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Law related question. Do you feel safe?


So I've been having a dispute with an alcoholic ex-roommate I kicked out and he seems to think that I am going to be afraid of the police because I grow at home. I have all the paperwork in order, not close to a school/daycare, and my landlord is totally fine with it.

That being said, I should be fine since I am in 100% compliance with state law. Also, I always keep my count slightly below 100 even though I'm allowed more.

My question is this: How safe do you feel around LEO's? I live in Aurora, so they aren't too Cannabis friendly here, but since I am following the law to the letter, they should leave me alone if they have to come through, right? So I'm told, but I just don't believe it.

Any experience out there?


I am in 100% compliance with state law. Also, I always keep my count slightly below 100 even though I'm allowed more.

"100% compliance" is HIGHLY unlikely given the new legal requirements AND given the reality of cropping and dealing with even a small percentage of your legally allowable plant count. Plant counts are relatively meaningless if at point of harvest you are virtually guaranteed to exceed allowable dry/cured allowance. Then consider that virtually any transfer to reduce your holdings to legal levels entails an illegal act. This is especially true for you given that you are (at least to my interpretation) trying to utilize the edible notation for increased counts. Your sh*t better be in order including active medible production! Pounds of dried/cured combined with minimal evidence of edible use and an edible notation for higher counts is just asking for trouble. 100% compliance seems largely a myth to sooth our worries...

The real question should be "how tight is my financial and legal life OUTSIDE Amend 20 / HB 1284 compliance and does THAT make me safe?" Just because LEO leaves your residence after verifying plant counts does not necessarily mean you are in the clear. In my book, your whole life should be tightly controlled (especially your holdings and financial records) so that further inspection/investigation does not betray obvious "criminal" activity. I'd also be more afraid of a disgruntled, alcoholic former housemate than I personally would be of LEO. The combination of the two are an old school no-no for growers...

That said, I feel safe... sort of.


I have always remained in compliance with state laws as a dispensary.
The damage caused by the police battering ram on a bogus search warrant on our grow warehouse was over $1200.

Your city is even worse than Colorado Springs....good luck. The laws don't really mean much these days.


For the most part I feel safe as we are complaint with state regs. I have already had BCDTF at my door and they left with a thank you for your time and have a good day. Had that been the feds, it would have worked out completely different. So for now I feel safe, but who is to say that in 2012 a new pres. gets elected and does an about face regarding MMJ, Ill have to reconsider our situation at that point I guess.


Who knows... i have the same damn issue... actually it's the investor of the warehouse op.

Things went south with the disp owner... all sorts of money issues... no pays... possible embezzlement... contract violations... whatever...

Had to get a lawyer to cover my ass... the crazy investor got mad at me for protecting my interests from their deliberate lies & inaction... and, this is what's amazing...

... called my landlord & told him that I was doing something 'very, very illegal'.

Somehow he thought that would 'get me'...???

I can't believe some people. I can't believe what I think to do to such people.

Anyway... it's already cost me $500 or more just in having my lawyer prep the basics for the possibility that he calls the cops next time.

Then they can still come into my legal grow & arrest me... perhaps fukn up my watering cycle before I can post bail & causing major crop damage... or loss.

Even if I have a super-tight legal case & they could be held financially responsible... they've still screwed me/you/anyone over.

Not to mention the lawyers fees.


Working the UG as I have for over 20yrs, I have always felt safe.

Loose lips Sink Ships everyday.

The last person to ever know about your grow should be your landlord...pure f'n stupidity, especially in CO.


I am compliant in every way. I still don't feel safe. I don't have anyone that knows I grow but I have been screwed with so much for no reason.


Working the UG as I have for over 20yrs, I have always felt safe.

Loose lips Sink Ships everyday.

The last person to ever know about your grow should be your landlord...pure f'n stupidity, especially in CO.

Not true. If you are fully compliant the way LEO's have been screwing CO residents is by going to their landlords. If the landlords isn't cool with it, the police/landlord have every right to kick you out and close up shop.

If your landlord is aware and supports it, there is little they can do, IF the paperwork is there to support.


How safe do you feel with LEO in general?
I had 1 (one) 'positive' experience with law enforcement. They helped me unlock a car back in '90 (they won't do that anymore in general )
Since then, it's been nothing but speeding tix and other general harassment. Including the dumb sonofabiatch that damn near rolled his cruiser diving off into the median at 80+mph
on a toll road
dry, daylight, and no traffic
posted 75
for 6 over
Had he rolled it?
I would have grinned serenely in the rearview, and carried on my way.


If your landlord is aware and supports it, there is little they can do, IF the paperwork is there to support.

That statement is not true.

It is still Illegal at the federal level. We were just lucky that when the locals called in the DEA it was just after a time that the DEA boss had handed them their asses for busting on med grows.

Besides, after they bash in your door with their ill conceived search warrant, you still have to pay for the replacement door... and commercial doors aren't cheap :)
I think that you are good with 30 plants....... Amendment 20 clearly states 6 plants, HB-1284 says no more than 5 patients per Caregiver, basic math 6 times 5 is 30. The Feds don't give a fuck about a 30 plant grow, the Cops are aware that the State Constitution says 6 plants per rec........

Beyond that, you may very well find yourself in a cell hoping to make bail, and once you get bail, no growing or smoking until you are done at trial, and that will cost maybe $20,000 or $30,000.

So, if you are a BALLER and have a BANKROLL, go for it, up to whatever the Dr's rec says! My 5 patients are good for 70 plants, but I have way less than that, and the best part is, NO ONE KNOWS I GROW.

Well, not a lot of people, obviously the people on ICMAG know, but certainly my neighbors and even some of my family members don't. DISCRETION HELPS ME SLEEP. TRY IT, IT WORKS!

AND, PER TR33 (How come it's always the old guys that have it figured out?) LOOSE LIPS SINKS SHIPS!