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Knowingly fathering another man's child


Active member
I was/am really high and this didn't quite register when I read it the first time.

You haven't even f'ed this girl have you, Yummy Jr.

Its way to early to be labeling him with that name.. maybe Farmer Joe is a new Alias after Gypsy threatened Yummys existence.

B. Friendly

"IBIUBU" Sayeith the Dude
I know, it sounds funky, but I know her, she wouldn't do me wrong, she'd rather break my heart out right than do it behind my back.

Listen to me, Listen Clearly:
You opened this thread. Why because you thought you'd hear alot of GOOD FOR YOU and YOUR BEING A MAN. Now i don't doubt you hoped for that news but....
Subconciously you are wondering and most likely know what alot of people are saying. Your being takin for a ride. No matter what she says, think it about it logically and then let it process and you'll probally come up with what you have heard from many differend people in the last few hours...
About Ship, do it, do it fast, do it without looking back. Or you'll be left with a bad salty taste in your mouth.
But what do we know. This has only happened to how many of us out there...
Adios mi amigo


stone fool
You sound like a nice guy, damn shame. Are you really this dense, or are you thinking with your pecker? The kid is not a problem, all children are marvelous. It is the scammer playing you that is the problem. I bet a pound that she already has the next mark picked out if you show any spine, she has to move fast to close this deal. How long do you think she will be sweet and loving once you commit? Not long pal. Wake up farmer.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
Let's have a look into the future shall we?





Active member
if its not your child, you could always ditch her later...

being with a pregnant women whos bearing another mans child... I don't know about that man..


Freedom Fighter
You sound like a nice guy, damn shame. Are you really this dense, or are you thinking with your pecker? The kid is not a problem, all children are marvelous. It is the scammer playing you that is the problem. I bet a pound that she already has the next mark picked out if you show any spine, she has to move fast to close this deal. How long do you think she will be sweet and loving once you commit? Not long pal. Wake up farmer.

But Haps...That would be detrimental to her stance...
In most States, If you take the responsibility of a child, even if not your own...and the Paternal Parent is absent for that time...The Paternal Parent is absolved from Financial support...and guess what?? YOU are now legally "Dad"--
Granted...this is not automatic...it takes years-- But if you put the years in...and try to walk...you will be responsible financially...for said "Other guys kid"--
As long as you know that...Keep on--
I knew it, and my Step-Daughter is now 21...guess what...I still take responsibility for my "Daughter"--
Once again...If you stay with her...that is your kid...and I applaud you--


Just coz a kid was produced by another dude who is possibly a prick doesn't mean that kid should not have a good father figure. Sounds like you are the guy to show that kid how to live good, mate.

I would make sure for a million % that she is not at all interested in the baby's father though. Save yourself that heart ache man.


european ganja growers
wheres the Ganja fit in hear?.....if i was in your place i would jogg on....it was only 4 weeks ago someone else was pokeing that fire....
if you do go for it all i can advise is,,,have your fast EXITs sorted (she a golddigger),,,,,,but you never know bro it could all work out sweet,,,,GL

keep it green


Haha thanks for the cautionary tales. I'm gonna play it out guys, she really is my one chance. I'm not signing any paper or slipping on any ring yet. I'm letting her decide what happens, I've had my heart broken before enough to have all these thoughts too, but If I can't be there for her now when she needs me the most, then I can't really say I love her. I know its impossible to know what really goes on between 2 people just from a few short paragraphs, but I'll be damned, if it doesn't work out I'll have my excuse to be a grumpy old man.


Active member
she really is my one chance

like I said, seems like you convinced yourself already

good luck with that

I think it's great that you would be willing to father another man's child
not everyone could do that

i'm not sure I could
maybe if I really loved the woman....

why doesn't she get an abortion ?

good luck again


Active member
huge responsiblity-men walk away from their own kids all the time
no debbie downer here, but do realize women do a 180 after child birth


She'll do good by me, she knows I won't let her go back and forth between me and anyone else. I already told her for life or for nothin. I'm not a perfect man myself, and I know all people would say the same, but something about me and her is perfect.

Don't get me wrong, I'm glad there's people out there that think I'm crazy too. Cause I am, but for all the right reasons for once.

I should kind of reply to some of the questions from last night, I want to keep this thread going, we need some serious stuff here once and awhile.

We're in our young 20's, have known each other for probably 5-6 years, really well. I don't think I can get as close to anyone else as I have to her. In the time we were dating other people I never felt even remotely close to any woman as I do to her. I still remember our first kiss like it was yesterday.

I'm thankful there's some people looking out for my emotional and financial well being, I won't forget to stay grounded when the important shit happens, I tend to have my moments of clarity at the last minute lol.
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That's loving someone unconditionally brother. I wouldn't stay with her if she jumped ship on me even once, but as long as we both are faithful, and more importantly have faith in us, then its all gravy.


Also, I wouldn't say shes gold digging lol. This guy is about 7 years older than I am, already has a toddler that he treats like garbage, and has a nicer car, cooler job, etc. If she was gold digging anyone she'd be back with him.

alright, time for work. Rolling with the punches my friends. Have a good day.