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Killed over a bag of weed


Active member
You sure you watching the right tape? Shooting is right there.
I'm watching the vid in the OP link
I can hear shots, see half the guy getting hit, and the kid in the tee shirt running around behind him.

What are you seeing?


I hold El Roacho's
today we teach our children to trust noone and to never talk to leo but many years ago I remember in the projects police walk and would talk to us and be nice and you could not fear them but now leo is out to shoot or beat or tazer anything that has a pulse and have this idea they are above the law and have no fear of using exsesive force and cover up and fake reports and plant weapons to get their asses covered at any cost.


Active member
I hate these cop bashing threads, they dont do anything except perpetuate hatred.

I dont see any weed in the video, nor do i see any weed mentioned in the article below. As far as i can hear from the conversation between the cop and the guys outside of the screen, the cop asks numerous times whether they have anything illegal something they deny numerous times.

The actual shooting takes place outside of the frame of the video, its impossible to see what happens exactly at the time of the shooting.

I think the thread is stupid, it seems to try to connect a cop shooting to weed without there seemingly being any proof that weed had any relevance in the case. The thread only works to perpetuate the dogma that cops want to shoot weed smokers and serves to increase paranoia among smokers. Paranoia generally makes us do silly things, the thread sucks, i dont need any more noia then i already have!!

I am so glad that people such as yourself are coming out of the "shadows" a bit in response to threads such as these. I'm right there with you. Am I an LEO-lover? Not by a long shot, but I'm also not a petulant, ignorant child as are many members of ICMag who always beat the war drum and "HATE ALL COPS!"

You said it -- the original poster of this thread and everyone who is crucifying the cop along with him without any proof WHATSOEVER that the man shot Ray Bodden without any reason at all....YOU guys are worse than ANY cop, crooked or otherwise. YOU people are the reason why there is so much ignorance, so much hatred. There are far more of YOU than there are crooked, corrupt cops -- at least in my experience. Claim that you want unity and peace and then espouse intolerance and contribute even more to the division of cultures that is widening every single god damned day. You people make me SICK.

Sorry, had to vent. Next time you children wonder why nobody takes cannabis users seriously -- take a look at how you respond and react, and try taking off those rose-colored glasses. And you really might consider putting down the joint for a bit and stepping out into the REAL world for once.


Active member
today we teach our children to trust noone and to never talk to leo but many years ago I remember in the projects police walk and would talk to us and be nice and you could not fear them but now leo is out to shoot or beat or tazer anything that has a pulse and have this idea they are above the law and have no fear of using exsesive force and cover up and fake reports and plant weapons to get their asses covered at any cost.

Perhaps if you were raising your children as responsible, contributing members of society instead of ignorant delinquents, they wouldn't have any issue with talking to the police. :tiphat:


Active member
this is sad that some police give the rest a bad name rookie cops getting paranoid maybe they should lay off the steroids a little, he was double tapped(shot chest and head) so the policeman had no intention of wounding him

Clearly you are not experienced with firearms, or with how LEO are trained to use them. This isn't Hollywood. They aren't supposed to try to shoot the gun out of your hand or peg you in the shoulder, when they draw their weapon it is to put the person they are aiming it in the dirt permanently.


Active member
Sorry, had to vent. Next time you children wonder why nobody takes cannabis users seriously -- take a look at how you respond and react, and try taking off those rose-colored glasses. And you really might consider putting down the joint for a bit and stepping out into the REAL world for once.
You make a lot of good posts, and are obviously an intelligent guy, but there is one thing that you are in the habit of doing that is a bit annoying, and that's accusing everyone else of being children, with no life experience.

I know by your own admission that you are in your early 20's, and IMO, still posses a fair amount of the teenage know it all syndrome.

No offense, I think you're a good guy, but you need to take your own advice and live a little, kid.


Active member
You make a lot of good posts, and are obviously an intelligent guy, but there is one thing that you are in the habit of doing that is a bit annoying, and that's accusing everyone else of being children, with no life experience.

I know by your own admission that you are in your early 20's, and IMO, still posses a fair amount of the teenage know it all syndrome.

No offense, I think you're a good guy, but you need to take your own advice and live a little, kid.

:tiphat: We all have our faults. Never said I was perfect, simply that I have strong opinions. ;)

For the record, my assumption is that the people who I'm speaking to in that post ARE children. If they are not, god help us all.


Active member
the original poster of this thread and everyone who is crucifying the cop along with him without any proof WHATSOEVER that the man shot Ray Bodden without any reason at all....YOU guys are worse than ANY cop, crooked or otherwise.

I never said any of these things you claim. Yes, the details of this shooting still need investigating. Hopefully a fair investigation is performed and the truth be unveiled.

Bottom line, it seems the guy had weed (no weapons) and was shot dead. Also, there was a non-officer (ride a long) young man who seems to of confused the situation. The ride along even spouted words to the guy that died. It's a sad sad day for our system.


Active member
I never said any of these things you claim. Yes, the details of this shooting still need investigating. Hopefully a fair investigation is performed and the truth be unveiled.

