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Kid Suicides on Live Video Feed Yesterday

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Sneak attack critical

I just brought up this whole Yummybud shit because he's the type of dude that always comes on the boards and talks about how awful his life is.

I was attempting to make light of the situation (which is my personal defense mechanism for dealing with a fucked up world) and instead turned this thread into a tailspin...

As far I know, Yummybud did not kill himself. And as bad as I feel for the guy who really DID kill himself online, this shouldn't be a platform for internet regulation.

Personally, I feel like internet regulation would mean the death of the internet as we know it.

Just because a sad soul with depression, bi-polar, or emotional/psychological issues in general, decides to make a spectacle of himself and his death online, doesn't mean anyone did anything wrong. Wrong isn't the proper word for this situation. Something like "in poor taste" would be more appropriate.

Internet regulation would not stop this young man from killing himself. It would only prevent him from streaming a video of himself committing said act.


I think one issue that is kind of scary, is the amount of confidence these kids put into each other. Theyd rather consult with these, for the most part, straight up strangers, than with their intimate family and friends.

His suicide note speaks of his father's expectations of him, and things of that nature. Maybe the world today, for these kids, are harder than most are giving them credit for? I mean, they're so frequently bombarded by outside influences, like TV, internet (in this case ..), friends, idols and images, possibly to the point that theyve lost sense of what really is important and their own personal worth.

To me, this kid seemed like he was just utterly lost, he didn't know where to turn to or who to turn to, whats he do when his own self-worth, at least in his mind, is reduced to the point that hed take his own life?


Non Conformist
Does the TOU not apply in Yummybuds case too?

Does the TOU not apply in Yummybuds case too?

I've seen so many people on ths site flame him to no end!!! They've made a fuckin sport of it! Look at his rep and tell me they haven't! Like a bunch of big bullies on a school playground, thinkin all the other kids are gonna think they're are cool for doin it! Fuck man, there's people with "Offical Yummybud hater" in their signatures! Babba is the only one I've ever seen tell people not to be flaming Yummybud. Hat's off ta you man! you have my respect..... Then in this thread, people sayin, so what, people kill themselves everyday, no big deal! only the strong survive! BLAH, BLAH, FUCKING BLAH! You folks make me sick! This is a HUMAN LIFE we're talking about here!, jus because you didn't know him doesn't mean he didn't fuckin count for nothin! I think too many of you have been on the internet too long, and have forgotten how ta be real fucking human beings! I can't imagine you were raised that way, right? Would you like people talkin about yer kin folk like that?!?! Yer son, yer brother, yer nephew? I doubt it! and to say otherwise you would only be lieing to yerself! so jus save it! Show some fuckin respect and decency, an act like the adults you are!, you don't have to prove how cool or tough you are to us! I know, I know, whata rant, but goddamn if it didn't need ta be said! Take care... BC


B.C. said:
I've seen so many people on ths site flame him to no end!!! They've made a fuckin sport of it! Look at his rep and tell me they haven't! Like a bunch of big bullies on a school playground, thinkin all the other kids are gonna think they're are cool for doin it! Fuck man, there's people with "Offical Yummybud hater" in their signatures! Babba is the only one I've ever seen tell people not to be flaming Yummybud. Hat's off ta you man! you have my respect..... Then in this thread, people sayin, so what, people kill themselves everyday, no big deal! only the strong survive! BLAH, BLAH, FUCKING BLAH! You folks make me sick! This is a HUMAN LIFE we're talking about here!, jus because you didn't know him doesn't mean he didn't fuckin count for nothin! I think too many of you have been on the internet too long, and have forgotten how ta be real fucking human beings! I can't imagine you were raised that way, right? Would you like people talkin about yer kin folk like that?!?! Yer son, yer brother, yer nephew? I doubt it! and to say otherwise you would only be lieing to yerself! so jus save it! Show some fuckin respect and decency, an act like the adults you are!, you don't have to prove how cool or tough you are to us! I know, I know, whata rant, but goddamn if it didn't need ta be said! Take care... BC

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to B.C. again.

I love to lay and joke around but not when it comes at someones expense
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Active member
yeah yummybud does get bitched on, but at least it's not at school, getting harassed

i've lived through that, fucking hell

but he comes back

and he gets it coming because he asks advice and does not listen

sorry dude he is a muppet :)

as for the suicide

shit man, welcome to reality.

no one should ever ask why the kids shoot down the schools

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G. Sensi

To be honest, I can understand that somethings can hurt so bad that it seems better to just check out of life....

But I do have a problem when people bring others into the situation.... This dude would be an example as he obviously wanted the whole world to know and see what he was doing...

Back in Toronto people are always jumping off overpasses onto the 401 (major highway) sometimes even with Children in their arms and causin massive accidents sending people to hospitals and shuttin down the whole city....And I mean I would be absolutely messed up in the head for life if someone came crashin down on my windsheild....

Then theres the idiots who run into schools and malls and shoot up the place...

No matter what the circumstances, no matter what you've done, or whats happened or what you think will happen you have no right to hurt other people like that....

If you gotta go...Though I dont agree with it, I can understand that you gotta go....Self administered Euthanasia is one thing... and Im sure theres millions of understandable reasons....but it seems like too many people just want attention and feel like sending one big F*** Off to the world... and thats just plain wrong...

Theres so many babies and young children who die before ever really experiencing life...So many people born with major health issues and defects and it seems so unfair to me that people send back their gift of life and health "because she broke my heart" or whatever....

To the people and families that have lost a family member or friend I really am sorry for your loss.... I hope my words above dont dishonour them in any way

Life is precious.... you shouldnt wait til you're loosin it to remember that...

Love and Joy

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Saddest thing is that Cannabis would have saved this kids life...

Bi-Polar is best treated with cannabis.... One more death chalked up to the drug war...

Marijuana Saves Lives Sends its condolences.
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