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Kid Suicides on Live Video Feed Yesterday

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i offer up this.

hes dead. it was his wish. leave it at that.

at least they didnt bust him w/some weed.

the ppl egging him on had nothing to do w/his decision

how do u know when some1 is serious about suicide? When they r dead.


actually this may have been yummy...
he posted on that site :0
my condolences to this kids family and friends
what a sad ending to such a young life.
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Styles P

grapepunched said:
actually this may have been yummy...
he posted on that site :0
my condolences to this kids family and friends
what a sad ending to such a young life.

its not yummybud this kid had bitches all over him on his myspace.


Its COOL to DROOL!!!!!!
humanity is over rated, look at some of the comments made in this thread. I feel for his family, and for the peeps who egged him on, im sure they dont feel fanastic today.

Yo yummybud all the go kill yourself shit i ever said i take back dude...i was kidding obviously in bad taste.


~Resident Puck Bunny~

Father appalled by virtual audience to son's death
Updated Sat. Nov. 22 2008 8:40 PM ET

The Associated Press

MIAMI -- The father of a U.S. college student whose suicide was broadcast live over a webcam said Saturday he was appalled by the virtual audience that egged on his son and called for tougher regulation of Internet sites.

Abraham Biggs said those who watched and the website operators share some blame in his 19-year-old son's death.

"I think they are all equally wrong," he said.

"It's a person's life that we're talking about. And as a human being, you don't watch someone in trouble and sit back and just watch."

Police found Abraham Biggs dead in his father's bed Wednesday, 12 hours after he first declared on a website for bodybuilders that he planned to take his own life. He took a fatal drug overdose in front of an Internet audience. Although some viewers contacted the website to notify police, authorities did not reach his house in time.

Biggs, who has said he was at work during the episode, said he had not known about his son's online presence.

"I think after this incident and probably other incidents that have occurred in the past, they all point to some kind of regulation is necessary," Biggs said.

"I think it is wrong to have this happen for hours without any action being taken from the people in charge. Where were they all the time?"

The younger Biggs posted a link from the website to Justin.tv, which allows users to broadcast live with their webcams.

A computer user who claimed to have watched said after swallowing some pills, Biggs went to sleep and appeared to be breathing for a few hours while others cracked jokes. Some users told investigators they did not take him seriously because he had threatened suicide on the site before.

Biggs father said he believes the webcast was a cry for help.

"But rather than get help, he was ignored," Biggs said.

"I would not want to see anything like that on the Internet and not try and get help for that young man. I think that's what the average person would do."

"Any normal person would do. I'm really appalled."

Pembroke Pines Police Department Sgt. Bryan Davis said no new information on the case was available Saturday.

Biggs Sr. said funeral arrangements have not yet been set for his son, who he said loved helping others.

"He was a good kid. Good kid," Biggs Sr. said.

"It's a shame I wasn't there to help him. It's a big loss to me. I wish I was there to help him -- since nobody else would."

Miami lawyer William Hill said there is probably nothing that could be done legally to those who watched and did not act. As for whether the website could be held liable, Hill said there doesn't seem to be much of a case for negligence.

"There could conceivably be some liability if they knew this was happening and they had some ability to intervene and didn't take action," said Hill, who does business litigation and has represented a number of Internet-based clients.

But "I think it would be a stretch."

An autopsy concluded Biggs died from a combination of opiates and benzodiazepine, which his family said was prescribed for his bipolar disorder.

"Abe, i still wish this was all a joke," a friend wrote on the teenager's MySpace page.

In a statement, Justin.tv CEO Michael Seibel said: "We regret that this has occurred and want to respect the privacy of the broadcaster and his family during this time."

It is unclear how many people watched it happen. The website would not say how many people were watching the broadcast. The site as a whole had 672,000 unique visitors in October, Nielsen said.

Biggs was not the first person to commit suicide with a webcam rolling. But the drawn-out drama -- and the reaction of those watching -- was seen as an extreme example of young people's penchant for sharing intimate details about themselves over the Internet.
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Mister Postman

The Plant Pervert
suicide is no joke. No matter how empty you believe the threat to be, it's gotta be taken seriously. those folks who egged him on, no doubt are dealing with some fucked up twisted feelings today. Does it suprise me... not one bit. People get shot, stabbed, raped daily and even in those situations people would rather walk by quickly with blinders on rather then help a victom. I just saw on one of those crazy video shows last night, a mother and daughter walking along and getting absolutely creamed in the crosswalk by a car.. people kept right on walking by like they saw-heard nothing.

In 1996 my friend comitted suicide, cause when he called me I was to busy making macoronni and cheese to come over right away. Instead of 15 like I told him, I got there an hour and a half later just in time to help his frantic screaming mother remove his 6'4 280 lbs body down from the shower stall rail. Even though he never even threatened suicide to this day i hold some guilt for that. I get by through relaizing that at any given time he could of stood up, and took the pressure off his kneck. he was determined.

Till this day though it's fucking instant mac & cheese, or it's nothing.
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Active member
gramsci.antonio said:
oh come on! it's not their fault if he was depressed, or crazy, or something else!

you are stupid.

i live in suicide capital of the world

a guy between 20 and 40 kills himself each 17 hours

it's serious

and man if you don't have heart, then you are not down with the battle
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"I think after this incident and probably other incidents that have occurred in the past, they all point to some kind of regulation is necessary," Biggs said.

Alright, now he's out of line. Usually, people on the net don't take other people seriously 'cause there are too many attention seeking e-tards. Can't take everyone who cries wolf seriously. I know that if I witnessed something like that I would just assume the guy was trying to prank the audience--ie he's asleep. Yeah, it was fucked up, but it's not significant. National media hypes this up as if it's shocking news. The dude took his own life, big deal. Happens all the time. But because people on the internet witnessed it and did not notify an admin. sooner, its a travesty. Give me a break...


sunshine in a bag
Well, can't say I feel bad for the kid. The family and friends sure, I bet they have a reason to be sad as his own father even said he was a good kid.

Some people are just too ignorant to try to improve their situation in life. Killing yourself because you are in "love" (which I believe is an overly romanticised concept anyhow) with someone who doesn't reciprocate your feelings is stupid.

I've thought about killing myself, I think everyone has. I don't mean I've desired to do so, but when you think about suicide you think about killing yourself. Some people might think it's fucked up, and some might just feel indifferent about it all. I don't have a reason to, I enjoy life too much to stop now.

When the food and pussy get cold and my bones get stiff but my boners get limp I think I might think about speeding up the process, sure. But I'm far from that :)


Active member
ureapwhatusow said:
The true value of humanity is only realized whe we treat all the people of this earth as if their life was absolutley sacred

I feel bad for those involved, i truely belive what we put out comes back and in this case the actions and results seem true to my handle

perhaps everyone should understand fisrt hand the horrors his family is facing so they can KNOW what apathy feel like

Yeah thats pretty sick of them edging him on.... I hope Karma slaps them on their ass hard.
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