Bottom line, it seems the guy had weed (no weapons) and was shot dead. Also, there was a non-officer (ride a long) young man who seems to of confused the situation. The ride along even spouted words to the guy that died. It's a sad sad day for our system.

You're absolutely right, and I apologize for grouping you in with the others. Truth be told, my statements weren't actually directed at anyone in particular in this thread or even on this forum, just a general "vent." :tiphat:

I'll rephrase: I feel that by posting the thread in the way that you did, you are doing no one any favors at all, only contributing to the "us vs. them" mentality. My $.02, take it for what it's worth.


Active member
And I think that this line in your signature is one of the wisest things I've personally read on ICMag and applies to many things in life...if I may quote...

Fear Mongering doesn't require a shred of proof. It's just a bunch of garbage that instills fear and anxiety into those who don't have the facts.


Obviously no one's happy that this guy is dead now. But you simply cannot act like he acted when dealing with the cops. Cops always have to assume the worst.

If you were in the cop's situation and the man you were detaining was fumbling around in his belt area and then refused to show his hands when you asked him, what would you do? I would like to think that I would draw my weapon and wait until I could identify the object in his hands, but who knows? Especially when a fuckin unarmed ride-along whom you are responsible for is right next to the guy.

You can hate on the cops all you want but the bottom line is they are just trying to live through the day. Don't do anything stupid and maybe you will too.


I'm watching the vid in the OP link
I can hear shots, see half the guy getting hit, and the kid in the tee shirt running around behind him.

What are you seeing?

Exactly that. Cop shot him. What do you think is concealed here?


Just seems obvious to me that the country needs to spend more money on training and turning back this increase of use of force, everything from tazers to guns.

That will never happen:

1. A while back, last year if I remember right a boatload of DC cops were fired because......they had criminal records.
2. A month ago a police officer for PG County, Maryland snitched on his graduating class where @ 80% cheated on exams, etc. with the help of the instructor. Dude had proof beyond a doubt and showed the top brass. The snitch cop is gone from the force and the cops that cheated are still on the force.....the Chief siting no evidence, but what it boiled down to was a lot arrest would have been challenged in court because of the integrity of the officers.
3. O/T 2 P.G.County firefighters plead guilty to arson chargers last month. Guess sitting around the firehouse playing cards and sleeping gets boring after a while.

Proper training will NEVER happen when those that are on top protect those on the bottom that do wrong.
I hope that cop gets what is coming to him. I hope he meets a horrific end. I hope he losses everything that means something dear to him. I hope his family receives the same.



Active member
i hate pigs as much as the next guy, but that dude clearly reached for something in his waistband. his body language showed he was maybe trying to hide something...i know this because i have been in that exact situation before. having to ditch something while the cops arent looking...


People don't like & trust leo because of how people are treated in just normal everyday activities, like awhile back pulled over for speeding cop asked me to get out of the car, fair enough , pulled the knife out of my pocket, asked me where I was going told him, was asked why are you going this way to go there, told him why, I guess he didn't believe me , asked my wife the same questions, got a f**king speeding ticket plus reckless driving for passing people in the right lane because people can't get out of the left lane. I know this is off topic but the way people are treated in any traffic stop it just makes you mad as f**king hell and despise cops for the way they do their jobs . When did it come to be anybody's f**king business where your going & why your going that way?It's just a police state of a country after 9/11 , that's there excuse for everything! My rant!!!!!:plant grow:
This dash vid has definitely been edited. They all have a wide angle lens. BTW folks, Florida is a fuckin trigger happy cop state, worst marijuana laws, and it also is hands-down, one of the most corrupt! And I'm not talking out of my ass either, folks, I fuckin live here! The sad truth is that many of these murders are reported as justifiable, or suspect hung, shot himself. All this murdering shit, (sometimes accidental, & cop made mistake), is then covered up & doctored, then given a send-off by the powers that be.
Sorry for my anger folks. I just get so upset when someone dies needlessly, & tired of hearing the killer cops get away with it, as usual. Especially when the prosecutor has their back. Like I said, trigger-happy cops, as you just saw. No friggin joke here people, be warned!


Active member
That will never happen:

1. A while back, last year if I remember right a boatload of DC cops were fired because......they had criminal records.
2. A month ago a police officer for PG County, Maryland snitched on his graduating class where @ 80% cheated on exams, etc. with the help of the instructor. Dude had proof beyond a doubt and showed the top brass. The snitch cop is gone from the force and the cops that cheated are still on the force.....the Chief siting no evidence, but what it boiled down to was a lot arrest would have been challenged in court because of the integrity of the officers.
3. O/T 2 P.G.County firefighters plead guilty to arson chargers last month. Guess sitting around the firehouse playing cards and sleeping gets boring after a while.

Proper training will NEVER happen when those that are on top protect those on the bottom that do wrong.

I think that America is heading towards a people's revolution if it continues on this path. Change is going to happen one way or the other, either the people in power are going to bow to the growing anger or the people will rip their arms off. Imagine L.A. riot on a national scale. The real power is always with the people, Americans just have to remember that.