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Killed over a bag of weed


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
stupid anything to make an arrest. Lets hope the family sues the crap out of the county. That's just horrible police work


Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
LEO at their finest, epic fail piggies. :crazy:


"easy growing type"
This breaks my heart!! With everything we've learned in history when dealing with authorities WHY THE FUCK was he approaching that cop??? Why didn't the police just ask then to sit on the ground till the information they requested return??? This is shitty police work here. You need to detain you subject immediately to prevent movement!!!!! Both officers need to be removed but the perp should have never walked close to the plain clothes cop. If I were a cop I would have felt as if he'd try and subdue me. If I were a cop I'D OF SAT THEIR ASSES ON THE GROUND AND THIS WOULD HAVE NEVER HAPPENED!


i Am SoFaKiNg WeTod DiD
im had to erase my whole post after what i had read what i typed. cps kill enough ppl where i live hopefully somone will put 2 or 6 in that pigs fukin head.


I hold El Roacho's
Thanks SH for throwing this link my way, I am lost for words to watch such a sad video and hear the rounds hit this vato for some stupid shit like a bag of weed and leo fucking taking this guys life away from him even for me is making me feel sad and helpless to what any of us can expect from these dirty low down vatos who treat smokers like we are dirty pieces of shit.

being pulled over is very freaky shit and at night is very risky but this just shows how being above the law is now so common with leo and we are so defenseless and it makes you think after watching that video.


At no point in the video did I see that guy make a move.

Just before the dude in white shirt starts pointing he does make a move as if he's pulling smth out of his belt and then it looks like he has smth in his hand


"easy growing type"
@ 5:37 in the video time line - He puts the cigarette down and sways left to right. Then he seems to increase movement with his hands - he was OBVIOUSLY nervous.

If he was in a seated position then the cops would have not reacted so abrupt. This was such a major fuckup!! Yo seriously the cop has to to time on this one..

I just want to add that when dealing with authorities KEEP STILL!!! They are MORE nervous then you are when performing their duties - DON'T GIVE THEM A REASON.
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I hate these cop bashing threads, they dont do anything except perpetuate hatred.

I dont see any weed in the video, nor do i see any weed mentioned in the article below. As far as i can hear from the conversation between the cop and the guys outside of the screen, the cop asks numerous times whether they have anything illegal something they deny numerous times.

The actual shooting takes place outside of the frame of the video, its impossible to see what happens exactly at the time of the shooting.

I think the thread is stupid, it seems to try to connect a cop shooting to weed without there seemingly being any proof that weed had any relevance in the case. The thread only works to perpetuate the dogma that cops want to shoot weed smokers and serves to increase paranoia among smokers. Paranoia generally makes us do silly things, the thread sucks, i dont need any more noia then i already have!!


Active member
Just seems obvious to me that the country needs to spend more money on training and turning back this increase of use of force, everything from tazers to guns.


@ 5:37 in the video time line - He puts the cigarette down and sways left to right. Then he seems to increase movement with his hands - he was OBVIOUSLY nervous.
He made a distinct move with his left hand at 5:38 that's what I see...independent of him swaying...then plainclothes started pointing at his hand and then for a second you could see it looks like he has a gun in his left hand. Maybe he made a hand formation I don't know.

P.S. Family says he pulled a bag of weed http://www.firstcoastnews.com/news/mostpopular/news-article.aspx?storyid=175702


Here's what happened imo: he had a bag of weed under his belt and wanted to get rid of it. In the video you can see him reaching for smth when whiteshirt turned away. Yet whiteshirt noticed it, yelled and pointed to his left arm, all while Roy hided his hand behind his back. Then the other cop yelled and you can see Roy nervously pulling his hand from the back/side with the bag in it. Then the cop yelled "drop it" and unfortunately the poor fellow didn't. He was probably confused. Very sad.


this is sad that some police give the rest a bad name rookie cops getting paranoid maybe they should lay off the steroids a little, he was double tapped(shot chest and head) so the policeman had no intention of wounding him


Active member
I hate these cop bashing threads, they dont do anything except perpetuate hatred.

I dont see any weed in the video, nor do i see any weed mentioned in the article below. As far as i can hear from the conversation between the cop and the guys outside of the screen, the cop asks numerous times whether they have anything illegal something they deny numerous times.

The actual shooting takes place outside of the frame of the video, its impossible to see what happens exactly at the time of the shooting.

I think the thread is stupid, it seems to try to connect a cop shooting to weed without there seemingly being any proof that weed had any relevance in the case. The thread only works to perpetuate the dogma that cops want to shoot weed smokers and serves to increase paranoia among smokers. Paranoia generally makes us do silly things, the thread sucks, i dont need any more noia then i already have!!

Google is your friend. The link is to the video, not the stuff that's all over the news.


I don't see this as a cop bashing thread but rather a thread informing us on the times & actions of our Police. If they can't do their job they should be bashed "respectfully" and within reason in the media,net & threads. The facts are that this man was unarmed & was shot for no reason other than 1 shitty looser cop cant do his job. If more cops were decent people then they wouldn't have to be bashed so much on the net and probably would not be so paranoid about being shot themselves.


Active member
Couple things
The guy was pulled over for speeding, now he's dead, that's fucked up
Another thing, the tape has been edited, by the police I'm guessing, those dash cams are wide angle, watch the tape and look how it shows a huge section of the right, way past the edge of the right side of the car, it should also be showing the same huge section to the left, but it cuts off at the middle of the hood, BULLSHIT, it's been edited to not show the shooting, fucking dirty cops.
Watch any dash cam tape to see what I mean, they are all wide angle, except for this one, which conveniently cuts off the left side of the picture.
Also the fucking ride along kid(kid in tee shirt with flashlight) should not have been getting all involved like that, he's the one that started yelling and pointing, no training kid probably spooked the cop into shooting the guy cause the kid was freaking out and pointing like that.

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