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Large Cannabis Farms Permitted in Oakland


The DEA would love something like this... only a few big dealers they can keep an eye on that they can control as it is labled a medical grow. They will go after the rec providers and Mr. lee will corner the market.

So as you can see nothing will happen to these big grows.


Well-known member
The DEA would love something like this... only a few big dealers they can keep an eye on that they can control as it is labled a medical grow. They will go after the rec providers and Mr. lee will corner the market.

So as you can see nothing will happen to these big grows.

this begins to make a bit more sense, this is DEA's plan if Prop 19 should pass
it may not, that i don't know, and i'm guessing that's how they see it, they don't know if it will pass
they've already been told to leave MMJ alone, they're overwhelmed anyways
so if the worst should happen(shudder), they have resources ready to stamp out any evil rec growing, thereby saving California and America(tear in eye)


Active member
I'm thinking a growers co-op, with only the finest strains. all hand tended plants, hand watered, hand trimmed, and cured to perfection...all product produced would supply the smoking lounge owned by the co-op, now this is just the tip of the iceberg so to speak. if anyone cares to add to this please fire away...

Great. I am all for it. Now start it. And don't expect to sleep till your brainchild collective is thousands strong and has the clout needed to combat OaksterMart.

My point is that its a great idea, but you're going to have to work as tirelessly as Richard Lee has worked to make his agenda come to life.

Can't wait to see your progress!


Active member
I don't pay a permit fee or tax for ANY of the trees, shrubs, lawn, or weeds currently on my land.

but you would pay taxes if you sold them. you would also have to pay permit fees and build to code for any kind of large scale industrial activity (I am referring to the large scale indoor grows this thread is focused on) on your land.


Active member
I'm trying to create a new market regulated by us for us.
by growers for growers.
by patients for patients.
Not by government for government.

Super. What is your website address? Where is your office? Are you working with lobbyists or were you planning on countering Lee's army of attorneys and lobbyists with cute slogans?

Again, I am all for these ideas, but until I see someone actually doing it, I'm just going to assume that Richard Lee et al will be winning in your communities.

So far, the only legit moves I have seen have been made by the SoHum community. Other than that, I have heard a lot of talk and seen very little action of the kind that will make "the community" a real contender in this battle.

Call me a cynic, but "the community" staking its claim to our gardens is not about circling up for a chant or even holding a mass demo in downtown Sacramento. Its seriously going to have to involve playing with the big boys in the dirty game of politics. Hiring lobbyists and lawyers and aggressively appealing to the economic needs of our counties and municipalities.

Unfortunately, the only way to beat Lee is to be Lee.
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Being a lobbyist would be my ultimate goal. I would love to try and convince people to do good things with pot for money.

as for your statements of "cynicism," nomaad, they are appreciated. This is literally the beginning of this idea. So no website has been created, or anything.

I can say I've talked to Chris Conrad and Debbie Goldsberry about it briefly. Both responded about how you did. Chris with a little more enthusiasm, as i presented the idea as California being the tip of the iceberg for the rest of the world.

Do you have any experience in this? Can you offer any guidance? Do you know any growers who would do this? Particularly the terroir aspect.

As for playing with the big boys, lol. THe big boys are just like you and me but they have more balls. Richard Lee is more likely than not going to federal prison for atleast a moment. This is short of martyrdom. All the pioneer have been semi martyrs. They have all endured countless harassment and sleepless nights all for our benefit.

So don't hate the player hate the game. Richard Lee went hard and has been rewarded, locally. The feds are not going to stand for large scale production out in the open. So let him be on top of the world now. He has the balls to stick his neck out. ..I'm rambling.

point is don't make him more than he is. He is a dude with balls. We can be those dudes. Fuck coming up from the basement is enough for most people to change the world.

Pick a day for potheads to come out like the LGBT did and weed will be legal around the world instantly.

rambling again. sorry. i get excited.

but yes lobbyist i would love to be. it will be studied.

ne ways. back to the topic. lol. anyone care to comment on any of the standards? anyone talk to their friends about this?


Active member
fuck that shit...im gonna be running with no fucking licenses..and selling directly to people who will take it out of CA fuck the local taxed ass market.


