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Kid Suicides on Live Video Feed Yesterday

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Dr. G

Active member
well my father commited suicide like 2-3 mths ago hes a selfish prick who just couldnt stop drinking

ya everyone got a right to do what ever they want as long as their not hurting other people you hurt much more then yourself when you do these types of things

i have forgiven him but i still get angry thinking about it

ya its fucked up that people egged him on but seriously who thinks some fucking 19 yo is going to actually go through with it its not like he took a bunch of pills on camera....

imo he should have just not been born

im so sick of people killing them selfs ive heard about 10 in the past year that are in my area well not really but my fioncees fathers girlfriends kids firends are all killing them selfs

if we should band somthing it should be fucking emo music


Its COOL to DROOL!!!!!!
dr g im sorry for your loss, and i agree fuck emo music lol but to rewind a bit back to the original post "posted a suicide note on another and then took an overdose of pills in front of his webcam" the kid did take pills on web cam( i didnt see the vid, but from the comments posted it appears as such). People are cruel, we have been since we started this whole living on earth thing and just because now we have the internet to show us instantaneously how inhumane we really are doesnt mean its going to stop anytime soon.


Non Conformist
Passenger said:
Yeah thats pretty sick of them edging him on.... I hope Karma slaps them on their ass hard.
Yeah me too, along with a few e-tards here aswell! Take care... BC


Smokes, lets go
wow, i wish i woulda been in the chat room before he took all those pills, i feel like i coulda been the one to talk him out of it... hell ive talked yummy out of killing himself, even ive thought about it before and i would never kill myself even in the worst case scenario... if i wanted to die i would probably go on a bank robbing spree until i got caught... or if i made it off with a million before then id quit either way though... wow i can't believe a guy would take his life over a girl, he said he supposable dosn't deserve.....

anyway the whole situation is fucked. those ppl who egged him on are going to hell if there is a place.


if you read his suicide note, youd see the girl was only one of the reasons. he talks about how he was a failure to everyone who loved him and that he brought only pain to his family and friends. in his head the best way to relieve everyone who cared about him of his failure was by quitting life.

Mister Postman

The Plant Pervert
I think his screen names alludes to a few of the problems he was dealing with. Screen names like Candy/Junkie, and feels_like_ecstacy all allude to the use of E, ecstasy, or mdma.

Most who have experimented with that shit will tell ya, that you feel on top of the world the day/night the drug is active in the system, but you pay for those great feelings dearly with a depression that can last for a day to weeks later for some peoples systems..

If you have bipolar disorder like this young man had since childhood or another mental defect this is not the kinda shit you want to be experimenting with as it will exacerbate the symptoms of bipolar disorder. All time highs followed by all time lows, which is the same way the disorder of bipolar presents itself.

Any loss of life is a loss. suicide is the utmost selfish thing one person could do.. No matter how much you hate yourself, no doubt you are loved more then u could possibly imagine by the people who fill ur days/nights. No matter how much you believe you hurt them or let them down with ur life choices.


i have to disagree with you on the selfish part. it may seem selfish to "us" looking on but in that persons mind, they are so completely defeated in every way. usually a person who commits suicides sees no other alternative. their life seems so hopeless its beyond the realm of our thoughts. i can not ever judge a person who takes their own life because i am not the one to judge. who am i to know how poorly this person was feeling. obviously this chap was taking e and anything else he could get his hands on....he was mentally ill, poor guy...that itself is very sad. i hope he is at peace now and that his family can find the strength to heal.

Mister Postman

The Plant Pervert
The fact that loosing a girl, loosing a job, being inflicted with a disease would cause you to end you life, and take ur life away from those who value you more then you value urself.. It's selfish. It's a permanent fix for what it usually a temporary problem.. Yeah your problems may be gone, but those who u left behind, quit on, and loved you go on with ur problems, and the unanswered questions long after ur single act of suicide. Suicide is always a selfish act IMO.

People loose jobs, get cancer/aids, loose woman, loose the ability walk, cant see, or speak, or are born with faces very similar to frankenstein, and yet they go on cherishing the life they were given. some deal with many of the above at the same time, but yet they never go on to kill themselves. The person who believes he deserves more then what he has, or is worse off then anyone else around him dealing with similar problems to the point of suicide is being very selfish IMO

Mental illness is a given with suicide. Many people think of suicide, want to commit suicide, may even try to commit suicide, but very few go against the laws of nature to survive at all costs, and succeed at there own suicide.
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i remember all the yummybud threads where ppl got off on telling him to kill himself, even mods.. some of them are posting in this thread. hypocrites..

