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Kids Smoking Weed - A 16 year olds Essay


New member
Hi All

I'll get to introducing myself later but I was just sent an article which I think I should share.

A 16 yo kid did this for a school essay..... love to hear comments.


Recent studies have shown that more teens are smoking marijuana, but they have seen a decline in the abuse of cocaine and methamphetamine. Another study, done by academics said that those exposed to cannabis as a teenager are more likely to suffer in the future in terms of mental health, qualifications and relationships. Professor George Patton, a scientist who conducted a 10 year study following almost 2,000 teenagers until they were 25. After his investigation, he was able to conclude this; "It's the young people who were using cannabis in their teens who were doing really badly in terms of their mental health. They were also less likely to be working, have qualifications or be in a relationship and more likely to be taking other drugs."
The effects of smoking cannabis are a wide range. Teens who smoke seem to only think about the positive effects, such as its ability to enable one to feel relaxed, happy or outgoing. The negative effects, often only realized when the user has become more regular will show to be those of anxiety, paranoia, short term memory loss and panic attacks. If the subject already possesses a faulty gene to do with mental health, it can be triggered by the smoking of marijuana. In more severe cases it can trigger psychotic episodes. This is because we already have "receptors" in the brain that respond to cannabis. These receptors are closely related to our dopamine receptors, and drugs that raise our dopamine levels also increase the chance of a psychotic outburst.

Another concern that has come among politicians is the type of cannabis. An increasingly common type is skunk, which is intensively grown indoors. The effects of skunk further amplify the ‘stoned’ result than that of weed or hash.
Cannabis is the most abused drug amongst teens and although it is not technically addictive in terms of its chemical make-up, but the urge to smoke marijuana again and again to endure the satisfactory high feeling can become overwhelming. It can also mean that when the user is not high they feel depressed.
It is wrong for this increasing problem to be ignored. Most who try cannabis do not go on to do stronger, more intoxicating drugs. But most would not try these higher class drugs until they have tried cannabis. This shows that for more harming drug abuse to decline, the ‘soft’ drug that is cannabis has to be taken out of the equation.
This is the Frank Cannabis Advert from 2009 which looks at the potential effects of smoking cannabis.



Natalie J. Puffington
Now that I've skimmed the essay a second time, perhaps they aren't smoking enough *indica* doms? :dunno:
Sounds like the opinions of someone who's never smoked cannabis...


Welcome to IC, SmokeItUp! :)

Enjoy your stay!
:smoke out:
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this does not sound like something a 16 year old would have written..

A bit difficult to challenge the (obviously flawed) viewpoints of an anonymous 16-year old.

Is this simply a way to spread anti-cannabis propaganda without being challenged about it?


Active member
lol, My 12 yr old son is on all the pro pot groups on facebook. he doesn't even smoke but cant stand the hypocrisy surrounding the laws


can ya saybullshit propaganda! they pick and chose the so called facts and then interpret them to support their preconceived opinions. sure ideally you won't smoke cannabis till you're 20 or so. but sadly things don't always go perfect and kids want to experiment. so in the end if you can't keep them totally on the straight and narrow, better they are having a joint, then getting drunk, smoking cigs or even worse, experimenting with real drugs.

what they always forget to mention in these stories of psychosis from cannabis use is that in many cases these kids are on multiple pharmaceuticals to begin with and the cannabis is only the last straw that ends up breaking the camels back. it's possible that some very few people will have lasting negative effects from cannabis if they have some kind of mental instability to begin with. but so far, from all the people i've talked to i never me one who claimed it was cannabis that fucked him up mentally. makes you wonder if those stories are not just more lies.


Active member
can ya saybullshit propaganda! they pick and chose the so called facts and then interpret them to support their preconceived opinions. sure ideally you won't smoke cannabis till you're 20 or so. but sadly things don't always go perfect and kids want to experiment. so in the end if you can't keep them totally on the straight and narrow, better they are having a joint, then getting drunk, smoking cigs or even worse, experimenting with real drugs.

what they always forget to mention in these stories of psychosis from cannabis use is that in many cases these kids are on multiple pharmaceuticals to begin with and the cannabis is only the last straw that ends up breaking the camels back. it's possible that some very few people will have lasting negative effects from cannabis if they have some kind of mental instability to begin with. but so far, from all the people i've talked to i never me one who claimed it was cannabis that fucked him up mentally. makes you wonder if those stories are not just more lies.

Exactly, Gaius. Unfortunately, the rhetoric of fear and shame still has a voice at the debate table. They can't rebut the fact that cannabis is completely non-toxic.

I'm pretty sure the University of Washington determined that the lethal dose for 50% of the population (LD-50) was the extract of approximately 1500 plants.


lol, My 12 yr old son is on all the pro pot groups on facebook. he doesn't even smoke but cant stand the hypocrisy surrounding the laws

That is great Superbolan. Who are these people to try to judge many people as a whole with partaking in consuming an herb. Everyone is different and there are so many great things that can happen to yourself and your mind with cannabis. Basically more incorrect propaganda.


ICMag Donor

Cannabis is the most abused drug amongst teens and although it is not technically addictive in terms of its chemical make-up, but the urge to smoke marijuana again and again to endure the satisfactory high feeling can become overwhelming. It can also mean that when the user is not high they feel depressed.

It is wrong for this increasing problem to be ignored.

I agree . How can we help?

Note : the UK is nothing like the USA or Canada regarding the uptake of substance abuse (including cannabis) amid teenagers. With the highest rate of teenage addiction in Europe, the UK needs to address the issue of kids selling mind altering substances to other kids in the playground immediately!! It's quite frankly a ****ing disgrace !!!

peace n flowers


Its just a relief to read bullshit like this written by some 16 year old, usually I'm reading crap like this by some soulless authoritative asshole, M.D. that people respect for some other reason.

we all said stupid shit when we were 16

Big Eggy

Active member
I Had a friend when i was about 16 who one day just flipped out and stabbed his dad with a Stanly knife and accused him of being a child molester.

This was all in his head and was put down to the fact that he was a heavy cannabis smoker (Soap Bar back in the day). However it was not mentioned at the time but his family had a history of mental illness and like mentioned above i think that along with the troubles of growing up with few prospects in life cannabis just tipped him over the edge... but anything could have and probably would have triggered this at some point.


PS welcome to ICMAG!


Sounds like a kid that was busted and trying to pull his ass out of a hole he had dug. Just like. "Officer I didn't mean to rape and kill those people I was smoking pot".


Sounds like a kid that was busted and trying to pull his ass out of a hole he had dug. Just like. "Officer I didn't mean to rape and kill those people I was smoking pot".
true, too many people enjoy the lies surrounding marijuana to justify their sick desires


Over the last 30 years Cannabis use among teens has basically stayed the same. While prescription mood altering drugs in adolescents have increased a thousand times. I don't condone use of Cannabis by adolescents but when it comes to a choice of two evils get them off of the prescription drugs. The only studies that we have on Cannabis use by adolescents for depression and other mental impairments are non scientific done by people with an agenda.
Most problem kids are those with problem home lives. The willingness of parents to stupefy their kids with prescription drugs is an extension of those problems. Kids pay for their parents problems.

Big Eggy

Active member
Are you for real Smokeitup? or a reporter/researcher?

I dont mean to cause offence but this is a strange post for an intro thead.

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