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LA County Moves To Ban Clubs



I heard it's up to the city (council) not the county.

County is to city as federal is to state. Prop 215 is state, not fed.

As long as the city is cool with dispensaries (and they are) it's all good.

If the city council votes to ban dispensaries then we have problems.

Until then we're good.


Active member
You reap what you sow.

All those no votes sent a message, and the attack on MMJ has begun.


Active member
What if we voted on whether or not insulin should be legally available to diabetics?
Aren't some things beyond the opinion of all?
I am a med user and don't give 2 shits about anyones opinion about my consumption.
If access to my meds were ever in jeopardy I would worry more about those choosing to put it there. The second amendment more than gives a citizen the right to put down traitor cops that interfere with ones business. One just hast to be ready to exercise it.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Yeah... really fast...

This has been going on for decades and decades.

It didn't start because 19 didn't pass.

True story.


I'm a victim of fast women and slow horses
Come on folks, the name calling and finger pointing isn't going to help at all. It is what it is. We need to come together,and figure out what the next move is...together, for the majority of cannabis users and growers. We have to get along and work together.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
I remember saying that in various ways at various times.

So have more than a few others.

You can't unpoint fingers.

These raids would have continued in one measure or another even if that trash passed.

Until these realities are realized the bullshit infighting is all we get to do.

I'd like to see more dignified behavior within our ranks as well.... it's just a question of time.


Active member
That area was out of control for a while now...

Out of control? How so?

and the law enforcement is just now getting around to putting some type of cap on it...

putting a cap?? It's a total BAN on clubs. As in notta, none, ziltch.

L.A. County Sheriff Lee Baca said in September: "The medicinal marijuana program that voters authorized years ago has been hijacked by underground drug-dealing criminals who are resorting to violence in order to control their piece of the action." That sounds accurate from what I have seen over the past few years..

c'mon Man...Baca is THE enemy.

Not to mention the cynical lawyers that are quick to suggest someone open a Medical club up, and not worry about the moratorium on the opening of new MMJ clubs. 'Cause the lawyers get business on the flip side as well...

Nobody twisted anybodies arm to open a club. A loophole is a loophole...cannabis law or not. If it wasn't for some of these lawyers...there wouldn't be any progression of our rights.

All this fear hype on the closing of MMJ outlets sounds a lot like the NRA propaganda, "Government is out to get your guns"...

Fear and hype???? They BANNED access to cannabis!

Honestly, I believe speculators seen a emerging market and pounced on it.. fucking up the layout of the Medical Cannabis movement. It seemed like Law enforcement was okay with prop 215, until ~1000~ Medical Cannabis shops opened overnight in one county. Why so many clubs in the one area?.. Hummm.... (puts finger to temple)...

Don't buy into their propaganda. There was never...ever...1000 clubs in LA. Not even close. Just another FEAR based bullshit fact made to under-mind access to meds.

BTW....even if it was a thousand clubs...there are 10 million people in there. There are thousands of liquor stores...wouldn't cannabis be better?

If the Law closes the "legal" Medical Cannabis shop , I will be upset for sure.. I'll protest in the street even.. but not until i hear both sides..

They BANNED all clubs...the legal ones....since those are the only ones they can "close" anyway. The 'illegal' ones are already illegal. So what they did is just 'officially' close all the LEGAL clubs. So time to get upset!

I have smoked cannabis in front of DEA agents, Sheriffs, city police, and private security.


So... all this fear about the Law taking away 215 rights is a little bit of non-sense to me... But i live in Northern California and we don't have so many MMJ clubs like the south does.. /shrug..


Nonsense huh? Banning ALL clubs in 2 counties that have millions of residents is just FEAR? Dude...WTF??

I'm not knocking YOU...just your information.

STOP BELIEVING BACA AND THE DEA!!!! IF you are a grower...then that last sentence may be of use to you...

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