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KoolBloom Hermied my plants

KoolBloom Hermied my plants and I know this because they were all different strains and it did it to them all. Some worse then others. 4 plants and they were about 2 weeks into flower not a sign of a banana the w few days after the KoolBloom every one of them had them. I will never use this product again.



Holy crap man that sucks. From what I read that product openly says it stresses the plant. I personally would only start using boosters at 4 weeks or more and maybe this is the reason for the extreme stress? Also could you snip them off and use the pollen? Wouldn't it be the same as allowing the plants to go a week or two longer than needed basically making the plant make a stress pollen sack since it sees that pollination probably will not happen. Its a soma seeds method by the way.

Good lck
Well the first plant to show was about 10 days ago and she had BALLS all over her. I freaked out and she got the yank! Then I looked all the other 3 over very well and no balls. Then a couple days ago I noticed a few small bananas on one and re-checked the others to find they have them too. I am not going to try and take them off as they are growing with the buds and I cut off buds trying to get the nanners. I think tonight I will try tweezers and get as many as I can. I do not think the clones from these last 3 will do it again under normal growing conditions And no KoolBloom.



Liquid koolbloom or powder? I use both and naver had any issues.

I use liquid kb weeks 2-7 and powder w/ liquid week 7

The fact that all your plants hermied id say it was a light leak or some other stress.

What were the strains? Femenized?
OK First off I used it to early I think, Also I had some cold night this grow. So between those two something triggered the bananas. But I had read that other had Hermies using KoolBloom and that was just after using it. Then it happened to me? I am going to be using Rez recipe from now on and will see how that goes.

Nuke the **** out of your plants with that stuff and that'll happen. Use it properly and it's good stuff.

Some strains are also known to be late hermies, so that is an additional factor to consider.
The plants are way to nice to dump and they came from my 25 year old seed collection. I have not found any Hermies in these seeds before and have grown mass of them. To get bananas on all the seed plants I can only assume that it was stress of some kind or another. I will go through the whole grow and try and figure out what went wrong.

Are you sure you don't have any light leaks, no power boards with small on-off lights.. no temperature fluxes, and it's always a bit warmer during their 'daylight' hours than it is during their night, and your ph is always stable, you checked it after using a new product to be sure it didn't throw it off one way or the other?

If there are any possible other stressful factors involved, the product either could have helped push them over the edge, or, it may not have had anything to do with it.
I did NUKE them and think that was the cause! Years ago I used 20-20-20 for veg and 5-50-17 for flower. Never had a problem and that stuff worked very well growing fat ass buds and huge plants. A good 2 week flush and the smoke was perfect.

No light leaks, Time was correct. the only thing I can think of is the low temps we had but the first one showed before the cold came. Then I can guaranty that the room night time temps were very cold, 50 deg and 78-80 light on. This was for like 5 days. We are back to normal now so i guess i will just deal with it and hope they do not do it again. I will keep a very good eye on the clones going into the flowering room.



A foot without a sock...
There are many reasons why a plant could hermie, I have a room full of KB fed plants and not one hermie.

Mine are in week 5-6 of flower.


In the K.I.S.S. thread all of this is covered

Sorry to hear of your bad luck

Guest 88950

i doubt its the koolbloom b/c many people use and no issues.

check out the K.I.S.S. thread in the nutes section, kb used and no hermies.

its environmental or user input that over stressed your girls.

good luck


Active member
Good Afternoon Doc,

I have also created nanners after using liquid Kool Bloom. I was using it to early @ 2 weeks into Flower. I adjusted the feeding schedule and introduced it @ week 4 and the hermies disappeared.

Good Luck,

There are many reasons why a plant could hermie, I have a room full of KB fed plants and not one hermie.

Mine are in week 5-6 of flower.


In the K.I.S.S. thread all of this is covered

Sorry to hear of your bad luck

WOW week 5-6 thats awesome, what are you growing? I just fed reall light with KB, i am at week 2 and i think ill wait after i saw this thread.
i second what supersize me stated. iv'e ben using liquid and dry kool bloom for many years with almost no problems. the only times i had an issue was when i was pushing a room to hard with the powdered kb and started to throw a few bananas on strains i had never seen them on. i flushed out the kb and the bannanas went away. the other time they was when i started using the liquid to soon and stressed them a bit.
hears a jack the ripper pumpin kb at 4 weeks.




Rubbing my glands together
That's some strong stuff if you add to much. Never had a problem with it doing that myself. Been using it about 10 years. A little goes a long way. Never add more that a total of .2 EC/140-150ppm for the contents of an entire res for the e&f tables. Begin 1st day of week 5 and watch them babies fatten up! It's a beautiful thing!!!