5gal bucket? I wanted to do what you mention, but I didn't think 5 gal would provide enough pressure with elevations less than five feet or so?


I don't think the number really matters as it's not the pressure from the rez that opens the seal, its the sensor itself, you just need enough pressure to cause a drip right? Mine will be about 4 feet above the sensors so that should be plenty, not sure how many blumats I'll have total but I'll have less than 10 meters of tubing so I'll be ok - thats the key, 1 meter of elevation for every 10 in tubing. I think I'll be able to tweak my pump to fill at about the same rate the overflow valve can drain, in which case I might have it run more frequently. This is all still a work in progress since work etc keep getting in the way.


Overkill is under-rated.
Does this apply for AVID as well? I've always heard 45-55 days systemic so I've kept it to dunking clones after rooting them.

Now - I've had mites before, but staying on the schedule of dunking clones in avid I've eliminated mites completely. Why do you need to continue to use it in flower?
Is not a dunk then spray before going into flower not sufficient?

- -

Yeah, Avid and Floramite are fairly similar, except Avid doesnt kill mite eggs and Floramite does. I'm told it's best to cycle both products to prevent mites from growing immunity to one. They don't work for 45-55 days in my experience (though like I said, I use very low doses) but I use it in flower because if I dont the mites come back about 3 weeks later. If they can tolerate eating the plant after 3 weeks, then it's clearly out of the plants system by then, so yes I always need to reapply. Hope that helps!


half cat half man half baked
So basically, yes I VERY CAREFULLY use systemics, because they work better, and I don't have to constantly spray other pesticides. No pesticide is good for you, would you rather have a ton of organic pesticides or virtually NO chemical pesticides? I smoke my own product, as does my wife, patients, and friends. Do you really think I'm ignorant or naive enough to harm them, let alone myself?

I hope that at least in the future you can put into place if not pioneer a way in which you don't have to use any pesticides. A properly cared for facility would do the trick.

Anyway, I'm a skeptic by nature and though I do admire the product you actually produce, though I think I've seen better... Still, I've read thousands upon thousands of cannabis grow journals and I've witness very few people who have the passion you do and it shows. It shows in your plants, but it is shown more in your willingness to help others out, to remain civil even when antagonized, and ultimately to just be honest and straight forward. Nobody is perfect, but amongst the masses, you certainly stand out as having an admirable character which I think will bring you more success in the future because let's face it, everyone is going to have the same 'product' or 'products' to speak, but consumers will want to give their money to someone who they know will put it to good use. I think your future looks bright and I wish you the best of fortune because you deserve it.


Overkill is under-rated.
I hope that at least in the future you can put into place if not pioneer a way in which you don't have to use any pesticides. A properly cared for facility would do the trick.

Anyway, I'm a skeptic by nature and though I do admire the product you actually produce, though I think I've seen better... Still, I've read thousands upon thousands of cannabis grow journals and I've witness very few people who have the passion you do and it shows. It shows in your plants, but it is shown more in your willingness to help others out, to remain civil even when antagonized, and ultimately to just be honest and straight forward. Nobody is perfect, but amongst the masses, you certainly stand out as having an admirable character which I think will bring you more success in the future because let's face it, everyone is going to have the same 'product' or 'products' to speak, but consumers will want to give their money to someone who they know will put it to good use. I think your future looks bright and I wish you the best of fortune because you deserve it.

I'd like that too, I'm hoping that when I can close the vents up and air condition the whole thing it will cut down on the "intruders" significantly, but then again, I've had bugs in sealed rooms too.

Yep I know there is better weed being grown out there, most of it I see as a result of just better genetics, but I've grown some pretty stellar buds out of Mandala #1, AK47, and Jackpot, to name a few. Back in my 3KW room days (back on OG) I did some Sweet tooth and Trainwreck runs that would make you drool. ;) But I'm here for the same reason as most of you, to learn more so I can do better. I am always encouraged by every post, and every crop, making each successive crop better than the last.

Thank you for your kind words though, I always consider it a great honor to be respected amongst your peers. Whether you grow 1 plant or 10,000, we are all in the same big family here on IC. I love you all and wish you all the best! And as always, feel free to hit me up with any questions or comments.

Thanks all,


Overkill is under-rated.
Sorry man, have been so swamped lately its nuts.

Was out of town last weekend for a buddies wedding, warm sunny day, on a cliff overlooking the Pacific ocean. Truly a day of days.

Came home and made 90 grams of alcohol hash, god that stuff is so good!

The basement is doing fine, we're starting the chop again on Monday, 4 lights of big frosty Jackpots, 2 lights of Purple Mr Nice, and 2 lights of Space bomb. Gotta get it cut and dried before we head to Vegas for Halloween, woot!

I just got Cheech and Chong tickets for Santa Cruz on Nov 5, can't wait!

My cloning experiment with Readygro coco has been a big success, got a very good strike rate the first time out, and the wilting/pythium rate has dropped down by about 90%. So I have 5 trays of JP clones and a tray of BLue Dragon clones, finally! Gonna take a tray of Purple Gorilla clones this weekend, the moms are monsters. Crap, and I have to transplant before we leave too, next week is gonna suck balls. Not terribly thrilled with the veg room at the moment, the only clones that are growing well are the strain I was trying to axe, Grape Stomper! Everyone hates trimming it, thats really the main qualm.

