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landlord refinancing house!!! fuck



well just a little update for all of you.

landlord came by and we had enough medical patients and enough grey area in the law that we are cool.

but the appraisal is still going to happen which means we still have to take it down.

oh well.
hes going to let us put it back up when the appraisal is done.

I have learned so much in the last few days just racking my brain.
thanks to all and any that sent positive vibes my way


we are legal by state mmj laws and have paperwork but im just to sketched to leave it in the house and face my landlord.

I could get booted out of here, if not worse
yea it would be discrimination,but he would just find another reason to boot you.if you could document him discriminating against you..then you might have grounds for civil suit,if you can box them up or rtransport elsewhere do so .if you can hide em in bushes trees anywhere then better off also if landlord does see them he would have probable cause to call po po regardless of your status as mj patient as anonymity in making police calls all that required.
you could feel your landlord out.i have had some landlords be cool the key word for them is plausible deniability.also it's not really in the best interests of the landlord to boot out people that pay rent so they can pay it themselves.so call em up and ask him ow he feels if you are running out of options.


so when your landlord came by everything was still up and running?

glad everythings been safe thus far.


well thats that.

he is ending our lease agreement. I have 6 days to take down the grow and get all of my stuff out.

landlord is giving me back the security deposit and half of aprils rent. unfortunately this is the demise of knifehitz

thanks all

we made it out safe. time to move on


Active member
well thats that.

he is ending our lease agreement. I have 6 days to take down the grow and get all of my stuff out.

landlord is giving me back the security deposit and half of aprils rent. unfortunately this is the demise of knifehitz

thanks all

we made it out safe. time to move on

Sorry to see it go down like that.

Look for a temp place while you scope out a better place. Got a way to save your genetics??

Here's pulling for ya!


honestly, it's for the best. once your landlord knows, the gig is up; you have to leave (or not grow again until you move), or else you are risking blackmail, ripping or him simply calling the cops if he's in a bad mood. But i feel for you, sucks to get kicked out and kill your crop at the same time. Good luck.


so knifehitz are you medical?if so document the fact why he is kicking you out,and if you have a significant medical problem you can sue him 4discrimination.i would have him come over run a security camera with audio and video or any camera or any audio.then state your medical problems for the camera how cannabis helps you. iif you aren't medical count your blessings and bugaloo out of there somewhere safe.


yea only kinda temp legal.

ya know the grey area.

anyways. the equip is going with my buddy and im out.

youll see us again wether or not you know it. and yea im just glad it ended this way and not any other.

thcv is correct. My biggest fear with the landlord knowing was blackmail or extortion of sorts but mine just wasn't comfortable with the op in his house and I have to respect that
so Ill move on

oh and im never setting up a grow again that isn't collapsible.

shit has to be able to come down in an hour.
I would still have a house and still be cropping if we had made it collapsible or even somewhat modular but we didnt


wow threats and extortion I doubt he probably views you as a liability and believing and you knowing hes got the jump on you makes him comfortable about violating your rights per real estate law.:fsu:
let this be a further wake up call to get your med license validated and if you are just growing for yourself and doctor can verify to that then...
but being that leo might make your life a pain in the ass probably just as
there should be a medical plant rescue service for people in adverse situ like this.:fsu: or a guardian cannangel superhero to rescue the sick and dying from the clutches of the greedy landlord ,and jackbooted thugs.
Sorry about the whole situation knifehitz. I just went through having to tear down and kill everything only to find out it wasn't needed. 8 months of selecting parents and cloning gone! But you gotta look at it this way, ya it sucks but at least you can pack up and grow another day and still have your freedom.



yep thats the beauty of it. I learned a lot and Im alive to grow another day. plus it looks like all my mountain friends back home already have cuts cloning for me so i can get started just gonna be another rough 3 months of waiting


all i can is been there done that. my pit helped the 2nd time. it's a bitch. i need to do one now. my buddy did one a few months back. i just told him you can't go in there. but the bank might want to do their own. my house dropped quit a bit so i'm sorta not in a hurry, but it sucks, the whole angst of it all.

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