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ICMag Donor
If dialed in, the scough is phenominal.It's one of the tricky finicky plants at first. The picture you show there doesnt look much like the scough I know. Maybe we are talking about 2 different clones. I've yet to meet anyone who said the SC done up proper is anything less than awesome. But hey, your right. To each his or her own. Peace


That dont like look like the KK SC cut humboldthippie... looks like something different..

Just snapped a pic of one of em... week 4 now...4.5 - 5 to go
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heres what i got to say

my cut came 1 person removed from kyle himself

i got some that phenotypically looked more like strawberry fields and i have some that were coming out more haze...

this is the strawberry cough...same one i gave to SBZ


ICMag Donor
humboldthippy#1 said:
heres what i got to say

my cut came 1 person removed from kyle himself

i got some that phenotypically looked more like strawberry fields and i have some that were coming out more haze...

this is the strawberry cough...same one i gave to SBZ
lol what does this mean? A clone showing 2 different pheno's? Smoke another joint HH. lol :fsu:


My bad humboldt..

I didnt know he passed out more than one phenotype expression..

the story I heard it was he only got a few of one kind...

There needs to be an accurate encyclopedia or some shit..

got a question consult that...

dont anyone say the cannabible either..
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Ogbluntman, I'm likin' the SC. I've heard many good things about that there strain. How longs the flowering time on her tho, I heard like close to 90 days or some shit...I'll be watchin this one..

keep it green... :joint:
Chili_berkster said:
lol what does this mean? A clone showing 2 different pheno's? Smoke another joint HH. lol :fsu:

it means you need to grow more pot in bigger gardens

you can have a clone in 2 spots give um diff nuts medium can size lamp intensity and youll have 2 different plants

environment plays a huge part on phenotype.

grow mroe plants berkster. LOL


ICMag Donor
humboldthippy#1 said:
it means you need to grow more pot in bigger gardens

you can have a clone in 2 spots give um diff nuts medium can size lamp intensity and youll have 2 different plants

environment plays a huge part on phenotype.

grow mroe plants berkster. LOL
I'm just glad i was able to learn something today. :crazy: I'm no longer wasting my time here. Good luck with your dual pheno cutting. lol :pointlaug


"it means you need to grow more pot in bigger gardens
you can have a clone in 2 spots give um diff nuts medium can size lamp intensity and youll have 2 different plants
environment plays a huge part on phenotype. grow mroe plants berkster. LOL"

This makes absolutely no sense. A plants phenotype refers to a specific set of characteristics which specifically relate to the plant's genome. What is being described here is different grades of harvest from the same cut due to environmental differences. Just like if two idenitcal twins were raised my different families, one may be fat and one may be superbly fit due to the eating and lifestyles they were raised in. However, they will still be of the same genotype. There is no way to have two seperate sets of genes from the same cut. End of story.
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A plants phenotype refers to a specific set of characteristics which specifically relate to the plant's genome.

phenotype refers to the physical appearence of the plant, which enviorment plays a big part. genotype is the plants genetic make up.

There is no way to have two seperate sets of genes from the same cut. End of story.

i concur, but, ive seen many cuts that will display different color, taste and such with different nutes, so you can have diferent plants physically, dependin on enviorment.

first off ogb sorry about the folks who think they know :joint: :wave:

second cbf good to see you i enjoyed my whirl with this one but honestly there's better though this has its place. i'd like to do the strawberry fields...??

anyways...enjoy this one imho is a 7.8 i got really nice strawberry aromas though
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Thanks for stoppin by again Humboldt..

They look great... a whole room full of them... shit man you must of been busy trimming.. and smoking :joint:


DWW said:
Youre right Bro,but not one thats a Hazey pheno then one thats a Straw pheno from the same cut,or am i nutso,lol.

hehe, well yeah, your right bro, i was just sayin, its very possible phenotypically that the plant that were sayin aint SC, could be, as i get told often that my so called cuts arent the real deal, ive grown um big as well, and then when i post those pics, its all good.

your still a nutso though :wave:

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ICMag Donor
i might only have 20 years experience tooling around with cannabis. So please excuse my inexperience HH. You must be real smart.
lol , So if i use different nutes and a different light... My plant will change phenotypes? Hmmm..... you sure? lol


I'll be the first to say that someone with the same cut can have different looking plants. We got into this in the Puss Kush thread... Environment plays a big deal in how the plant will turn out...

Either way.. good grows everyone..

How is yours coming along Pike?

Which do you think yields better...the Screme or KKSC?


I was wrong..

I looked up the definition for phenotype and came up with the following:

The observable traits or characteristics of an organism, for example hair color, weight, or the presence or absence of a disease. Phenotypic traits are not necessarily genetic.

Physical, clinical or biological characteristics of an organism, determined by the interaction of its genetic make-up with the environment.

Sorry to everyone...peace :joint:


and another..

The visible properties of an organism that are produced by the interaction of the genotype and the environment.

What had me misinformed on this is when breeders talk about two or three specific phenotypes for a particular cross. You would think, based on the actual deffinition, that there would be millions of phenotypes as there are so many variable combinations which can change with each environment. Anyway, this is likely not the place for this discussion.. Sorry OG for the tangent on this, but I hate being wrong..hehe :wave:

Sorry dudes, peace :joint:


Thats because the term phenotype is misused constantly when referring to cannabis, but IMO if everyone in the community uses it the same way, then Id say its more like slang to us. Just gotta be specific about what you are referring to,.
