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Khat: drug crop from East Africa!

moses wellfleet

Well-known member
I have been cultivating this plant in my garden for fun. It provides a euphoric narcotic effect when the new shoots are chewed. The tiny winged seeds are released when the pods dry, they are much smaller and flatter than cannabis seeds. Can post pics of the actual plant if folks are interested, already some pics at my IG account!


Well-known member
back in the 70's, i ordered a pack of 'fresh' khat
and it did arrive packed in plastic and foil, kind of freaky looking
had a chew down that night, not sure how much effect since those were my drinking days


Well-known member
From what I'm reading it's similar to ephedrine.is this stuff safe?I'd be interested in growing it if it's worth it


Well-known member
From what I'm reading it's similar to ephedrine.is this stuff safe?I'd be interested in growing it if it's worth it

strangely enough, i was checking out some UN drug chart the other day
compared negative effects of various rec drugs, heroin the worst
and the least? khat! even less than cannabis
occasional use seems safe, long history of use

moses wellfleet

Well-known member
Ok I was told by an East African person that Khat is not narcotic but nootropic which means it is a cognitive enhancer, cant verify this info though.

It can grow into a small tree, but the idea is to top it as much as possible so it takes the form of a rounded shrub. the glossy new shoots contain the stimulants and are the parts that are chewed.


FYI folks, it's leaves are illegal in USA. Another plant with a ton of medical potential and general feel-good potion deemed evil by our big brother.

moses wellfleet

Well-known member
FYI folks, it's leaves are illegal in USA. Another plant with a ton of medical potential and general feel-good potion deemed evil by our big brother.
Yes quite correct. The U.S. has identified Khat production as a source of funding for Islamic terror groups like Al Shabaab. It is highly illegal in the U.S. far as I know!

In Britain it is legal, and widely available amongst Somalian people!

Edit: seems like some of my info is a couple years out of date, see replies below!
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pretty sure its not a nootropic, definitely not some crazy stimulant, its a glorified redbull/coffee, knew folks in kenya/ethiopia who would take it every morning going to work, it take years to produce iirc, uses loads of water and has a bad rep for staining teeth and bad breath.



In Britain it is legal, and widely available amongst Somalian people!

was banned few years back, medical community and charitys begged the government not to ban it, said it was harmless and that if they did, it would destroy yemen by taking away one of the biggest employers......that turned out fantastic.

moses wellfleet

Well-known member
Ok thanx for the update... All I know is I have 8 shrubs and they are flourishing :biggrin:

It's also a very decorative plant, beautiful copper/red glossy new shoots!

Interesting to note that it is very difficult to kill the plant. It will sucker from the base after a fire and get back to a large size very quickly. Even if you rip the whole plant out the ground any remaining roots will send out shoots!

Green Squall

Well-known member
A passage from Treason's Harbour. Book 9 in The Aubrey Maturin Series.

The Turks were coming along surprisingly well. Stephen and Martin were with them, and they too sat cross legged on the floor in the sensible eastern way, wedged against the side of the ship and padded with all that was available in the way of cushions. They were all very quiet, sitting there as placidly as a band of domestic cats round a fire, staring at nothing in particular and saying little more. They smiled at him gently and made slight welcoming motions with their hands: Jacks first impression was that they were all dead drunk, but then recollected that the Turks and Arabs were Mussulmans, that he had never seen Stephen effected by wine and that Martin would rarely take a second glass.
"We're chewing khat,' said Stephen, holding up a green twig. It is said to have a tranquilizing, sedative effect, not unlike that of the coca leaf of the Peruvians."



Well-known member
So if I grow this stuff I might get treason cause I'd be supporting and could be a member of Isis? I might have to stay away from this stuff.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
lol yeah..shithawk, it bears thinking about, especially if you have a nice tan and a beard.

Khat is a sort of stimulant, and the Arabs/Africans like it so much because it's so bloody hot over there Khat stimulates them enough to keep them awake, and not be cowed to slumber due to the insufferable heat. It's popular in social circles because it induces conversation.

moses wellfleet

Well-known member
I chewed some yesterday afternoon. Enough to make my cheek bulge as I was told to do. I would say the effects are similar to good coffee. It also kept me awake long past my bedtime. It was interesting, may even do it again! Don't know if it is worth the risk of becoming radicalized though? :biggrin:

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
I chewed some yesterday afternoon. Enough to make my cheek bulge as I was told to do. I would say the effects are similar to good coffee. It also kept me awake long past my bedtime. It was interesting, may even do it again! Don't know if it is worth the risk of becoming radicalized though? :biggrin:

Well, I dunno about getting radicalized, to me it sounds alot like getting run over. But if you do really want that middle eastern experience we could go down to the local mosque and hit the prayer mat for a while, then go to the place of the hubbly-bubbly pipes and hot tea, then afterwards there is a workshop on making special disposable waistcoats for the middle east, which is always amusing.

There is usually some wallah outside the mosque flogging Khat, but be warned it could be a Scotland Yard/MI6 set-up, if you must indulge.

Could be a laugh...lol