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Lake County In California looks to initiate Federal Law. Wants to ban all medical use



Proposed ballot initiative would adopt federal marijuana law, stop local regulations
Written by Elizabeth Larson
Friday, 02 December 2011
LAKE COUNTY, Calif. – Amidst several ongoing efforts to place referendums and initiatives on the June 2012 ballot in favor of medical marijuana dispensaries and cultivation, a new effort is moving forward to ban marijuana in the county altogether.

On Thursday, Lake County Registrar of Voters Diane Fridley received a notice of intention to circulate a petition for the “Lake County Act to Adopt Federal Marijuana Laws.”

The petition’s statement of reasons explains, “Voters of Lake County, California need an alternative to the aggressive pro-pot agenda being pushed by entities within and outside of the county.”

If the petition receives enough signatures, it would qualify as an initiative on the June 2012 ballot.

Lakeport resident John O’Rourke filed the petition. He said he’s part of a group of community members who felt some action needed to be taken on the issue, which they’ve been considering since earlier this year.

“I’m not a crusader as much as I am just against the whole idea of legalizing any drugs,” said O’Rourke, who added that he lost his two brothers because of the drug problem.

Upper Lake resident Nancy Brier, another member of the group involved in the effort, said the measure is very simple and straightforward.

Indeed, the ordinance language is very brief, stating, “Lake County, California, will adopt federal marijuana law.”

That simple language, however, means that marijuana – even medicinal uses – would be banned in the county, since federal law does not recognize any legal uses. That's created conflict with California's Compassionate Use Act, passed in 1996, which decriminalizes medical marijuana use.

The initiative, if it makes it to the ballot and is approved by voters, would prevail over any conflicting local laws or ordinances, according to its language.

County Counsel Anita Grant must now submit a ballot title and summary so signature gathering to put the initiative on next June’s ballot can begin, Brier said.

Once Grant approves it, “Our timeline is extraordinarily tight” to begin the signature gathering effort, said Brier.

Brier, pointing to hundreds of postcards citizens submitted to the Board of Supervisors earlier this year in opposition to dispensaries, said she thinks there is support for the effort she’s helping to undertake.

The new proposed initiative comes forward at a time when there is an abundance of pro-marijuana referendums and initiatives being promoted in Lake County.

On Monday, Lake County Citizens for Responsible Regulations – sponsored by a group calling itself the Lake County Green Farmers Association – began gathering signatures to place its “Lake County Medical Marijuana Cultivation Act of 2012” on the June 2012 ballot.

That group also has gathered signatures for a referendum in opposition to the Board of Supervisors’ cultivation ordinance.

An effort to place an initiative on the June 2012 ballot in support of medical marijuana dispensaries also is pending, according to Weston Mickey, who helped gather signatures for a referendum against a county ordinance to govern the dispensaries.

After that referendum received enough signatures this fall to quality for the ballot next year, the Board of Supervisors rescinded its dispensaries ordinance and directed the Community Development Department to begin taking action against dispensaries, which the county holds are now allowed under current zoning.

Last month, the county served notices of violation to 10 dispensaries operating in the unincorporated county, according to Community Development Director Rick Coel.

Brier, who spoke out publicly in Board of Supervisors hearings earlier this year on marijuana-related ordinances, said she and fellow members of the group are fearful about what will happen if the proposed medical marijuana cultivation initiative becomes law, or even if the Board of Supervisors’ cultivation ordinance remains in effect.

“Either scenario is not good for people living in densely populated neighborhoods,” she said.

O’Rourke said he had concerns about the county’s ordinances to regulate dispensaries and cultivation.

“They were trying very hard to accommodate everyone and you can’t do that,” he said.

He said some areas of California have outright bans on medical marijuana cultivation and dispensaries. “I would like Lake County to be like that.”

Brier said she and other members of the group are concerned about retaliation. She said she’s had her own home in Upper Lake hit with graffiti because of her stand about marijuana.

“I’d say there’s a lot of fearfulness, and it’s warranted,” she said. "

well im not sure what to say...i dont think thell have the time or money to gets enough sigs to get it on the ballot...well see... :ying:


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Its a small group of crazies. They have about 5 minutes to get this referendum together and need over 2000 signatures. It may not be too easy to accomplish in a marijuana growing imbedded county.


Senior Member
ICMag Donor
said O’Rourke, who added that he lost his two brothers because of the drug problem.
I'd think O'Rourkes brothers used alcohol long before any other drugs. And marijuana was not the cause of him lossing his brothers. RIP..DD


I just heard they banned ALL clubs in Sacramento yesterday. The city voted against them 4 to 1. Any truth to this??


Bent Member
Sounds like you Lake county residence need to disclose all dirt and dirty laundry on anyone connected with O'Rourkes. Show that piece of shite that those that stick their head up or necks out get the wack a mole treatment. for tying to impose their will on our rights.


looks lke things are going south down here in S.D. also, i dont know the whole scoop but , it looks like all the clubs are getting shut down, untill we can figure it out.


ICMag Donor
The ppl of Lake County need to get rid of those ppl, they are getting hard core!! sucks big time...Redding is going after the collectives that have stayed open after they told them they had to shut down. Shit this isnt looking good!!

Smoke Buddy

I wanna know where these do gooders were the last 25 years as Lake County became awash with cranksters. The place is crawlin with toothless wonders wandering the lakeside looking for something to get into and they think there is a problem with cannabis? What a fukin joke.


I read about this a couple of days ago, and what gets me is this -- what these people are proposing goes back to the Civil War -- what an INCREDIBLE violation of states rights this constitutes! What's disheartening is noticing that it's becoming par for the course.

