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Kush turned purple!! need advice

This is a clone of some kush i got. here' s the scoop. Early in bloom i was using the head formula full strength. But i was burning the tips. So i cut the ratio in half up until week 5 maybe 6, at which i only used 9ml/gal GH bloom like head say's to do. Now keep in mind that i did the same thing with the mothers that got flowered, they didnt purple either.

So 9ml/gal bloom and they start to curl like in the pic and the fan leafs start to turn dark red. The lower leaf is turning yellow as expected from the nitrogen deficiency. I ph all my nutes to around the 5.6-5-9 area, and my ph meter is accurate. My questions are what's up with the red leaves? That cant be good,no? and what about the curling

yeah i checked that out a couple days ago. only thing i saw that resembled or described my issue was a molybdenum deficiency

Generally a molybdenum deficiency occurs when sulfur and phosphorus are deficient.

i did cut the ratio in half so..... but then i switched to just bloom there's no way they were phosphorus deficient. and the red got worse after the nute change


Looks like over watering combined with too cold of temperature.


shit I think it looks fine! Keep growing the way you are! lol, I get crazy colors all the time...As long as my plants don't burn, and they only turn colors late in flower while flushing so it aint no problem....Just lack of nutes, cold weather, and finishing plant. She's done harvest her...

Trust me, I wouldn't worry bout her. "All the cool strains are doing it, come on try it out!!" lol




And most famous Red Kush

Now Those ^^ are some red leaves my friend
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Weedman Herb

The last thing you need to do is try and correct a non existent problem. Marijuana can and will turn colors other than green. The "problem" with that plant is ... it's almost done ... it is dying a natural death. All that is going on there is the starches and sugars are converting and the chlorophyll is getting used up.

Black Ra1n

Cannaculturist ~OGA~
I agree, looks great to me too. The coloring is due to cool temps, no problem there. The fans always turn as it gets closer to the end of it's life cycle.
coo, thanks yall. my main concern was the curling. yall say overwatering but im not to sold on that. ive let them dry out and all my other plants get the same watering treatment. i do have them in 1/2 gal bags though. maybe they are root bound iono.

i really wasnt gonna change ish cause it would be pointless as this stage. but for my next grow i dont want ne curling. i gotta ditch the 1/2 gal bags ne ways cause im gonna veg longer than i normally do. hopefully i'll get better results
That plant looks awesome to me, actually it looks almost done...

The leaf curl was prob from being root bound. If you can, try 3 gal grow bags next time. You can start them in 1/2 gal if you want, or if you have clones just put them in 3 gal (I used to run in 2 gal, they're better for SOG and it is the smallest I'd go) and you should be good to go.

she is @ 57 days. i let the mothers go 68 days. i checked the trics and their still some clear trics, lots of cloudy and some amber. i want mostly amber outta this batch so ima wait it out
nah didnt chop her jus yet, i shoulda cut her down yesterday but i want them to go a lil longer. the las crop i pulled @ 68 days and the smoke is good. I just want mostly amber trics this time for the heavy stone high. here's some pics i took the other day. i dont know how much it will yield. There is not a lot of bud but the bud is dense as fuck man!! when i squeeze the bud i have to strain my fingers to press it in. so im happy about that cause my bud always used to come out airy. the cold temps that im having are cool, winter grows are the shit

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Weedman Herb

You're in the Couchlock Zone ... Blinking will be a chore ... drooling might be your only means of communication ...

chopped @ 79 days. checked the trics last nigh, if i had to guess it was about 65-70 amber the rest cloudy very few clear. havent even sampled it yet, im smoking on the last batch which was started from seed cut @ 68 days. so im probably just gonna jar this up and not touch it for awhile.

not bad for 1/2 gal 2wk veg i think. but im moving to some different strains now in 1/2 gals as well
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thanks. i have a homebox L with a 3 x 3 tray in it. although i dont have that many in there i think i could get around 30 no more than 36. the final weight on all three total was 2.6 oz but i used a cheap kitchen scale but here is a pic to show

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