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Krypto's Ultimate Controler



I'd like to add that this controler is NOT limited to use with Ebb and Flow systems.

With a few Minor Changes it can also be used to Keep yur DWC system FULL at ALL times, Return the water and nutes to the reserviour once "or more" per day to even out PH and nutes,
and you will NEVER worry about Over-Flooding your buckets again .

Bucket Boy

Nice Thread Krypto

Nice Thread Krypto

I've been wanting to purchase the multi flow for sometime. Thanks for all the info. Do you have any idea how much money you have into a 12 bucket system compared with the $600.00 Multi Flow. Take care and thanks again.


As a guesstimate I would say
$80 to $100 for the controler.
$30 for the res.
pieces parts and hose $25
@ $5 each for 3.5 to 5 gallon buckets "high price", for a twelve bucket system you would need 24 buckets $120

If you were to use the same buckets as are used the original commercial model it would be much less. The 2 gallon buckets they sell at the stores mentioned above are exactly like teh originals.

The 3.5 and 5 gallon Bucket models can NOT be compaered to the Multi-Flow.
It IS Much better and serves our purpose more than the original. If they were to sell this size of Multi-Flow it would be Much more expensive than there current, smaller model .

As a guesstimate, and I will be posting prices of each part and totals at a later time, I would say this system here would run between $200 and $300 to build complete.Editing for actual cost .

The original controler = $299.95
THIS is where you are saving your money .

Bucket =

Part Number: TA4079
Description: Time Clock, 24Hr, 120V, SPDT 5 Term
Your Price: $30.24 + shipping .

Float Switches = $6 each = 24 + shipping .

125VAC/10A DPDT Plug-In Relay = $8.39 X 2 = $16.78

Two AC Outlets.

6 to 8' cord

female connects

1/2 straights = $0.29

1/2 grommets = $0.29

small 90 barbs X 2 =

container for electrical

nuts and bolts to mount Timer X 3 each =

two zip screws to mount container to bucket
electrical tape

Keep in mind that some of the parts like Buckets can be picked up for free. Example, if you know someone who has Cats and is using the type of litter that comes in the square 4 gallon pails, those may be good to us. Save them, and your cost are cut in half.
My punkin controler filled a single 30 gallon tub ebb and flow..

Another Bonus your not buying a hydroponic system from a Hydro store and having it sent to you . ;)


To complete this system you will need

Depending on which size Bucket you wish to use.

2 Gallon Buckets = $2.69 X 24 = $64.56 + shipping
3.5 Gallon Buckets = $3.39 X 24 = $81.36 + shipping
5 Gallon Buckets = $3.69 X 24 = $88.56 + shipping

1/2 Inch Black Tubing 25 Foot = $6.95

1/2 Inch Tee = $0.29 each X 9 = $2.61

1/2 Inch Elbow = $0.29 each X 3 = $0.87
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full time daddy
my hydro store carrys 2.5 gallon net cup's that fit in 5 gallon bucket's

my hydro store carrys 2.5 gallon net cup's that fit in 5 gallon bucket's


there about the same price as a 3 gallon bucket ( $3.35 ) but save's the time on drilling holes in the bottem of them.....
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That'll work also. :tup:

They also sell those same net pots "or similar" at LOWES and Home De Pot in the pond supplies area.
The Controler is very versatile, the brains and most important part of the system.
For the flood chambers, DWC, use you imagination for whatever your application .

For the holes in your medium bucket you can use a small piece of ply wood or ?, set your nails in it how ever far apart you want your holes, heat the nails and push them through your bucket .

A soldering iron would also work well. ;)
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One way you can adapt this for use in DWC, and the most simple, is to reverse your timer settings to stay flooding constantly, "the switches will take care of the water level for you".


Couple Questions

Couple Questions

Krypto I have begun accumulating the parts necessary to build your controller. Many thanks for the detailed instructions.

My questions are:
1) I currently have 15 5gal pails with 5" net lids. Do you think this container can work in this setup or do I need to put a second pail inside of the other.

2) My layout is 8' L x 5.5' W x 7' H with 3 x 1000W HPS that are air cooled. I also have the proper exhaust and intake covered.

3) Can my room work proper with your setup. I plan to put them in this room once cloning from seeds/mom is complete.

4) In your other thread detailing your pics over the year, have i read correctly that your flower room is 51"x84"x73" with 24 buckets?
- and you have gotten 3lbs out of this environment?

5) My original design was to be a DWC, as all my buckets have an air stone as well as Drip connectors to each pot. Which do you feel is a better setup, Your ebb n Flow or a DWC. I ask as your opinion is of value. Still a newbie at this.

6) What do you have your timer set at as well.

I have lots more questions but will hold off for now.

Thanks again.,

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Re: Couple Questions

Re: Couple Questions

venge said:
Krypto I have begun accumulating the parts necessary to build your controller. Many thanks for the detailed instructions.

My questions are:
1) I currently have 15 5gal pails with 5" net lids. Do you think this container can work in this setup or do I need to put a second pail inside of the other.

I think you would have to decide wether or not you want to use DWC or Ebb and Flow. This controler can be used to keep a water level in DWC. For added stealth I choose E&F for quite operation.
For me personally the air pumps used to run DWC make too much noise.

2) My layout is 8' L x 5.5' W x 7' H with 3 x 1000W HPS that are air cooled. I also have the proper exhaust and intake covered.

3) Can my room work proper with your setup. I plan to put them in this room once cloning from seeds/mom is complete.

I used approximately the same size room. :tup:

4) In your other thread detailing your pics over the year, have i read correctly that your flower room is 51"x84"x73" with 24 buckets?
- and you have gotten 3lbs out of this environment?

