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King Klones


Well-known member
I've cleared huge rooms of bm. Moving, to me, implies panic. Implies they don't really know what they're doing but want to appear to be taking drastic measures. Their customers alerted them to bm infestation.. Their genetics can't be good enough to make up for their ineptness.
I wont say where I work but I will say the last time the King Klone provider came in to drop off clones in 2015, they were covered in spider mites. The guy was wasn't even aware they were there and was oblivious to what they even looked like. Needless to say we haven't carried any of their products since.
Maybe their old spot had a lot of nooks and crannies. I would think there would be certain types of structures that would be harder to eradicate them in than others.

If a bm egg gets in a wall you are fucked.


Well-known member
Maybe their old spot had a lot of nooks and crannies. I would think there would be certain types of structures that would be harder to eradicate them in than others.

If a bm egg gets in a wall you are fucked.

That's bullshit, no offense. Broads are not magical elves that hide in nooks and crannies they are a plant pest they live on plants. When you get broads you put away your hippie proclivities and nuke your garden, then your problem goes away and you keep up the IPM to keep them gone.

Don't act surprised when a year from now these guys are still passing broads like candy.
No offense taken. What about atomizers blowing eggs into very small spaces, do they then go dormant permanently because they are no longer on a plant or in soil? More just trying to understand how they work.


Well-known member
I've studied them extensively. They're quite similar to spider mites just smaller and more nefarious.

A good way to cleanse the space is vaporizing sulphur. Sulphur is a contact killer for all mites.


Thats the thing though they are by a freeway. Regardless if they bomb it they will come back because there is a source of food and a cozy environment. Cant bomb if plants constantly in the room. So predators and the ability to make an uncomfortable enviroment is the best counter attack. You dont see bm's in deserts. Only other solution is to move and have a stricter protocol.


Well-known member
It doesn't matter if they're near the freeway, I know how the highway gets blasted with them. You're making excuses for them. Proper IPM would keep those plants clean in a broad mite hurricane.