Active member
Its not just about balls. You've also got to have a willingness to be involved in the political game. I have met a bigtime pot lobbyist or two and can say, with conviction, that I have no place in that game.

I agree that part of what has made Lee so successful is his willingness to put his neck out into realms noone else has dared to. I fully have respect for that. It will be interesting to see what kind of martyrdom he will have to suffer. I'm not so sure about federal prison, but I am very interested to see it play out.

If you have what it takes to play the game that I do hate so much, then I suggest you go for it. We need more local leaders to champion their local cause. What county are you in? You have to play at the county level because this is where the Supreme Court sent the responsibility. The two most important hurdles are 1) making sure that the right ordinances are passed in your municipality and 2) that your locale becomes a trusted brand that upholds a certain set of standards. Like the terrior or DOCG for italian wines. Number one may be achieved by hiring lobbyists and having them push your agenda in the right meetings with the right people. This is what lobbyists do. Lobbyists cost money. As much as $500/billable hour and perhaps more.

Is it worth it? IMO, Yes. If you win. And if the process itself does not corrupt you and turn you into a dollar sign douchebag like those you set out to protect us from.

I hope somebody worthwhile gets behind something like this in my county. I would love to see a Lake county appellation for ganja. I would love to find a legit certification body for my medicine that both patient and grower can believe in. I would push it in my collective with a passion. I am hoping to see these institutions start to form.


Active member
fuck that shit...im gonna be running with no fucking licenses..and selling directly to people who will take it out of CA fuck the local taxed ass market.

i'm with you in spirit, bro. 100%. i am a pirate.

But... I came back to the States to build something in the legal medical marijuana industry. I have a responsibility to my family to minimize my risks and liabilities. Keeping it in the state and medical is the keystone of that responsibility.

Six years ago I would be saying exactly what you're saying. Only louder.

So I can respect where you are coming from. The discussion here is about how to counter the pressure from Oaksterdam. Even though the fight is total bullshit on the level of my personal beliefs about liberty, its the fight we're faced with.

And lucky for you the out-of-state market is not going anywhere anytime soon. Its the opt-out clause for the bullshit (but real) politics of the mainstream industry.
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Active member
The DEA doesnt give a shit about the plant itself; Its the fact that us hooligans are making some cash from it.

Now the cash is controlled, and even better for them, they have their hands in it.

joe fresh

Active member
i see there are a lot of paranoid ppl here about large companies taking over......this is ridiculous....


let the law pass....vote yes....ppl who dont want the big buisness in the area will not support them by boycotting them....

by letting this law pass it will set a precedent and other states....and even countries will follow.....

its already illegal for you grow and sell weed(unless if you have a med card)....so if this law passes and you want to continue going "illegal" go right ahead, all the power to ya....but dont make other suffer.....for your greed.

if this law passes it would be the norm to see anyone growing, so bringing grow related equipment in and out the house would not be out the norm...there would be less snitching from neighbors as they would think you are legal no mater how big you are and who you sell it to.....and snitching is the #1 reason anyone gets busted.....


really some of these comments are alarming.so what big business grows it good thats getting alot closer to legalizing it for everyone small farmers will survive just like small farmers in america survive trust me theres plenty of people out there that want to go to the gas station and buy their weed so let them all this negativity in this post really brings me down the sky isn't falling its just gettn a little greener thats all be kool fools
Its not just about balls. You've also got to have a willingness to be involved in the political game. I have met a bigtime pot lobbyist or two and can say, with conviction, that I have no place in that game.

I'm not sure I am either, but was Jack Herer a lobbyist? Is Dennis Peron.. do i need to continue. I might not be able to be a point man, but i can spread the word and find some. I've done it before in other areas. I believe i can do it again. NOTE: Its a story for PM if you care but long story short, my life won't stand up to the fine tooth come of publicity at this moment.

Is it worth it? IMO, Yes. If you win. And if the process itself does not corrupt you and turn you into a dollar sign douchebag like those you set out to protect us from.

I hope somebody worthwhile gets behind something like this in my county. I would love to see a Lake county appellation for ganja. I would love to find a legit certification body for my medicine that both patient and grower can believe in. I would push it in my collective with a passion. I am hoping to see these institutions start to form.

