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Las Vegas, NV Dispensaries Busted


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in the state if nv if your a caregiver your growing 1 persons mmj and not your own or your breaking the law.

{Again, mostly speculative and opinion based. I've found good and bad bud in the shops around town, same as anywhere else, all be it some ares of the country have a slightly higher percentage of good bud behind the counter. I mean come on we all know most of it is coming in from Cali, there isn't the climate here to supply the demand, so that being said it can't be that much different then your average Cali dispensary.}

duder you really dont know this town i grew up here im 47 yrs old and i can tell you indoors the climate is perfect yr round.

chit mmj is growen in vegas and shipped to cali has been for approx 4-5 yrs now

{Then why wasn't anyone arrested for weed? You're telling me 45 dispensaries across the valley opened up 'consulting services' at the same time and all of them decided to brake the law and sell bud too all at the same time? If we had that kind of coordination weed would be fucking legal, lol}

didnt you notice IRS/CID jackets dea and metro was just backup. the raids went down so tax records can be checked. thats why irs was involved and no1 was arrested, bet your sweet hind end there will be arrests in the future if they find any tax mistakes. they know what the consulting services run and how much they claimed on the last yr tax returns !!!.

{That's IF you already have medical records, if you don't the doc alone gets $300, at least mine did.}

so you had no medical docs to back up your claims??? like i have

[I've been to a dozen shops across town and not a one has the donation amounts on the jar,.. it's written on weedmaps.com but that's it,.. and only had one person say "$60 donation" when i bought an 8th.]
thats funny only 1 i've been in showed me a jar of MK Ultra smelled greener then my sugar shack just cut. on the jar plainly written was

MK Ultra in red letters
60/120 200/400 donations only if i remember correctly in big fat bold black letters

[From what I've heard you're allowed to "donate" your extra to the dispensaries and there allowed to "donate" money to you for your labor and expenses}

if this is the case why was the lady in henderson who dosent ask for donation but gifts the MMJ to patients raided also ???

once money of any kind changes hands in nv for cannibis the law looks and gets imvolved

nv has had legal state mmj program since 2000 it's only been the last few yrs these places have poped up like 7/11 stores. pluss after channel 8 news ran an iteam report on diversity and THC 4:20 both where plainly cought on camera sayn 500$ w/med records 600$ w/out them and we'll get records for ya.

now that i say deserves a ass whippn not just for being cought sayn what they did. but for abussing the nv mmj program..

if you dont have records our Dr can make some for you!!

oh and i'm really against commercial growers plain dont like them


Active member
{duder you really dont know this town i grew up here im 47 yrs old and i can tell you indoors the climate is perfect yr round}

That's your reply to my saying the outdoor climate is too hot in Vegas and thus not enough mj can be produced here to supply the demand so dispensaries are probably getting it from CA and thus maybe why they were raided? If you just want to disagree to disagree PM me, i was hoping this thread was started for the purpose of an intelligent conversation on the topic at hand.

{chit mjj is growen in vegas and shipped to cali has been for approx 4-5 yrs now}

As is swag bud from Mexico shipped everywhere, you're paying any mind what so ever to the 1% anomaly in the mix is pointless, again disagreeing just to disagree doesn't really help anyone reading this.

{so you had no medical docs to back up your claims??? like i have}

What are we having a pissing contest now? What the hell does it matter? Nevermind, you're better then me, you win because you had that and i didn't. You get to smoke and grow exactly 0 more then me, good job, lol

{thats funny only 1 i've been in showed me a jar of MK Ultra smelled greener then my sugar shack just cut. on the jar plainly written was}

Ok so you admittedly have only been to one shop (that's what i suspected) and you're on this forum saying 'this is what they do there' and 'this is the quality of there bud'?

I said:
From what I've heard you're allowed to "donate" your extra to the dispensaries and there allowed to "donate" money to you for your labor and expenses.

You said: if this is the case why was the lady inhenderson who ask for donation but gifts the MMJ to patients raided also?

What does that have anything to do with how dispensaries are legally allowed to obtain there mj? That's the Q i was asking that no one seems to be able to answer, not even the dispensaries themselves. I asked that very Q to one of them recently and after getting a dirty look like i was asking for the secret recipe to there moms apple pie was told "it's a gray area". Which to me is absolutely retarded. If they thought i was wearing a wire they just admitted they don't know how there legally allowed too obtain there mj, and even if im not there operating a business they don't themselves know the laws on hot to legally operate.

{once money of any kind changes hands innv for cannibis the law looks and gets imvolved}

You yourself said NV has had an mj program since 2000, and what happened recently are the first dispensary bust,.. so again that's a pretty speculative comment to make. Do we need that kind of talk in this conversation? Does it help matters or inform anyone?

{if you dont have records our Dr can make some for you!!}

Ya that's pretty dumb if they said that, but again i suspect it's yet another speculative comment considering you don't even need a doctor to make up old records. Anyone who walks in to a doc that does this and says 'i have back pain' is going to get a card because you can't prove back pain on an x-ray. From what i learned going though the process doctors (as they should if you tell them 'I've tried mj and it helped me') pretty much just say 'who am i to say you're wrong' and write you the script.

{oh and i'm really against commercial growers plain dont like them}

Good to know, not that it has anything to do with this topic but ya, good to know.

Now once last time,.. not that i suspect anyone really knows,..
How are dispensaries legally allowed to obtain there MJ here in NV,.. or CA for that matter?


What's up with clones in Vegas? Are any dispensaries selling clones? If so which places?



Active member
I've seen them at a few but they mostly looked like shit. HMC on Westcliff @ Buffalo i know has them. Weedmaps.com though dude, everyone lists what they have, duh! :)


I don't do the dispensary thing in my home state... Weedmaps is useless for me, but you're right I'll ccheck it out. Got a good friend that just became a medical patient and is interested in a few plants for his closet. If you know of any that are more well known to have better clones let me know.

