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~[Kief Junkie & Q.K.] 250w Organic Soil NGB style MediCab (perpetual, var. strains)~


Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
christoph'sbud: Thanks! I totally messed up and forgot to take pics of the clones before I potted them so you could all see the roots! Doh! That's ok, I'll take pics on my next round of clones. But I WILL take a pic of the potted clones soon and post it up.

SupraSPL: Very nice. Good luck on the Pure. You're going to love it. On the neem...I use the same brand, and I use about 1/4 tbl. per spray bottle (about 32oz. of water). I've never had a problem with it burning anything and I don't rinse. Maybe you're using a bit too much?? As for the HPS, it's an EYE Hortilux bulb. I just barely put a fresh bulb in last week, but the previous bulb had (I would estimate) about 9 months of 12/12 on it.

BigHit: Glad you're enjoying the journals. Welcome!


Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
Day 35 of flower (Lemon Skunk); Day 1 of Veg (LS clones)

Day 35 of flower (Lemon Skunk); Day 1 of Veg (LS clones)

As promised, pictures.

The one clone looks a little sad, but she has some good left in her still and I think she'll survive.

Just for reference, on that stem pic, the rod to the left is about as big around as a #2 pencil, so the stem is about twice as big around at the base. Nice and thick!

Also, the mama Lemon Skunk was neem sprayed just prior to the pics, so she might look a little drippy.

Lemon Skunk galore! Have a great holiday weekend everyone!

Day 35 of flower; Lemon Skunk (5 28 10)


Day 35 of flower; Lemon Skunk (5 28 10) [2]


Day 35 of flower; Stem of Lemon Skunk (5 28 10)


Day 1 in Veg; Lemon Skunk clones (5 28 10)

thanks for the picture update K.J!! finnaly get too see this lemon skunk again, she is an amazing plant, whats the mother like? is it in veg? or is that your only lemon? sorry for alot of questions, its 5 am here :p

what other plants do you have going? ide like too know XD


Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
thanks for the picture update K.J!! finnaly get too see this lemon skunk again, she is an amazing plant, whats the mother like? is it in veg? or is that your only lemon? sorry for alot of questions, its 5 am here :p

No problem, thanks for jumping in. The plant in flower right now is our "mother plant"; the ones we took the clones from. So I have 1 in flower, and now 3 rooted clones in the veg room. I hope to keep one as the mother, but we'll see. I might just flower these 3 and take more clones.

what other plants do you have going? ide like too know XD

No other plants right now, just these Lemon Skunks.


Congrats on the clones! You might become a clone packrat and need to make more space lol its hard to let any of them go.

So I converted the amount of Neem you said you used and it is about 4ml/liter. I am using 8ml/liter as per the instructions on the bottle. Sounds like that is my problem I should have known!


Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
cheesebuds: Thanks for the kind words!

SupraSPL: Good to hear you figured out the neem...not saying my ratio is the right one (can't recall what the bottle tells me to do), but it seems to work for me.


Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
Pics! Day 41 of flower; Lemon Skunk

Pics! Day 41 of flower; Lemon Skunk

Day 41 in flower for our Lemon Skunk girl, and all is well. She's nice and smelly, full of sparkling resin, fine branching structure, fat dark green fan leaves, fox-tailing spear shaped buds, and a thick ass stem to put on weight with. I couldn't be happier! No infections, no bugs, just plain ole healthy.

PLEEEEAASE Universe, let the clones survive and thrive! I love this plant!

(speaking of the clones, no pics today as they haven't changed much in appearance since transplant...I expect them to "take hold" over the next week and I'll take pictures when they do.)

On to the pics!

Day 41 of flower; Lemon Skunk (6 3 10)


Day 41 of flower; Lemon Skunk (6 3 10) [2]


Day 41 of flower; Lemon Skunk close up (6 3 10)

wowza K.J! that lemon skunk is looking even more crystally by the post!

cant wait to see those roots take, well, root over the next week :p



New member
K.J - Thanks for all the great info and updates. Your results look fantastic!

