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Lazyman's 16KW Headbanger


Overkill is under-rated.
Thanks MHM, yeah it wouldn't stop me either, read too many good things about them to turn them down. ;)


Goddamn!!! This guy is no joke!!! Lazyman, how do you like the Quantum Ballasts? I've had my eye on those. I've heard good things over the years about the staggered light timing. Have you done it before? I'll stay tuned for sure!!!!!

i love my quantum ballasts


Hmm you know I don't remember if they're hinged or not, but I thought they were.

Not hinged per say, they have those slotted thumb screws that are pretty heavy duty. Comes off and on pretty easy, just take of ends (2 screws each side) and you can slide glass thru to clean if needed. One man can do but a friend is ideal.


Overkill is under-rated.
Gotcha, thanks L-I!

I forgot to upload pics, but we're chopping tomorrow, no ideas on yield yet but the big Jackpots look great. I added two more oscillating fans, blowing towards the exhausts and lowered the room temps 3*F!

Also discovered my new Quantum in veg had been running at 50% brightness, for the last 3 weeks!! D'OH!! No wonder that side of the room was smaller.

Took another 100 cuts last night, giving the next-next batch plenty of head-start. So with any luck:

Next batch to flower is ~70 PMN, wow and grape stompers
After that ~80 Jackpots
After that ~100 GS cuts

I'm trying rockwool cubes instead of Oasis for the last batch of JP clones, already doing better, after just 6 days I can't pull the stems up on most of them.

The GS cuts I just took I'm trying the Rapid Rooter mat, 98 plugs for $18. I hope they work!

Been working my ass off on my veggie garden, 2-3 hours a night on that, then 2-3 hours at the basement, on top of my regular 9-5. No leisure time, but man you should see the gardens! Will take pics in a couple weeks when everything is more than 3" tall ;)

Oh and the two outdoor Grape Stompers are lookin fine, I top dressed the soil with some rabbit poop and they LOVE it, noticeable difference after just a few days.

Setting up my first tea brewer tonight, planting some arugula, processing a couple p's of trim into ISO hash, and hanging drying racks for this weekends big chop job.

Busy busy busy!! :)


Overkill is under-rated.
Picture time!

Grape stompers at 3 weeks flower, hard as hell to keep enough N in them, fighting em daily:

Grandaddy Urkle about to come down, here they are at 7 weeks:

Jackpot all flushed and yellowed up:

Veg room at 3 weeks, the back of the room had twice as much light (see ballast error in previous post) so they need some catch-up:

Oh you guys wanna see my very first, huge outdoor grow?
Here's GS 1 and 2!

Hahaha, night folks!


loving your grow mate. can't wait to see some harvest shots. heard the grape stomper is some killa meds. what do you think of it mate?


Overkill is under-rated.
Alright, got my first tea brewer set up last night, I filled a 5 gallon bucket with RO, a 200gph waterpump, and a pantyhose with 1 cup of GH Ancient Earth, half a cup of EWC, sugar and mycorrhizae. Man that pump agitates the crap out of the bucket, water was black instantly. Will try it on my roses and peppers tomorrow!

Also made a few pans of alcohol hash, 2 pans were dry this morning, the other two should be done by lunchtime. Then to start batch #2!


Overkill is under-rated.
nice basement setup Lazyman LOL LOL DUDE !!! lol peace out Headband707

Thanks amigo!


Much appreciated, check back soon for updates and yields!

loving your grow mate. can't wait to see some harvest shots. heard the grape stomper is some killa meds. what do you think of it mate?

Thanks a bunch, this is my first time growing grape stomper, but I remember smoking some last year and being impressed. The two moms I'm flowering still have a couple weeks to go I think, but the new batch has already caught up to them in bud size (!) Time will tell!


Tropical Outcast
Not hinged per say, they have those slotted thumb screws that are pretty heavy duty. Comes off and on pretty easy, just take of ends (2 screws each side) and you can slide glass thru to clean if needed. One man can do but a friend is ideal.

That and it is tempered glass...not a good idea to drop or let it "sag" while sliding out.

For those who don't know:

Tempered glass is glass that has been processed by controlled thermal or chemical treatments to increase its strength compared with normal glass.
Tempered glass is made by processes which create balanced internal stresses which give the glass strength.
It will usually shatter into small fragments instead of sharp shards when broken, making it less likely to cause severe injury and deep lacerations.

But once it breaks it will go EVERYWHERE and that in partially hair fine pieces.
One will still find pieces of it years later.

Still a great product though!


So far I hate these Magnum XXXL things that were so hyped up. I really wanted and tried to like it.

But... Cool Tubes? Reflectors? AC? What happened to the water cooling plan?


The magnum's serve a purpose, as do most any reflector model. Can you elaborate on why it did not live up to the hype for your particular application?

