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Landrace Indica's......come one , come all!

Hindu Killer

Active member
Figured Id start this thread in tribute to the LRI's out there. Couple years ago i started hunting these forums for something simular to a Afghani I had in the 80's. 2 hit, killer expansion...and wonderful taste. Left many friends saying "wow" type of shit. Nugged up nice and solid by sept 15th also...so I loved it.

However I lost it....went to jail I think. Ive now tryed alot of nice stuff. Elites....etc. And nothing has come close....untill a kind soul shared some "Paki" seed with me. Story had it a American soldier fighting in Afghanistan obtained them on a LRP and brought them back. I was gifted 6 or 8 seeds I think, I germed them and put them in a corn field, pollinated lower branches of each female, with all males pollen. Open pollination controlled a bit if you will. But had to harvest early do to combines. So seed wasnt totally ripe. Major bummer.
However i did get some to germ and they are now called "War On Terror Paki " 3rd year in the states. Soon I will post some pics. Ive 6 nice females so far. 2 phenos i think. One very indica ,and the other more branchy like. Great smell, and maple leaves.