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KENYA Strains???


Active member
Hi guys :wave:

A friend of mine is from kenya, and she is going back to visit family/tribe in march.

she asked me if i wanted her to bring me something back ....Ummmmm yeahhh.....I want some seeds please.

she is gonna send me some beans so that she doesnt have to fly/travel with them. she tells me stories for days about the "crazy weed" there.

I asked her if she knew what strains they had (assuming its all landrace stuff)...she doesnt know, she says it just grows wild. And she hasnt smoked since she moved here. she doesnt know that I grow, she thinks I'm just gonna toss 'em in my veggie garden for fun.

anyway, does anyone here know the names of any strains that may be native to kenya?...I've tried to google some stuff, but there doesnt seem to be much info ...something named "kisumu sativa" came up but further research failed due to kisumu being a town or something w/ all kinds of info on its own.

I just figured someone here may have an idea, and if I mentioned it to her it may ring a bell.

She has told me the name of her tribe several times, but it is eluding my memory right now, I can find out if that would make any difference in nailing down what strain she may be sending me.

thanks for any help guys

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