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killed by vape

Lost in a SOG

yeah if you're gonna hold a super cheapo barely legal lithium ion battery to your face 10,000 times a year that's a lot of dice rolls lol :bandit:

Lost in a SOG

popcorn lung and lots of the flavourings, e numbers etc, have never been tested in anyway when vaporised and sent into the lungs.. and the perpetual fear that it might burn your house down or go of like a rocket in your pocket and possibly get you shot for potentially being a suicide bomber who knows,, fuck that shit gimme some papers! :smoker:


Lost in SOG, you should throw out all your other electrical appliances and equipment because they are all statically more likely to cause death or injury than vaping. Cookers and ovens are top of the list so I hope you like salads.
You are also more likely to be run down by a car crossing the street so you may need to move to the wilderness. Vaping is statistically safer than most of things you do every day - the food you eat, the person you live with, the weather, are all more likely to cause death or injury than vaping, if you look at the statical facts.

Lost in a SOG

Well I agree with you, but also really it depends on what you're vaping doesn't it because as I said there is no data on what various additives in vape liquids do when inhaled and some of the early research is showing new forms of cancer cell lines being formed from the new chemistry people have been inhaling.

In 20 years time we'll really start to see what the long term implications are if there are any.

It's like the microwave which was designed by the Nazis btw, it was rolled out with no long term testing already being done and well microwaves create novel forms of chemical compounds that go unrecognised by the body and lead to cancer after several decades of bodily abuse..

everyone has a toxic load and vape pens only add to it and i'm sure will help lower peoples lives by making their livers work harder.

Just seems like typical irresponsible approach to health to me.. but hey I smoke weed and breath in car fumes and statistically will probably die in a car crash lighting a spliff so who gives a fuck :D

Lost in a SOG

like if your vaping weed or weed extracted terpenes then that's different the terpenes in ganja obviously have proven medical benefits not least anti cancer but if someone is smoking some synthetic shit then my instinct is to call BS on it being safe.