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Ladies I need help! wife hates I smoke.


Cannabrex Formulator
Love is not what you get out of a relationship, it is what you are driven to give...


Active member
if your special lady friend has a problem with you doing something that is only natural and doesn't lead to fighting and abusing-you may need to put an ad in relix magazine
i could never hang with one of these types-my neighbor is married to one-talk about a buzz kill-dude is scared to look her in the eye after we burn one-life is too short/precious-don't sell out to these zombies-be with one who loves the medicine as much as you do and you'll also get a helper in the end to tend the garden with...however, the medicine dwindles twice as fast!


ever ask 'why are you against my personal choice to medicate? i am never against your personal choice to drink alcohol". i mean i wouldn't start an argument but.... if you can rephrase that in a non-confrontational manner, to where its not inciting an argument, do so... also its really up to you to find out exactly why she is so against your medicating. im guessing its cuz its illegal. women feel it's a threat to their nest, kids, etc the mother hen protects her eggs fiercely... i wish u luck man, i wont marry a woman if she doesnt accept the fact i am blazing for life =) i dont really think a woman truly loves you if she's forcing you to do things you don't want to do. so at this point i'd be careful. if she really loved you she'd respect all your choices as long as they were no threat to her.
I'm currently living with my 4th and last wife.

It took me over 50 years to find one that married me for me, not what they felt I could be. The only happiness is that which you don't have to make.

hey if you could go back, and be more selective - what would you be sure to avoid? just as a heads up to the guys out there
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Active member
You ever think about letting her read this post to see what other people have to say. I mean this is a marijuana site... but i've heard both views on whether you should quit or leave her. Maybe she'll read what some of the other women have to say that'll shed some light on the subject for her.
As for me... i've been single for around 5 yrs{ by choice}. ... growing for about 20yrs.
I had a few female friends that didn't mind the smokin...but didn't like the growin... they were scared. I don't have an elaborate setup... veg/mother room.. flower room...soil grows{ i'm just thinking about hydro to try it }.
The last girl { 38 yrs. old} didn't work. We had alot in common except she didn't work { & didn't have plans on it}. So we had to call it quits. Starting to ramble so i better call it quits on this post...you get the point.