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Lactose-Free Cannabis Milk Recipe WONDERFUL FOR IBD's and most all other illnesses

Needed Ingredients

4 quarts goats milk ( If lactose is wanted...use Cows milk)
2 tbs goat milk butter (get European style goat milk butter since it has a higher fat content)

1 to 3 ounces trim or buds

anywhere from 1 oz of good sugar trim or buds to 3 oz. or more if you like it to be really potent...then also you can very the strain for different effects. A strong sativa can make a great day time or morning....

Indica for pain or sleep and so on..

Note: If the Milk containers are plastic then save them to pour the milk back into them for storage in the fridge... A sealed container would be best for the milk for preservation.

The best method yet I have found is using a pressure cooker. put the ingredients listed above and place them into the pressure cooker and soak for 4 days in the refrigerator stirring everyday then placing it back into the fridge.... on the 4th day take out the pressure cooker out of the fridge and place on the stove on low temp.

Make sure the dial is almost as low as the dial can turn.

Then let it warm up...... after it is warm almost hot start the 4 hour timer.

make sure it does not boil or even simmer for that matter...you do not want it to get to hot....The heat will degenerate the medicinal properties... I think I remember hearing cannabinoids degenerate after 200 degrees F ....but please do not quote me on that....

After 4 hours and the timer has gone off, strain out the milk and press out the milk from the material in the strainer. Pour milk into the container then let the milk cool then place into the fridge...

Your done...

Cooked leftover Brownies......you can take the extra left over cooked material and blend it up with olive oil or veggie or the oil of your choice

Then use that to make brownies.

take a normal box of brownies and add the mixed material and oil then add it to the Brownie mix ...... Add a egg or two extra and the mix and it comes out really cakey...really makes a regular brownie mix good...and medicinal...8)

Feel free to ask any questions...or talk about milk talk

This recipe has saved many lives! I hope it can help you or someone as much as it has helped me...


stone fool
Good recipe, would you like it to be even better? If you heat the herb to 325 for 5-10 minutes before extraction, you will increase your potency up to double, depending on the herb. I got that data from another thread here, and have tested it for over a year now, for me, this is a fact. It does smell like you are burning weed, but at that temp you do not loose any thc.

I like it that you realize that after pressing, the herb still holds a lot of the milk, you reuse it in cooking, I agree. But I just add water back to the herb, heat, and extract a weaker product the second and third pressing.

I freeze my cannamilk in 3oz plastic cups, then just use as needed.


In the stores around here you can get lactose-free milk.
As well you can use oil rather than butter.

This is for those that cannot stand the taste of goats milk (like me :puke: )


What do you think of hemp milk!!! :yoinks: :D


Namaste :smoweed: :canabis:



To Have More ... Desire Less
Needed Ingredients

4 quarts goats milk ( If lactose is wanted...use Cows milk)
2 tbs goat milk butter (get European style goat milk butter since it has a higher fat content)

1 to 3 ounces trim or buds

anywhere from 1 oz of good sugar trim or buds to 3 oz. or more if you like it to be really potent...then also you can very the strain for different effects. A strong sativa can make a great day time or morning....

Indica for pain or sleep and so on..

Note: If the Milk containers are plastic then save them to pour the milk back into them for storage in the fridge... A sealed container would be best for the milk for preservation.

The best method yet I have found is using a pressure cooker. put the ingredients listed above and place them into the pressure cooker and soak for 4 days in the refrigerator stirring everyday then placing it back into the fridge.... on the 4th day take out the pressure cooker out of the fridge and place on the stove on low temp.

Make sure the dial is almost as low as the dial can turn.

Then let it warm up...... after it is warm almost hot start the 4 hour timer.

make sure it does not boil or even simmer for that matter...you do not want it to get to hot....The heat will degenerate the medicinal properties... I think I remember hearing cannabinoids degenerate after 200 degrees F ....but please do not quote me on that....

After 4 hours and the timer has gone off, strain out the milk and press out the milk from the material in the strainer. Pour milk into the container then let the milk cool then place into the fridge...

Your done...

Cooked leftover Brownies......you can take the extra left over cooked material and blend it up with olive oil or veggie or the oil of your choice

Then use that to make brownies.

take a normal box of brownies and add the mixed material and oil then add it to the Brownie mix ...... Add a egg or two extra and the mix and it comes out really cakey...really makes a regular brownie mix good...and medicinal...8)

Feel free to ask any questions...or talk about milk talk

This recipe has saved many lives! I hope it can help you or someone as much as it has helped me...

this i must try...........


Ever try making canna-goat cheese? I can't really drink milk of any type, not a fan of the texture, but I love cheese.

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