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killin babies

last night before i went to bed i checked on my plants- everything was looking normal. when i woke up this morning i checked on them again and two of them were drooping severely. the leaf stems had turned almost completely purple and on one of them the main stem could not hold the weight of the top of the plant. what happened?

this has happened once before, i trimmed the drooping leaves and the plant came back to life.
that just holds them up.
i need to fix the problem so it wont happen again.
but thanks anyway, i appreciate all the help i can get.
Droopiness is indicative of overwatering!
Very easy to overwater the young ones, unfortunately.

How much H20 have you been giving them?


Droopiness is indicative of overwatering!
Very easy to overwater the young ones, unfortunately.

How much H20 have you been giving them?

I agree! Very easy to overlook. Just lost 2 new Mazar-i-Sharif sprouts to this.. =( Unfortunate, but it happens.


Does the stem fold over on itself or just droop a little?

If you stem folded over on itself, are you keeping up on watering? When I was testing things before I started my grow, a plant I was testing stressful situations on collapsed on itself and drooped badly when I let it get dry enough.
are they clones that have been under a humidity dome?

sometimes a tough transition from high humidity to no humidity can cause them to basically fall over and get all soft.


southernlight - Try watering them a little more often than that. Change that a little and see if it helps, I'm willing to bet that was the problem if what I described is what your plants did.

Just a suggestion but it sounds like the same thing that happened to me, and it was sever underwatering that did it.

Also, osecretgardeno is right, humidity issues can do that too. Happened to me the first time I threw fresh rooted clones in while using a humidity dome. I ditched the dome and haven't seen it happen since.
thanks for the help everyone
i transplanted two days ago and they were pretty dry.
however they have come back to life as if nothing had ever happened.

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