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i gotta say,

1.) where i'm going
2.) blaze of glory
3.) what u in 4
4.) kottonmouth song (i like richter's parts :-\ )
5.) puff n tuff
6.) plant a seed
7.) rainfall

in that exact order, i like!


Active member
you say it's wrong but it feels so right, when i rip my bong or hit my pipe,
you wanna lock me up and loose the key, i just wanna live in peace and smoke my weed.

gonna be going to my first KMK show when they hit the ATL this year, been listening to em for years now tho. my very good friend(danny boone,,,REHALB) has played with em a few times and has had nothin but good thigs to say about em. would love to meet em one day and hang out and rip massive bongs.

take me to the mountain high
where i can smoke a bowl in peace while i drive
out on the back roads with my sun roof open
on the way to meet some friends we gather and toke
and then we build a fire and chill for the night
catch up on old times over a few bud lights
we just sit back while we reminisce
the best days will be the ones most missed

stay safe and free,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,dwtc

Purp Kush

I don't know where im going i don't know where im going but i know where i been i went from haveing little to havin lot i went to buying weed to growin pot. ha. when that concert comes up in atl you defiantly should take some pics and upload them to the site.


yo I saw those cats two years ago in the atl I was stayin in little 5 points nice spot..... any way show was off the hook daddy x you readin this I was the cat with both middle fingers up!! kmk fire it up!!!


kmk is my shit! I need to get ahold of that album. but right now all my money is in my grow lol... I barely have enough cash to buy soil to plant my germinating seeds in... not to mention feed myself... ehhh



I have never been to a show because of my massive anxiety, but I have been a KMk FAN for soooo long. I think listening to there shit is what sent me over the edge and into growing. There songs make me feel good about being a stoner.

So can anyone tell me what there shows are like. Im going to the house of blues and i have never been to a concert before because of my anxiety. Well thats a lie I have been to three phish shows and some giant hippy show in indina but i was so fucked up i hardely remeber anything just hippies with bull horns screaming about pcp. Im sure all my drug use has led to my anciety being what it is today.
So can someone ease my mind and give me some info as to what im getting myself into. See some of u in chi town.


Freedom Fighter
I have never been to a show because of my massive anxiety, but I have been a KMk FAN for soooo long. I think listening to there shit is what sent me over the edge and into growing. There songs make me feel good about being a stoner.

So can anyone tell me what there shows are like. Im going to the house of blues and i have never been to a concert before because of my anxiety. Well thats a lie I have been to three phish shows and some giant hippy show in indina but i was so fucked up i hardely remeber anything just hippies with bull horns screaming about pcp. Im sure all my drug use has led to my anciety being what it is today.
So can someone ease my mind and give me some info as to what im getting myself into. See some of u in chi town.

The shows are very high energy...lots of moshing, smoking...and very fine women!!
I have been hitting shows since '00...I've been to 50 or 60-- I got hooked up in the on-line thing on Msg Boards...a large group of us hit most shows--
BTW, I am 48 years old, and have a fucking blast!! They are truly for all ages--:yeahthats


Client of Wu-Tang Financial. You need to diversify
Ya you can't go wrong going to a KmK show. Like kmk420kali said high energy, lots of weed and women. Been to like 10 KmK shows myself. First show I saw them at I smoked with Lou Dog (there drummer) and he was such a down to earth guy.


Thank you so much for responding! Got a few more questions if you don't mind. What is the security like? Are there under covers in the croud? Im sure you get a pat down but are there like dogs at the entrance?
I'm so excited and parinoid at the same time. This is a big step for me, it's been so long i've been buying there cd's watching there videos, and turning down chances to go with friends, now im going alone i think it will b better. They are the only cd's i ever buy,i do it to support them and the cause. When I pull out my blunt of nebula ill be looking for a 48 year old to pass it to.