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
yeh life is fuckn hard. and there is no mercy for the weak,,,,

if we still lived as hunters///gathers >> he would have already

been eat by the lion any way.

i feel worse for parents. who now have to deal with their sons suicide

on the public stage....

tired of hearing that it is the chat room members fault for egging him on,,,

maybe it because internet full of self pity seeking drama whores liek

yummybud,, and im fuckn stoner,, not a psychologist. if you have such

serious issues your ready to end your life,,, go to see a head doctor,,,

not an internet chat room...


Registered Med User
I think he probly brought a lot of realization to all those people eggin him on, probly taught them all to apretiate life a little more and there actions have an effect on others.
I believe suicide is a selfish act tho, someone so into themselves they dont think about who they might hurt and who might blame themselves for this shit.
I know from a lot of deaths that everyone always blames themselves afterwords, shit Ive felt like I coulda saved my folks when they died cuz I was gonna go pick um up but got caught up in somethin else and then they was gon like that. Now just think all the people blame'n themselves for this one. Also think of the effects of family, the cost of a barial, loss of work from mourning, all that shit that comes with a death....
Were all mentally ill one way or another, but suicide is selfish.

edit:so did yummybud kill himself yet? Hope not..(I got my money on a Spring suicide...)
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I have to admit, when i first heard this i thought "yummy finally off'ed himself"

But i have to say I laughed at the people that thought its soo horrible for those people to egg him on, so when yummy comes and makes a post begging for attention, if we keep throwing him -K and he kills himself, we should all feel bad? Seriously? I have a feeling this guy was the yummybud of that website, as most new articles say the moderators "knew" him...


~Resident Puck Bunny~
dude06version said:
i remember all the yummybud threads where ppl got off on telling him to kill himself, even mods.. some of them are posting in this thread. hypocrites..

I may not like Yummy, but I never told him to kill himself.


Un - Retired,
dude06version said:
i remember all the yummybud threads where ppl got off on telling him to kill himself, even mods.. some of them are posting in this thread. hypocrites..

think I told him to go jump off a cliff one day he was being a pratt
does that make me a hypocrite

back off the Mod bashing, the mods here do a fine job. If I thought a mod was out of line it would be delt with
in an appropriate manner, if you have any complaint bring them to me
don't just post remarks and casting doubt on the mods here



yeah, mods rawk! minus DLB of course
cant bash them... what
have you done to save this kid?
or make yummy feel better?
thats why i talk to yummy,
he just wants someone there.
and if it takes me talkin to hm to
keep him from doing something like
this, i will, any day any time.

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~Resident Puck Bunny~
lol My job as a Mod is to enforce the TOU and maintain the forums........I'm not a psychologist or case worker dude....


Am i the only one here who thinks it is odd/fucked up he was prescribes benzo's and opiates for bi-polar?? I can only see those two drugs making it even worse.

Mister Postman

The Plant Pervert
mangled said:
Am i the only one here who thinks it is odd/fucked up he was prescribes benzo's and opiates for bi-polar?? I can only see those two drugs making it even worse.

if you hurt ur back, or got a tooth pulled and didnt tell the emergency room doc or dentist you most likely would get perscribed an opiate painkiller. They r common, plus they are popular for getting high, and in my town school kids steal them from their parents and slang them for $2-10 a pop at school. As for benzo's they can be prescribed for things from seizers to painc disorders, to muscle relaxing, and so on. Lots of drugs have been shown to help certain things even though they were created for another. Benzos are one of those. it works wonderfully at slowly the central nervous system.

And yeah benzos, and opiotes are both central nervous system depressents and not usually prescribed together. the article did say one of the medications was prescribed to him, most likely the benzos, and the other was not
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Mister Postman

The Plant Pervert
it's very different telling yummy to go hang up (even though I personally wouldn't do it) then telling someone on a web cam DO IT, just do it you worthless looser stop waisting out time, go ahead do it, and then watch as he swallows a handfull of pills for the camera, falls off to sleep for HOURS as u watch his breathing slow and slow as time passes.

Yummy always comes back, and I have feeling when yummy finds the right lady he'll end up having a whole church of kids with her. yummy's will walk this planet forever I believe
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