Thank you for your kind words. This is all i need. talk to your folks and get back with me. here or via PM. All it takes is a few folks to really start the ball rolling. Leaders will emerge. I'm not greedy or in need of fame. I want things to improve and i want people who put the work in to still get a reward when things go big time.

I honestly just have the will. The idea is not even completely mine. Mriko here came up with the foundation/framework. I am just pushing it forward. All I ask is for anyone interested to do the same. The world has changed. Look at the tea party. No national leader. No party structure. Open source mayhem. I don't agree with their politics but their lack of structure is beautiful.

we can duplicate this. movements aren't about leaders. they are about ideas and enthusiasm. Pure unbridled sativa driven enthusiasm.

i'm with you in spirit, bro. 100%. i am a pirate.

But... I came back to the States to build something in the legal medical marijuana industry. I have a responsibility to my family to minimize my risks and liabilities. Keeping it in the state and medical is the keystone of that responsibility.

Six years ago I would be saying exactly what you're saying. Only louder.

So I can respect where you are coming from. The discussion here is about how to counter the pressure from Oaksterdam. Even though the fight is total bullshit on the level of my personal beliefs about liberty, its the fight we're faced with.

And lucky for you the out-of-state market is not going anywhere anytime soon. Its the opt-out clause for the bullshit (but real) politics of the mainstream industry.




goodbye mendo county

goodbye mendo county

First the government needs to respect state laws, unlike the Arizona deal. I'm going to laugh at all the liberals who are against Arizona standing up for itself while at the same time demanding the government respect cal laws.
Most marijuana activist are liberal they are doing this to them selves. I don't wanna hear that big business bullshit cause the biggest business are the fucking unions.
Mendo county will become a ghost town, the central valley will become the new marijuana capitol of the world. I know lots of farmers who grow veg & fruits who will one day switch to Marijuana those are the guys you need to worry about. They are just like you & me. All this talk about tobac companies getting in is nothing to worry about, they will throw lots of money at it and loose because they are international companies. Those farmers in the central valley have the abilitity to grow as good if not better than mendo guys but on a scale the world hase never seen.


Freedom Fighter
really some of these comments are alarming.so what big business grows it good thats getting alot closer to legalizing it for everyone small farmers will survive just like small farmers in america survive trust me theres plenty of people out there that want to go to the gas station and buy their weed so let them all this negativity in this post really brings me down the sky isn't falling its just gettn a little greener thats all be kool fools

That is true for small farmers....but they can still do what they can--
The Oakland thing is saying that ONLY those 4 will be able to supply the Dispensaries, and that any other grow, except personal only...will be illegal-- At least that is how I am understanding it--
If I am wrong, will someone pls clarify??


Well-known member
First the government needs to respect state laws, unlike the Arizona deal. I'm going to laugh at all the liberals who are against Arizona standing up for itself while at the same time demanding the government respect cal laws.
Most marijuana activist are liberal they are doing this to them selves. I don't wanna hear that big business bullshit cause the biggest business are the fucking unions.
Mendo county will become a ghost town, the central valley will become the new marijuana capitol of the world. I know lots of farmers who grow veg & fruits who will one day switch to Marijuana those are the guys you need to worry about. They are just like you & me. All this talk about tobac companies getting in is nothing to worry about, they will throw lots of money at it and loose because they are international companies. Those farmers in the central valley have the abilitity to grow as good if not better than mendo guys but on a scale the world hase never seen.

this is stone cold and dead on
it's really wild how the strange theories get going
as samtheskunkman has mentioned, you're probably not going to beat a greenhouse for cost/quality
outdoor growing could change dramatically, who knows what techniques may pop up to get near indoor quality
i can't think of how to do that, but think of the payoff if you could
That is true for small farmers....but they can still do what they can--
The Oakland thing is saying that ONLY those 4 will be able to supply the Dispensaries, and that any other grow, except personal only...will be illegal-- At least that is how I am understanding it--
If I am wrong, will someone pls clarify??

read the second quote in post #20.


FCK Prop. !9 and all those who say don't worry as they FCK you in the ass. And you smile a little more, as more of freedom is taken. This is big Pharma, and is controlled by the government. Why don't you just take a look at Monsanto. You can take your P19 and shove it.



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