Will be over there tonight, my water filters are slowing down and having a hard time keeping up with filling the barrels. caught a couple more rats, after they chewed up a dozen blumat drip lines, grrr. little fuckers. Next month I'm sheeting my false wall with plywood.

Be back soon!


Damn you are busy bro. At least your throwing some fun in the mix. I might have to hit that Cheech and Chong gig up too. Sounds like fun and I havn't been to Santa Cruz for a minute. Also, there's a guy there with a strain I want to pic up he calls Pure Kush. He brought it back from Pakistan in 1992 and the bag appeal is amazing, and the smoke is really good. I picked some up at the last Hemp Expo in the city but I didn't want to be carrying clones around and the next day he was sold out.


Overkill is under-rated.
Hehe yeah thats the idea, work hard, play hard. ;) been a long time since I did anything actually fun, so the next few weeks ought to be a blast. I did a couple pure kushes a couple years ago, it was pretty good, I don't remember much about it (was doing 9 strains at that time) but I remember it being overshadowed by some ChemDawg D I was doing at the time. One of the first strains someone told me "You should JUST grow this from now on bro!" I sadly didn't have any kept over, no veg room to store them. Damn.

Now if I can just get my homie to pay me the $14K he owes me I could stop stressin over money. lol


Active member
Hehe yeah thats the idea, work hard, play hard. ;) been a long time since I did anything actually fun, so the next few weeks ought to be a blast. I did a couple pure kushes a couple years ago, it was pretty good, I don't remember much about it (was doing 9 strains at that time) but I remember it being overshadowed by some ChemDawg D I was doing at the time. One of the first strains someone told me "You should JUST grow this from now on bro!" I sadly didn't have any kept over, no veg room to store them. Damn.

Now if I can just get my homie to pay me the $14K he owes me I could stop stressin over money. lol

14k? Shit man I dunno if I would still consider someone my homie if they owed me 14k...


Overkill is under-rated.
Yeah ordinarily I'd agree, but it's not really his fault, I had a bunch of Q's that I pushed onto him, and he's buying my old car so he owes me for that too. I basically overstocked him at the wrong time, when outdoors are flooding the market (grrr) and his own indoors were coming up too. If he doesn't have it all gone in a week I will just grab them back and get them to another patient along with the upcoming harvest, so it all goes out at once.

Still, it sucks to be essentially broke waiting for things to come back. When herb doesn't sell it might as well be dirt, it's worthless until someone buys it, lol. Not like I can smoke it all myself, haha


I basically overstocked him at the wrong time, when outdoors are flooding the market (grrr) and his own indoors were coming up too. If he doesn't have it all gone in a week I will just grab them back and get them to another patient along with the upcoming harvest, so it all goes out at once.

Still, it sucks to be essentially broke waiting for things to come back. When herb doesn't sell it might as well be dirt, it's worthless until someone buys it, lol. Not like I can smoke it all myself, haha

Time to head South. ;-) Demand, demand, demand.


Overkill is under-rated.
LOL, yep south is where my other patient comes from, he's certainly more reliable than the dudes up here!


I hear that. The only outdoor I do now is for my personal, as everyone is so F'ing picky. The weed is off the hook, but the bag appeal is never quite what indoor is.


Overkill is under-rated.
I totally understand amigo, even when I tell someone that such and such indoor strain is super potent, they only care what it looks like, or smells like. Nobody even cares about potency, which makes you think we should all just grow Big Bud or something. People want purples but won't pay for it. People want frost but won't pay for it. People want funky smell but won't pay for it. Folks want Sativas, but sure as SHIT won't pay the $25% premium it takes to grow them indoors.

Basically most folks want cheap weed above all. Might as well grow huge amounts of garbage, thats what the masses seem to want, lol.


Yeah, its like they want to show it off to their friends but really don't know what the fuck they are talking about.
I've got a few finishing touches to put on the new room, and I can't wait to grow some really nice Sativa's for my head stash. My buddy does some really nice landraces and old school genetics that are such a pleasure to smoke. Can't get that shit in a club that's for sure. Nothing like being blazed off your ass for 4hrs. Last time I went down to visit him, I totally forgot to go pick up my girl as I was just that high.
Got in big trouble for that one. LOLZ


Overkill is under-rated.
God damn it to fucking hell!!! I just went home to water my two grape stomper outdoor girls, and they are both GONE. Ripped out of the fucking ground. Someone came right into my goddamn backyard and robbed me. GRRRR!!! They were gorgeous girls, 5 feet tall and 5' wide, about 3 weeks from being done. I found one branch outside my ten foot fence, but no trails through the pasture. I suspect my neighbor across the street, rental house full of young guys, only ones close enough to me to even see our comings and goings.

Next year I'm gonna plant two girls in exactly the same spot, but booby trapped and with video cameras. I will seriously harm whoever tries this again. Fuck!! I'm so pissed.


God damn it to fucking hell!!! I just went home to water my two grape stomper outdoor girls, and they are both GONE. Ripped out of the fucking ground. Someone came right into my goddamn backyard and robbed me. GRRRR!!! They were gorgeous girls, 5 feet tall and 5' wide, about 3 weeks from being done. I found one branch outside my ten foot fence, but no trails through the pasture. I suspect my neighbor across the street, rental house full of young guys, only ones close enough to me to even see our comings and goings.

Next year I'm gonna plant two girls in exactly the same spot, but booby trapped and with video cameras. I will seriously harm whoever tries this again. Fuck!! I'm so pissed.

that fuckin sucks lazy- glad that's all you lost..

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