Thanks for the help
The minute I saw IRS, I thought "this has to do with taxes and nothing else." Probably they took the patient records so they can figure out how much money the dispensary was really pulling in vs. what they were claiming and paying taxes on . . . . .

Pay your taxes. The IRS scares me more than anything else.


Active member
The minute I saw IRS, I thought "this has to do with taxes and nothing else." Probably they took the patient records so they can figure out how much money the dispensary was really pulling in vs. what they were claiming and paying taxes on . . . . .

Pay your taxes. The IRS scares me more than anything else.

I think you are spot on with this observation, it explains why not all shops got hit and why else would the IRS be involved in a bust unless some greedy owner wasn't paying their taxes? I mean come on, a dispensary is gonna move tons of cash so of course the IRS is gonna watch them especially when they can make examples of them so easily...


Hey Major, not to get you riled but an OZ a week????? I smoke a ton and never get near that.


Hey just back from Vegas helpingmy buddy and got to say I was impressed with the dispensary he got his clones from. Jolly green Meds i believe it was... They had very happy and healthy cuts and the smoke he got from them was god too. Way to go Vegas! Coming from Colorado..


Active member
come on dude,.. if you don't have any proof please don't post rumors ANYWHERE, you yourself personally lesson the value of this site and the internet in general


come on dude,.. if you don't have any proof please don't post rumors ANYWHERE, you yourself personally lesson the value of this site and the internet in general

If you lived in Nevada long enough thats all you need buddy. But what ever. You think we are going to be protected like Ca. LOL!! I'm just trying to give a heads up to people who may think different.


Active member
Oooooooooooooh well hell as long as someone on youtube ranted about it it muuuust be true. I mean that video was in color and everything so ya. And he sounded like such a creditable source too all like "the war is on" and showing just about as much proof as you, zero, nada, zilch. Yes, awesome, as if NV didn't suck enough we need rumor mills now too. IMO,..if you don't come with real proof of your claims, at least something other then just hearsay and hippie rants, don't come at all dude.


Rubbing my glands together

How are dispensaries legally allowed to obtain there MJ here in NV,.. or CA for that matter?

There is NO LEGAL PATHWAY for dispensaries to obtain and sale marijuana. They are all getting their product off the blackmarket.
As far as the donation thing goes. If I go to Smith's and get a 6 pack I pay for it. If I go to a dispensary and get an 8th, I would also have to pay for that. Call it a donation if it makes you feel better, but if you don't "donate" what they want, they ain't letting you walk out the door with it. Call it what it is....sales.


Active member
I agree, its a sale, but we all know why they call it what they do and its damn good they do. As for your answer to my question, im just wondering how you know this? I'm not saying you're wrong i just want to be sure. Seems real hard to believe the county would give a business license and 45 shops across town would all illegally "donate" weed. Now we all know it doesn't but If the shops claimed there bud all comes from those who were legally allowed to grow in the state of NV would that not be there "legal pathway"?


Rubbing my glands together
Oooooooooooooh well hell as long as someone on youtube ranted about it it muuuust be true. I mean that video was in color and everything so ya. And he sounded like such a creditable source too all like "the war is on" and showing just about as much proof as you, zero, nada, zilch. Yes, awesome, as if NV didn't suck enough we need rumor mills now too. IMO,..if you don't come with real proof of your claims, at least something other then just hearsay and hippie rants, don't come at all dude.

The guy in the video is James Parsons. He owns and operated MCC here in Nevada. He's been helping patients get mmj cards for around 5 years or so now. 1st licensed business to do this here. If his patients are getting raided many of them will contact him to let him know.
It would seem that you haven't lived in Nevada long enough to know how things REALLY work here. It's what you see happening in the media, THEN there's what's really going on with the good old boy's running it all. Vegas is a big town. It's just not out in the open like it used to be. Vegas is really very small when you find out who has interest in what.


Rubbing my glands together
Here's the rub. I posted what I know to be fact. OK. I wouldn't go into anymore detail that that. What I know, where it came from, who told me, ain't gonna be spred out on a canna site.
Since you have to question what I posted, there is nothing else I can do or say that will convince you. So take it however you want. For the last time-
The Constitutional amendment and the state law that regulates the program have provisions in them that clearly state that 1 patient cannot give or sale any marijuana to another. Period. That's it. There is no discussion because that's the way it is unti the law is changed. If you undertand it differently or someone with some "secret knowledge" has told you there is a way to do this, they are wrong.


Active member
Again, that doesn't really prove anything,.. statements like you made last post, or like i already pointed out that guy made in that video don't prove anything regardless of how much longer anyone has lived here in Vegas then me. No offense but you didn't even answer my Q on how you know what you said about there being no legal channel for shops to obtain mj. Again im not saying anyone is wrong, im just saying wheres the proof, or at least how do you know what you're saying to be true? Because it sure doesn't seem likely that there is no legal way yet there 45 shops sit open M-F doing it. And until i see some proof from anyone videos like that just spread the seed worry not the seed of mj. I mean come on the guy sounds like a nut job and you know it. The last thing anyone needs are blind followers regurgitating what someone says and not making sure its true first. Thank god he took the time to have that T shirt on in the vid, that will help a fucking lot. If what you're saying is legit come with some proof so those who took the time to grow legally (not that i was dumb enough to get my license at such a high profile place as MCC) know for sure they have something to worry about and can take action accordingly. What the fuck does he expect that vid to accomplish? What's he really recommending anyone do? You're telling me there was no police record of these raids at all that he could have shown to backup his statements.

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