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landlord refinancing house!!! fuck



said i need to set up a time to do an appraisal.
The garage is full of ladies. is this dude going to do a walk through???

what do I do.???


Active member
i'm sure the guy is going to need to come and check out the property.
I'm not sure how in-depth they can get though...

- SubN


im concerned they will want to take measurements and shit, but ugh i can NOT tear down this op


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
they will want to see everything ... basements , garage , out buildings ... best rent a uhaul and take the girls for a ride if possible .


yep dude there going to look at the surface of the place. banks have to check the place to make sure it is still worth the same or less.

everybody is refinancing this week so if you rent and your not legit watch out

Obama urges millions to refinance mortgages



Rosin Junky and Certified Worm Wrangler
they will want to see everything ... basements , garage , out buildings ... best rent a uhaul and take the girls for a ride if possible .

A mortgage refinance appraisal does, indeed, require a full walkthrough of the house.

I used to be a loan officer.


they will want to see everything ... basements , garage , out buildings ... best rent a uhaul and take the girls for a ride if possible .


Been there - done that. Insurance appraisal...

Get the date, and get them out - move back right after.

Miss Blunted

Resident Bongtender
You gotta move your house...the sooner the better. We were in the middle of flower when we found out our house was being forclosed on. We ended up having to move a whole house in the middle of December and unfortunately lost half our girls to cold shock. We were safe though...thank god. People were coming over while we weren't there and tried get in....it was crazy. If you don't have the option of moving out, I don't know what other advise to give.... Not knowing what kind of set up you have...don't know if it's feasable for you to temporarilly move your op. I feel for you....always dodging the man....I know how it is.


get one of those big storage shipping containers they bring to your house and put in your driveway, or a u-haul. Move ladies in with everything else before inspection. Move back after.

Aside from that, it's time to tear down. Whatever you do, delay the walk through as long as possible cuz you'll need the time. Good luck--i was in your sitch and had no choice but to cut everything down and save some key moms. That's the risk of growing in a rental, alas. Good luck!!

Miss Blunted

Resident Bongtender
That's a great piece of advise THCV....landlord can't look at any of those.

...Stay calm and do what you can buddy.... I'm hoping shit will be alright for you without taking a big loss. :petting:
Just had an appraisal completed. They check EVERYWHERE, attics, crawl space, etc.

I agree with everyone else thus far, get the plants and all of your equipment out of there.


we are legal by state mmj laws and have paperwork but im just to sketched to leave it in the house and face my landlord.

I could get booted out of here, if not worse


nothing is in flower!

just finished the chop last week so thats a bonus but fuck man


I know how ya feel my landlord had this place up for sale for last 4 months bout ready to move soon if he dont sell it or take it off market hehe


nothing in flower? that makes it much easier because light timing doesn't matter if you have to move'em all around, and it isn't as heartbreaking to cut them down. if you do use a shipping container, just put a fan/carbon filter inside, might have to run it off a car battery so there are no xt cords going to the thing, but i don't think those containers are suspicious, i see them in my neighborhood often enough--as long as they aren't too big, they come in many sizes.

I couldn't do a shipping container back in my old place, but have realized since that it would be a pretty slick emergency method. use a tarp to construct a temporary tunnel from the garage to the container. move it all in at night. throw some battery powered lights in there to keep the plants in veg. it can be done, but is it worth it? since you just finished flower it might be easier and cheaper to break down, but i have no idea. definitely easier, rarely cheaper.


New member
Had this happen to me. Had girls at all stages got some u-haul boxes and a shit load of moth balls. Put all boxes in basement and closets with moth balls on top of boxes told appraiser I was movijn out. I just followed him but in away where it seemed like I was interested in his job. He did his thing left and it was back to business as usual. Just cover boxes wit blankets or tarp and say its clothes. That explains heavy moth ball odor. This was my experience I was gonna do truck but I thought that looked to suspicious loadin truck for couple hours then bringin erything back in just my opinion


I did re-fi's for over ten years. everyone here is correct the appraiser is going to take pics and measurements of everything. save your mothers and move your gear to another location. The one nice thing about appraisers is they usually show up on time and try to get in and out as soon as possible(time is money after all). So you may only have to have things out of the house for about an hour or so depending on the size of your place. Good luck and stay safe.
Agreed, everything will be checked. Crawlspaces, closets, garage, everything. There will be no way for you to hide anything.

Maybe large airtight storage bins to move the plants and all supplies into for the duration of the inspection? I have not tried anything like this but it's all I can think of. And of course moving everything off the property would be better. Or just into truck and leave truck in driveway after coming up with some excuse why it is there.


haha nah

we are legal buy state law

so were making our bloom box into a dark room
and locking the door. thats all there is to it.

wish us luck as we may be running into problems in the future *knock on wood*

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