My max yield using that room with 2 X 1000 watt Hortilux Eye was 3.75lbs using a heavier yielding strain, On average I believe it was 2.5 lbs.. My smallest yield fom that garden was 1.75 lbs. It was seeded and experimenting with nutrient additives and plant spacing. My larger yields were with only 12 plants in the room.

5) My original design was to be a DWC, as all my buckets have an air stone as well as Drip connectors to each pot. Which do you feel is a better setup, Your ebb n Flow or a DWC. I ask as your opinion is of value. Still a newbie at this.

Each has it's own benefits but I choose ebb and flow for quiet operation, ease of use and less work in the garden.
It would be extremely difficult to work in drip lines using this controler.

6) What do you have your timer set at as well.

I have lots more questions but will hold off for now.

Thanks again.,


I set my timer to flood for 15 minutes @ every 3 hours .


Kryptonite, thanks for the info....

Now I am still a bit confused or confusing myself. Do the pails alwyas have water in them or only during the Timer On when they are flooding. In the 15 mins. of On, are the pails just doing a Flood and drain?

That part is what is getting me.
DWC was a plan I was looking at but at the moment this seems to be less complicated and I only need to config the Controller as the rest is already setup.

thanks again



venge said:
Kryptonite, thanks for the info....

Now I am still a bit confused or confusing myself. Do the pails alwyas have water in them or only during the Timer On when they are flooding. In the 15 mins. of On, are the pails just doing a Flood and drain?

That part is what is getting me.
DWC was a plan I was looking at but at the moment this seems to be less complicated and I only need to config the Controller as the rest is already setup.

thanks again


When the timer comes on the Buckets flood for the 15 minutes. When the timer goes off the buckets are emptied returning water to the reserviour.

Less Complicated than DWC..
Positively .


Excellent, I see how this would be much easier to control your Nute levels as well as PH and Water Temps.
I assume 15mins is enough time to fill all the pots. Does more pots equl more time?

• Do you still flood when the lights are off?
• How often do you change your water in your Res?
• How do you go about topping it up. Do you add half strength nutes or just plain water?
• Also how big a RES. do you think I would require for a 15 x 5g pail setup? Ouch that is going to have to be big.
I have to haul water, not very far; But I do have to haul it...

• In your room are you able to move around the plants freely. From one of the picks it looked like the pails filled the room. So I assume that means no trimming.


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venge said:
Excellent, I see how this would be much easier to control your Nute levels as well as PH and Water Temps.
I assume 15mins is enough time to fill all the pots. Does more pots equl more time?

Yes, more pots equals more time to flood, or you can increase the size of your lines and pump to increase flow to the pots.
Using this system with two gallon pots there is Plenty of time for the flood using 15 minutes .

• Do you still flood when the lights are off?

Some do, some don't. I flood once in the middle of the night period.

• How often do you change your water in your Res?

• How do you go about topping it up. Do you add half strength nutes or just plain water?

When I didn't have an EC meter i just dumped the res weekly and started fresh. Worked great.

If you have an EC meter you can keep the EC levels at a constant by adjusting your nutrient solution with either or.

• Also how big a RES. do you think I would require for a 15 x 5g pail setup? Ouch that is going to have to be big.
I have to haul water, not very far; But I do have to haul it...

Looks to me either yuor gonna need @ 75 gallon reserviour or have to split the pots into two seperate systems with two seperate controelrs and reserviours.

• In your room are you able to move around the plants freely. From one of the picks it looked like the pails filled the room. So I assume that means no trimming.



I guess that would depend on how big your room is and how you would want to space your plants out .
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I've done it both ways venge.
I prefer to leave them be.
To control height, what I have done in the past that I think made the most difference in final yield is hurd crushing.

Smokey McPot

New member
the timer controller is tight but maybe im just stupid? I dont have a lot of experience with eletrical and wow some of you on this thread are smart ass's that like to show it off :) I dont really understand why you cant hook timers up to a fishtank pump and have it drain or fill. sorry but i dont really see why you would go through all the trouble to make this. obviously the bucket idea stays but im lost :((((((((


Smokey McPot said:
the timer controller is tight but maybe im just stupid? I dont have a lot of experience with eletrical and wow some of you on this thread are smart ass's that like to show it off :) I dont really understand why you cant hook timers up to a fishtank pump and have it drain or fill. sorry but i dont really see why you would go through all the trouble to make this. obviously the bucket idea stays but im lost :((((((((

Go hook up your timer to the fish tank pumps and try that then .


aka Buzz'dBob
Hey Kryptonite! -- :wave:

I believe, based on inquiries in another thread, that Smokey probably was not being critical; more a legit bit o' ignorance that he's attempting to fill...

Smokey, you can run a Bucket E&F off timers, as HOG has demonstrated in his Bucket Garden threads. However, that process can be fraught with issues. The biggest being a potential for bucket overflows! To ensure that the controller, and lead buckets, in the system do not overfill, the fill timer/pump has to be turned off at a certain point. Then, once gravity finishes doing its thing {Mother Nature is not the fastest water mover around!}, and the buckets all level out, the system will not be completely full.

By using the system of switches and float valves detailed here, the fill pump will kick on and off repeatedly until the system is completely full, and level. And never do you have to worry about a unit spilling over all over the place!

On the empty cycle, what may occur with a timer only system, is the Controller will empty out before all buckets are truly drained. The choice here is to allow your pump to run dry for a spell {not a good thing!}, or to leave a bit more water/nutes in the system than what you would like. With the switches/floats, the drain pump will turn on and off as necessary to fully drain all buckets.

I hope that helps shed some light!



Thank you Bob.
Pardon me please, rough day behind a walk behind trencher..
I'm ready for a soak in a HOT tub Mon.