In the meantime, El Dorado County and Amador County have both recently enacted bans on outdoor cultivation, in Amador it's a temporary emergency ordinance (and the BoS acknowledges that they know no one's growing OD atm). My husband decided he wants to fight this, so he's taking steps to get onto the advisory committee that is to work out a permanent ordinance. Wish us luck!


Sacramento County banned them but not the city. Sacramento county was in the process of getting rid of all clubs while they decided whether or not to even have them at all. So apparently they have decided to not have clubs. Sacramento City has already approved 39 clubs and has taken more of a hands off approach to things. I would imagine that is because they are collecting 11.75 tax on all MJ sales thru clubs in the city, plus the fees for the MJ licenses and the annual fees for the MJ licenses. We all know that cities love extra cash especially when the city is broke as a joke.
I wanna know where these do gooders were the last 25 years as Lake County became awash with cranksters. The place is crawlin with toothless wonders wandering the lakeside looking for something to get into and they think there is a problem with cannabis? What a fukin joke.

hahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that is exactly what i was thinking! I have been to lake county maybe 7 times and each time i felt like it was a lakeside retreat for tweakers!!! :wave:

Ground Up

I wanna know where these do gooders were the last 25 years as Lake County became awash with cranksters. The place is crawlin with toothless wonders wandering the lakeside looking for something to get into and they think there is a problem with cannabis? What a fukin joke.
Agreed , i have family in mendo Ukia,cobb, the crank is crazy, what is driving this nonsense??


Inveterate Tinkerer
ICMag Donor
It's interesting that these heavy-meth communities are going after pot. Maybe it is the same as LE - it's far safer to go after pot smokers than meth heads. That gal with the graffiti problem would probably be very nervous pushing her agenda with the toothless wonders. The irony seems to escape the pro tea-party idiots in Redding pushing this agenda that they supposedly want smaller federal government and interference with the state's rights.

Anyone with the slightest interest in mj, whether as a user, grower or simply as someone who values doing the right thing, needs to get off their collective asses and vote. We are a large group - the power afforded us by both voting and boycotting would get people's attention if we would simply organize a bit.


Active member
Very good post!

Very good post!

It's interesting that these heavy-meth communities are going after pot. Maybe it is the same as LE - it's far safer to go after pot smokers than meth heads. That gal with the graffiti problem would probably be very nervous pushing her agenda with the toothless wonders. The irony seems to escape the pro tea-party idiots in Redding pushing this agenda that they supposedly want smaller federal government and interference with the state's rights.

Anyone with the slightest interest in mj, whether as a user, grower or simply as someone who values doing the right thing, needs to get off their collective asses and vote. We are a large group - the power afforded us by both voting and boycotting would get people's attention if we would simply organize a bit.

rives, Very good post! Last paragraph perfect! Thank you .. please all together now..420 monkey5


everyone has a very valid point, and i ask myself all the time, ''why arent the swat and DEA going after these tweekers and meth labs more than they are''? and why do they concentrate so much on pot heads and growers, and i think the assumption of it being easier to bust a passive stoner than trying to take down a hyped up meth head, could be one of the reasons, but think of this, how much money is being brought in from weed?, then ask, how much money is being brought in from meth?, i honestly think that the pockets are being lined from meth sales, when cocaine was huge, judges, ast. D.A.'s/D.A.'s, police, on down the line were getting greased, so they didnt squeek, what makes meth any different, there is alot of money in weed, but not compared to meth, or coke, and people (other than these bastards growing for mass production, or for the cartel) that smoke and grow their own, have alot more scrouples than tweekers, coke heads, heroin addicts,. and maybe would not agree with being involved in corrupting the system,. just a thought.


everyone has a very valid point, and i ask myself all the time, ''why arent the swat and DEA going after these tweekers and meth labs more than they are''? and why do they concentrate so much on pot heads and growers, and i think the assumption of it being easier to bust a passive stoner than trying to take down a hyped up meth head, could be one of the reasons, but think of this, how much money is being brought in from weed?, then ask, how much money is being brought in from meth?, i honestly think that the pockets are being lined from meth sales, when cocaine was huge, judges, ast. D.A.'s/D.A.'s, police, on down the line were getting greased, so they didnt squeek, what makes meth any different, there is alot of money in weed, but not compared to meth, or coke, and people (other than these bastards growing for mass production, or for the cartel) that smoke and grow their own, have alot more scrouples than tweekers, coke heads, heroin addicts,. and maybe would not agree with being involved in corrupting the system,. just a thought.

growers have houses, property, cars, trucks, boats, quads- all which can be auctioned off and the forfeiture $ stays in the county.
growers are USUALLY alot easier to catch and less violent. try to catch a dopesick tweaker with nothing to loose - they can't post bail because the fucked every single family member so no one will post it for them so they sit in jail for months. tweakers have nothing for the county to take EXCEPT THEIR CHILDREN.


Active member
doubt this will pass...everyone i know in lake county is pro-pot...they might be able to pony up

echoing what most already said, but its far easier for the cops to bust marijuana growers than tweakers...

first, we have more money. most tweakers barely have 50 bucks stashed at anytime...even the ones who are cooking or dealing they are most likey doing a bunch themselves...your left with a bunch of dirty, unstable meth smokers...shit if i was a cop i wouldnt want to deal with that!

then you got growers and the brokers...and anybody with half a brain knows there is big money going up and down those freeways. shit even small time dealers are heading up there to buy 10k worth of bud...but those cops want the big shit, the trailers with 100s of lbs, cash in the hundreds of thousands to millions... then when you raid their properties most of those guys have really nice stuff like ATVs, nice big diesel trucks, guns, cash, and not to mention the expensive ass property it sits on..

its all about the money...and lake county would be stupid to enact this because lots of money comes into lake county via pot.. its not going to stop shit either, most will either convert to greenhouse and light dep farming....fuck the government!