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Large scale Water dripping systems - need help designing


New member
Hi guys,

Let's make it short. I need to design water system for our outdoor grow, 7000 plants, 3/4 gal fabric pots on cultivation tables, one big water container, no-till, water only.
I'd rather go for drippers, but struggling to choose one over another.
Any help appreciated :)


Well-known member
3/4 gal fabric pots are very small and would need watering daily as the plants got bigger. If one plant used 1/2 a liter of water a day for 7000 plants that would come to 924 gallons or 3500 liters of water a day. For one week you will use a total of 6468 gallons or 24500 liters a week. That means you will need a rez that has a holding cap of 10.000 gallons. It will have to be refilled 2 or 3 times a month. If you are using water only it needs to be pure without any additives. RO or Rainwater. A 10000-gallon storage tank will run you $14,500😎


New member
Yes, exactly. Your calculations are not far off. We'll set a big tank, probably underground to control the tempretaure better in hot months. RO water system to our specification. Reffilled as often as need, but it's obvious less is preffered ;) Despite the montly cost of the water, let's say this is what we go for, not going into other details, because they are irrelevant. I know the pots are small, but it is what it is ;) What dripper systems should I go for? I considered blutmats put I think I can get a better, more controllable system for much less. I'd like to control the water amount feeding by an app for example. It has to be automated, basically the less human input the better. And we're in EU, which doesn't make it easier afaik.


Autistic Diplomat in Training
With such large numbers, and such small pots/bags, be prepared to lose a few hundred plants per round, especially if you automate things.

I suggest at least a quick look at the logistics behind creating that much r/o water.

Have you grown 500+ plants outdoor before?

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