The magnum reflectors are great at giving a large canopy coverage, however that take away from the ability to penetrate the canopy as deep as say a super sun 2 reflector. The magnum's do move air with ease, but that extra space to allow airflow diminishes the intensity that is then reflected back down to the canopy. Give and take, give and take.

Application has more to do with the efficiency than the product itself. The magnums like any reflector won't be the end all be all of reflectors, just an option.

Exciting show lazy, good vibes from me to you with your future harvests. Nice to see you got all the ballasts fired up, doing it big. Big things to follow I am sure, keep gardening with a pure heart. nam myoho renge kyo


Poor performance: spreads light too far and wide for desirable height above canopy, ginormous w/o a cause (doesn't seem to actually provide any real benefits over Radiants, in fact worse), and difficult to maintain are some top reasons.

Expensive & heavy/large (logistics) are more reasons.


I agree with all points raised purples. Indeed those are the attributes of this model reflector. Did you also notice the sweet spots around the perimeter rather than directly in the middle? Seemed my specimens preferred the outer edge of the canopy best. Did not prefer this reflector for flowering, though some varieties in a sog may do very well under this canopy. Just not my style, as I take it not yours either.

Heavy bugger isn't she? Nearly chopped off my fingers a number of times holding it by the flange openings or triangles. :(

On a positive note, this is a great reflector for vegging if space permits. Great of you for the quick reply, your insight and experience is valued.
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Overkill is under-rated.
Hey guys, thanks for dropping in, been trimming up a storm. All the double purples and Jackpots are chopped and drying, took one night each! I think the Jackpot will be double the yield of the DP's though. All 6 drying racks are hung with an oscillating fan in my little drying room off the flower room, stays dark, cool and dry in there all the time so it's perfect for drying.

Also, took some wet weights of the JP, 2 gallon pot vs 6 gallon pot:

15 2g pots worth of JP weighed 6.4# wet.
6 4g pots of JP weighed 7.2# wet.

Basically over double the yield in the bigger pots, though I will attribute much of that yield difference to the fresh soil the 4g plants got at the flip, wheras the other 15 were N deficient for much of their run.

I'm gonna prove how much difference pot sizes make with the grape stompers though, some heavy tea feedings have helped with the N def quite a bit, though the thrips are still having a ball. Tried to find some Spinosad at Lowes today, no joy.

So the water cooling I axed, too expensive and the ROI takes about 5 years. I won't be at this location for that long. I can get 8 tons of AC for half the price it takes to get 5 tons of watercooling.

Yeah the Magnum hoods are huge, but they put down more overall lumens than any other hood on the market. The SS2 is almost as good, but cheaper and much smaller. If I had to buy hoods for the basement (oof 16 hoods) I'd probably get SS2 or Radiant6, depending on what I could get the best deal on.

Made some hash today too, took 7 big baking dishes but I got a hair over 2oz of alcohol hash, great stuff and burns ooh so clean. Nice cured baked taste with amazing potency that carries for hours, burns to nice white ash. I'll make some DP and JP hash here next week too.

Buddy is bringing me 46 more JP clones tomorrow, to augment the tray and a half I have floating around my garage. I want a packed veg room and an even more packed flower room. 10 plants per light instead of 5 sounds like a good start.

I also dropped a fat stocking of GH Ancient Earth, EWC and mycorrhizae with some Floralicious into my veg reservoir to make a big batch of ACT. I've been making small 5g batches at home daily and using them on my roses and outdoor grape stompers, they love it! So time to scale it up.

Gotta go find Spinosad tomorrow and hit the whole room, and do a bunch of cleanup. I may stall the transplant and moving plants from veg for another 2 weeks, but we'll see how they look next weekend.

K it's three AM, off to bed, night folks!


Overkill is under-rated.
Looks the two Jackpot moms are getting kinda rootbound and had a cal/mag def, so I mixed up a batch of special nutes with lots of N and cal/mag and some liquid Karma for em. Moved two of the three Blue Dragon plants into the mom room as they're getting big, another couple weeks and the three of them might give up enough cuts for a crop.

Still having problems with clones dying, the stems are fine but the foliage turns brown, wilts and rots. I think it's a pathogen of some sort, been spraying them with some Serenade fungicide but I think a weak Physan20 spray will be more effective. Am definitely having better luck getting roots in the rockwool than Rapid Rooter or Oasis cubes, in a couple weeks I'll take another tray of grape stompers and see if they stick.

The double purples and Jackpots are drying quickly, RH in the room is around 35% right now so that helps. The two big PMN moms have a few more days and the two GS moms have another week before they come down.

I decided to delay moving stuff in from veg for a week so they have time to get bigger, gonna do a transplant this weekend so everything going into flower goes into 4 or 5 gallon pots of fresh FFOF a week before they flip. Already picked out a couple of the WOW plants to keep for moms, they look great and are growing fast.

