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Kush Drop going off the shells.

cocktail frank

ICMag Donor
if anything, lower the prices a little and forewarn everybody.
seeing your stellar cross outcomes won't deter too many folks.

if you are that hard up, i'm sure the FAM would be more than happy to kick you some greenbacks for all the free seeds you've blessed us with.
1 hand always washes the other :D

sharing is caring and we never forget !!!


ghost in training
For real im running beelze bubba and no signs of hermis. Even if there was id still run the shit out of them! Karma you are a great breeder and this is just another one of lifes little bumps.


Stay positive Karma. Your an excellent breeder, wif excellent taste. You have my support, even if it's with just a pack 'o beans off the bay.

Kant C Shyt

Active member
Hey Karma, I say as long as you make known that the possibility is there (which like you said anyone growing these genetics Chems Diesels (Cali) Kushes should know the risk already) then everything should be all good. I know some people will beat theirselves up over every little detail but sometimes a grower just has to pony up so to say. Please consider releasing the Kushes as is, no sense on going under because some unstable genetics show a little unstableness. Good luck with your decision. I'm still game for some Biker Kush and few others you have. Take care 1


Yeah Karma stay up brotha. Don't let this get ya off course , you've climbed to far to not see the top. Peace mcgoo


Active member
Hey Karma ,

sad to hear

I know you have strong breeding ethics and i respect you for that.

But like the others say, many of your strains(old and new) are tha bomb.

It would be a shame having to close the seed company.

Sometimes you have to make a balance.

If you warn people for example i dont see the problem.

I have had bananas on sssdh ojd cut every time i grew her indoors , still i grow it as i dotn get seeds in it and it is bomb weed, just sayin.

Maybe you could just make a small exception this time? To make ends meet?

Everyone here seems to be okay with it , and me as well.

If i can help out in any way just let me know , would be a shame to lose a great local breeder(wel local for me anyways) , you are the pride of the south!!!


Active member
i'm going to run the shit out of the white og still..i'm sure it'll be fine.

whatever you need help with. shoot me a pm..

Karma Genetics

Just to be clear there is no problem with the White OG V2.0.

I am thinking of letting the batch go on sale with a warning.

I first have to ask if Seedbay is willing to do that.

I am remaking them for shure, i just made new cuts and a differnt male, as many say its also the genetics, and maybe also grow factor's. There where more clean results with out any herm reports.

Its only one grow beelze bubba, and one mahayana, from the ghostrider and biker no herm have been reported and more have been grown out.

So yeah i might have jumped the gun litle and let emotiens get the best of me this morning.

But those of you that know me now i wanne do it right.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
man i got posters printed , catalogs, ads. etc.

man i jump the gun a litle one time and get a waterfall of bad karma. thats what happens if you have strong rules for yourself and you skip them a litle. you get punishd.

I think you are jumping the gun again with this...

I saw the thread with ALL herms...And another thread with 0 herms and spectacular plants.

If there is one thing I learned from growing when they all herm it is YOUR fault.

A couple herms is one thing all herms is your room. As much as I wanted to deny it when it happened to me and honestly thought I had no problems there were problems come to find out.

Don't bail ship yet man I wish I had a pack I'd friggin pop them for you right now....


Bent Member
Make it an invite only type sale like other have done here. And just make sure everyone invited is sent and aware of your disclaimer whatever that may be. IMHO you'd be in the right doing that.

Guest 16149

I would still buy your gear Karma :) Put them up and watch them go go :)


Outdoor Grower, C99 Lover
ICMag Donor
Hey Karma, don't let a few nanners get you down! +1 to the advice of keeping on selling them but with a forewarning notice
You never know what might have happened outside of your own hands.
Don't let that be the deciding factor on to release or not.
Let them rip, you started with stable parents.



High Class Grass
See brother....like your name implies...your genetics are made with good karma...seing all these good ppl post like they do, id say the karma you once gave out is now returning....the community got your back!

Stay Safe


ICMag Donor
To good to fail...

We got you. We never ran Rez off...you'll be just fine.



Active member
my thoughts exactly

AMEN. its just a lil set back. i say sell the beans for half da cost with a warnin. i'll still buy da dank beans. much respect. good KARMA comin ur way. danks for lettin us know whats going on. i think you should pop 20 beans ea of the hermie beans and see if it happens again. good luck bro.:thank you:


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
7/11 females from my Mahayana pack...ZERO herm issues on 7 girls through 40 days flowering. I'd buy em in a heartbeat just to have in the vault, same with the rest of em.

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