How often do you brew and apply your compost or guano teas? Do you have recipes or brewing methods that you like to use?

I just started my first grow in 3 gal Smart Pots and have brewed my own tea now twice. I have 2 females at 7 days into flowering.

I used LST in the Smart Pots and soil by pushing down several 6" landscape staples around the perimeter. This gave me anchor-points to tie down and train the plants horizontally using soft wire ties. It seems to be working and allows me to expose all the bud sites without using Scrog.

I'm hoping for results at least half as good as yours. Your approach is an inspiration to my future growing efforts.

Thank you - Brahma


Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
brahma: I'm glad our grows could be of inspiration to you. I hope there are lots of gems in the journals for you to draw from on your adventures. All the best to you and your future grows.

As for the teas, I don't actually brew tea. I use LC's mix with the dry ferts amended to the soil so that all I need use from start to finish is water with a little molasses and LK added to it just prior to watering. I have used guano a few times in my waterings, but I never brew it, I just add it, stir and water.


Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
wowza K.J! that lemon skunk is looking even more crystally by the post!

cant wait to see those roots take, well, root over the next week :p


Thanks! I'm not sure they will take off, but let's cross our fingers!
hey K.J, im gunna have to cross my fingers, my clone that just rooted looks like its about to die!

all of its leaves are all drooped as low as they can go, and all wrinkly, and the top is just bending over and looking sad. i dont know what could have gone wrong tho.

first off, i took the clone of my plant awhile ago, and put it in a cup of water with Styrofoam, it rooted, and two days ago, it popped out a 2cm long root tail, so i decided to plant it, i got a jiffy, poked a hole with a pencil, and attempted to carefully put the fresh roots down in the pellet( im not sure if they broke or not.) and since then, i put it directly under a 15W bulb in my spare veg case, was this a bad idea? i thought it might be, so i moved it too my taller PC case, where the temps are a bit lower, and she wont get such harsh light...

if you have any ideas on making this lil clone happy, gimme a shout on my thread.

hope to see some more pictures of your gals, as always.



Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
Things are going well with the Lemon Skunk...not too long now until harvest.

The clones? Well, they're alive and looking nearly EXACTLY like they did when I transplanted them into the soil. They haven't grown, haven't died, haven't done a thing. I'm really, really praying for these to turn out (at least one of them). Not sure how much longer to give them before I give up....ugh!


New member
hey K.J. i have been lurking for a while watching the pure grows. don't no if your using it already but try one of the rooting hormones, you will have a much higher success rate with your clones.


Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
hey K.J. i have been lurking for a while watching the pure grows. don't no if your using it already but try one of the rooting hormones, you will have a much higher success rate with your clones.

Glad you've been hanging around. Welcome.

I've thought about using them, but honestly, my last ones rooted just fine without them (I think they might have been take too late in flower and it's just taking them a long time to revert to veg). But if I have future issues with getting them to root, then I'll look into the gel for sure.


Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
Just a quick update to say that everything is going well. We're at what, about day 55 now? I plan to pull the Lemon Skunk around day 65, unless she tells me she needs more time. She's foxtailing like crazy on the top 2 cola's...it's rather interesting to watch...one looks sorta like a crown to me.

The clones have actually survived and are starting to thrive! Well, two of them anyway...the third I'm still not sure is, but I think it might have grown some too. They do look a little funky, but I think they're going to be just fine. What a relief!

I'll try and take pics soon. Sorry for the absence, but it's a busy time of year for me and I don't get much time to visit here for the next month or so (or to take pics and spend lots of time with my plants...just enough to take care of them as needed).


good stuff K.J. ;) i am bout to run train wreck, sensi star, cheese and lemon skunk as well.....so i am glad to see your success with it :) and now i know what to expect. again good stuff brudda. peace

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