Not having much luck with the seeds I've been popping, they pop tails and I carefully planted them in some damp seedling mix, and had them under fluoros for 10 days with no sprouts. I put them outside so they could get more light and heat and still nothing a few days later. Argh!

The grape stompers are incredible, giant fat buds that are already WAY bigger than their moms (at 3.5 weeks vs 7 weeks!) and are becoming healthy again. I got some Spinosad (Bonide Dr BugDeath or something) and hosed all the plants with it to kill off thrips, and have been feeding the GS girls lots of organic tea mixed with some flower nutes/boosters. They are greening up and fattening up rapidly, I'm stoked!

So it looks like I should have around 80-100 Jackpots to run in the following batch, about double what I usually run. I think I'm gonna raise the lights so they're above the canopy, and cover as much of the floor with plants as possible. Can't hurt to try!

The two outdoor Grape stompers grow faster every day. Lots of bunny poop and compost tea, watering twice a day (I use a hose-end fertigator with PVO Grow/Bloom mix) and they are getting FAT, not much vertical growth but they're wider than tall already. What a trip! Growth isn't as fast as indoors I think, but it's hard to tell.

Hope you're all having a great week, more pix this weekend!


You will not be forgotten
i have truely enjoyed reading through your whole thread, you have some very tasty strains in the stables and i wish you the very best with your next flips , im in for the show :joint:


Hey Lazy,

Hope you had a sweet 4th. I've been busy with a new edible business but now it's back to gardening! I had a question about your reservoirs - how do you keep any muck or grime from building up inside those giant tanks? By day 3 or 4 after making a new mix i often see organic brownish material swirling around in my res (i have two airstones per res) and sometimes buildup on the sides at the water level. My basic nutrients for coco (veg - week3) are as follows:

Roots XL

------ Occasional Additives -------

Botanicare Seaplex
AN Carboload
Liquid Karma
Mycorizae Mix (various brands)

Do you see any of the above contributing to this, and what combo do you use to avoid the issues i'm having? Honestly, by day 4 on a 30 gal res (hand watered) i feel like tossing the entire mix because it looks like crap and smells kinda bad, but not the 'bad' organic smell that we know is actually quite nice. Any words of wisdom my friend..?

Thanks in advance!


Overkill is under-rated.
i have truely enjoyed reading through your whole thread, you have some very tasty strains in the stables and i wish you the very best with your next flips , im in for the show :joint:

Thanks Dimebag! Last crop came out to 6#, minus the two grape stomper moms that haven't been chopped yet. The 6 Jackpots in 4G pots outweighed 15 JP in 2G pots! By about 18 grams overall. Crazy! Nedless to say I went out and bought a bunch of 5G Smartpots, a ton of soil and amendments and set about transplanting stuff in veg ASAP!

Hey Lazy,

Hope you had a sweet 4th. I've been busy with a new edible business but now it's back to gardening! I had a question about your reservoirs - how do you keep any muck or grime from building up inside those giant tanks? By day 3 or 4 after making a new mix i often see organic brownish material swirling around in my res (i have two airstones per res) and sometimes buildup on the sides at the water level. My basic nutrients for coco (veg - week3) are as follows:

Roots XL

------ Occasional Additives -------

Botanicare Seaplex
AN Carboload
Liquid Karma
Mycorizae Mix (various brands)

Do you see any of the above contributing to this, and what combo do you use to avoid the issues i'm having? Honestly, by day 4 on a 30 gal res (hand watered) i feel like tossing the entire mix because it looks like crap and smells kinda bad, but not the 'bad' organic smell that we know is actually quite nice. Any words of wisdom my friend..?

Thanks in advance!

Yeah, it's because you're using mycorrhizae and hygrozyme in the res, any time you run a "live res" you're gonna have slime like that, and from everything I've been reading on tea brewing it's also not ideal.

Everyone tells me that mycorrhizae etc work best when the tea is used up in 24-36 hours after brewing, to maximize biological diversity and get the most of the good beneficial bacteria and fungi into the medium.

By brewing your res for a long time, bad bacteria can take over and make the res anaerobic, even with oxygen pumping in.

So if you want to use a live res, I would suggest running a garden hose into your room, and with a nozzle blast the thing clean 1-2X a week. Make up your nutes and use them up quickly, or at least add more molasses and mycorrhizae to keep the microherd alive and happy. You still shouldn't be brewing more than you can use in a couple days though, to be safe and to waste less.

If you want to avoid that messy routine, stop adding those two ingredients to the res (they're best in veg anyway, see my sig) and sw3itch to a dead res, use DM Zone (Chloramine) to kill all living things in the res without hurting the plants.

Hope that helps!

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