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
BTW...I am 47 years old...and have been to over 50 KMK shows...there is no such thing as the "Average" KMK Fan...we are diverse as any other Tokers--

i honestly didnt think anyone over 25 listened to their music.....
KMK, they are simply great artist all around, i thought that "Proud to be a stoner" was one of thier best songs yet, great band, great vibes! SMOKE WEED


Client of Wu-Tang Financial. You need to diversify
Security is different at every venue (club). SOme of the places I have seen the kings I was blazing the whole show and no one fucked with me. Other times it was hard to smoke a couple puffs off a joint.. Best bet wait to see other people blazing and then go for it (unless they get sacked by the security guard). I've seen it happen


Active member
Thank you so much for responding! Got a few more questions if you don't mind. What is the security like? Are there under covers in the croud? Im sure you get a pat down but are there like dogs at the entrance?
I'm so excited and parinoid at the same time. This is a big step for me, it's been so long i've been buying there cd's watching there videos, and turning down chances to go with friends, now im going alone i think it will b better. They are the only cd's i ever buy,i do it to support them and the cause. When I pull out my blunt of nebula ill be looking for a 48 year old to pass it to.

have heard House of Blues security is pretty tight, they don't tolerate smoking at all. also depends on the city. if your city is lax, the show will be lax. the shows are always amazing though, i always leave exhausted from going nuts the whole time. seeing them in San Fran has been the best experience so far, the whole crowd of 400 was blazing up the entire time. no one said a word to anyone unless they smoked cigs, then security would tell them to put the cig out! thought i was in the twilight zone.


Freedom Fighter
Hahaha!!! I have been kicked out of several Venues-- I smoke pot...and sometimes I get caught-- Most of the time, I prefer places like Key Club in Hollywood...I have been to dozens of shows there, and they are very tolerant-- HOB Anaheim...not so much!! I got kicked out of there, knocked around, and fucked with by APD...but I walked away in the end--
PUNK RAWK DOOD!! :headbange


"Their are Three rules at at a kmk show. If some one jumps you catch them if someone falls you pick them up and if your smoking weed share it with the person next to you and don't get caught" daddy x

D Rock

Im hopefully going to see them in Vegas on 4-18-09 just 2 days shy of 4-20-09.


Well i missed the house of blues concert because im a dumbass and put myself in a coma for 4 days, but to my luck they had another concert close by that I made and im soooo happy I went. I did not expect to hear alot of the songs they did. Lots of old shit. D-loc was rolling so hard swet rag was deffinatly needed.
Question to the hardcore kmk fans. How do you get to meet/smoke with them.(Other then being a fucking hot ass babe) Do you gota get there way early or stey way l8t. I know i've got some bud that would put a smile on there faces. DJbobby b going at it, pak ohh i had myself a good time.


i've been to...~5-10 kings shows throughout the years...

mainly while i was in highschool...

honestly? the crowd in my city is primarily kids under 18. seriously. not many are older than 21.

they're here tomorrow at club Gravity, bout 30 mins from me, but i dont want to go by myself and i really dont like the kids at the show. where are the older KMK fans? lol...

not to mention i'm always drenched, exhausted and sore from their shows...from the smoking, beer spraying, crowd pressing their body against yours so the front row is literally pinned up against the wall barrior...its crazy. i wish i could go to one of their shows and decide whether i want to sit or stand, just like at the bigger venues like the pavilion here.


Client of Wu-Tang Financial. You need to diversify
The time I blazed with them ( Actually it was the drummer lou dog and d-loc) I was just hanging around during the opening acts and they where just walking around. I just walked up said " HeY your music is sick, love the band, wanna blaze? " they said hell ya and I pulled out some chronic that I had and blazed away. it was sick. funny thing was it was the first show that I had been too of the KMK. seen them like 10 times since.


i've had the opportunity a few times to blaze with them, but something always came up which stopped me from hittin' them up (friends, ride was waiting, etc.)

maybe one day? haha

one song from them i'm feelin at the moment...

Plant a Seed

listen to it! :)

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